Saturday, March 21, 2015

Fwd: re rick warren, saddleback 35th birthday party @ Angel Stadium

 re rick warren,
35th birthday party
@ Angel Stadium
oc register 3/21/15 & Kay Warren)

I will be there at the 35th birthday party today at Angel Stadium, and want to offer this prayer in advance for Rick Warren and all the saddleback church workers & volunteers & attendees & potential new believers ready to be baptized...we ask our Good Lord to be with us all at Angel stadium today...fill us with Your Holy Spirit...fill us with the, joy, peace, kindness, patience, perseverance, al...let us be LIVING PROOF of your love for the world, God! And we continue to seek greater unity amongst the BODY OF CHRIST...catholics, protestants, orthodox, and all true Christ believers...let us come together and work together for the greater good..simply Christians, saved by the blood of Your Son Jesus, Our Savior ! Hear our prayer, Lord !

"And we know that in all things God works
for the good of those who love him,..."

Romans 8.28

Fwd: "'60 Minutes' Sunday will Report on Plight of Christians in Iraq "

 "'60 Minutes' Sunday will Report on Plight
of Christians in Iraq "

"And we know that in all things God works
for the good of those who love him,..."

Romans 8.28

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Fwd: "Atlanta ‘prosperity gospel’ pastor calls on congregation to buy him a new $65 million jet"

"Atlanta 'prosperity gospel' pastor calls on congregation to buy him a new
$65 million jet"

"And we know that in all things God works
for the good of those who love him,..."

Romans 8.28

Fwd: "15 Phenomenal Female Circus Performers"

"15 Phenomenal Female Circus Performers"

"And we know that in all things God works
for the good of those who love him,..."

Romans 8.28

MORE TEETH KNOCKED OUT:"St. Patrick's Day Could Be Dentists' Pot of Gold" - NBC News

DON'T DRINK,JUST PRAY!"St Patrick's Day: Who was Saint Patrick and how did Ireland's patron saint go global?"

TRAGIC"Montana man drowns in ocean while saving son during vacation" | Daily Mail Online

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

"Planet Fitness Revokes Woman’s Membership After Speaking Out About Man in Womens’ Locker Room "

DON'T TEXT & WALK: "Woman hit by train while texting... and survives"


audio 3/9//15
RADIO HOST RANTING ABOUT UCI STUDENTS TRYING TO BAN USA FLAG: THIS STORY has gone viral ! crazy too because I live near UCI and often attend events, basktball games, etc, so it's close to home so to speak. ; in response to what's been happening at UCI,
 I found this story

It's a shame that some students feel the USA flag is offensive...actually I think it's just a few with an's a hidden agenda..this radio guy talked about that too (not heard on this clip)... same thing as happens inside the LAUSD  (and I hate to say it, but sometimes it is, in part, an  anti-white agenda)

...the agenda, in part, is FEAR of the proud white American holding up the red-white-&-blue flag the way we used to do; I'm old enough to remember healthy, good, American pride; we still have it in our hearts but we can't express it anymore because of the AGENDA that's happening in America; it's a shame, but don't let go of your love & pride for America & God. Hang on! This won't last forever. And don't allow it to become "white pride" or anything racist, but let it be what it has always been..American pride about positive, healthy, honest, good,strong, loving, caring American values...almost synonymous with the Fruits of the SPirit in the Bible...another thing that they don't want us to talk about except in church.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Fwd: (12) Audio3/3/15 NETANYAHU SPEAKING to USA CONGRESS re IRAN NUCLEAR DEAL(excerpt12),(let us PRAY 4 godly wisdom by our leaders!) :24seconds

(12) Audio3/3/15 NETANYAHU SPEAKING to USA CONGRESS re IRAN NUCLEAR DEAL(excerpt12),(let us PRAY 4 godly wisdom by our leaders!) :24seconds

"Transcript of Netanyahu’s AIPAC Speech" | The Jewish Press

"Transcript of Netanyahu's AIPAC Speech"
| The Jewish Press

(13) Audio3/3/15 NETANYAHU SPEAKING to USA CONGRESS re IRAN NUCLEAR DEAL(excerpt13),(let us PRAY 4 godly wisdom by our leaders!) 1:05seconds

(13) Audio3/3/15 NETANYAHU SPEAKING to USA CONGRESS re IRAN NUCLEAR DEAL(excerpt13),(let us PRAY 4 godly wisdom by our leaders!) 1:05seconds

'"Canadian pastor reported missing after trip to North Korea" -

SPOOKY:"Burial site including 200 skeletons found under Paris shop" | Daily Mail Online

"Skiers trapped in Alps after 50-tonne rock blocks main mountain road" | Daily Mail Online