Thursday, June 25, 2015

"Google exec dies at Cannes Lions festival"

 "Google exec dies at Cannes Lions festival"

SAN FRANCISCO — A Google executive died after
being struck by a taxi while in town for the Cannes
Lions advertising festival this week."

"And we know that in all things God works
for the good of those who love Him,..."

Romans 8.28

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

"Millionaire loses fortune after adopting 75 sick and abandoned children"

"... woman who was once a millionaire is now in debt
after she spent all of her money adopting 75 sick and
abandoned children.
Even though she's lost the fortune she spent almost 20
years building, 46-year-old Li Lijuan, from Wu'an
County in China, is still dedicated to supporting her
foster sons and daughters,..."

IS THIS THE ARTICLE GLENN BECK IS UPSET ABOUT?"Leonard Pitts Jr.: A racist hate crime, pure and simple "| Miami Herald Miami Herald

I just heard part of Beck's show this morning,& he was ranting about a Miami Herald story that libeled him. IS THIS IT?

"And Glenn Beck's professed confusion about the
shooter's motive? It is simply bizarre that a man who
once famously dubbed President Obama "a racist"
based on no evidence beyond the voices in his head
has such difficulty being that definitive about a white
man who drove 100 miles to shoot up a black church.
A few days ago, a Toronto Star reporter tweeted .."

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

IF NOT AN INDIAN,IT WOULD re-WRITE AMERICAN HISTORY:"'Kennewick Man' Mystery Over: He's Native American "

I remember a mechanic excitedly telling me about this story a year ago,& I googled it.Now its coming up again. Of course,if it is determined that the oldest human in north America was not of Indian (native-American) persuasion,it would change everything,wouldn't it?!

Monday, June 22, 2015

(shameful) ABC,UK MIRROR,UK DAILY MAIL FAIL DUE DILIGENCE: "The Left Falls Victim to Another Hoax that Fits Their Narrative"


"The Left Falls Victim to Another Hoax that Fits Their Narrative...Morgenstern told Accuracy in Media,
"Every media outlet that reported this ought to be
ashamed. The most elementary due diligence would've
revealed that Newslo, the source of the 'story,' is a
fake news outlet—kind of like The Onion but not
funny. A freshman writing for his/her high-school
newspaper would've been fired for less."

"Forty Rescuers Try To Save Man Trapped In Cave"

Sunday, June 21, 2015

SUMMER BEGINs!"Summer solstice marked with Stonehenge party" - CBS News

"About 23,000 sun-watchers gathered on the Salisbury
Plain about 80 miles southwest of London, police
said. But with the sun visible only briefly, the..."

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Cool! "Cannon among Spanish Armada relics found off Ireland" -

A number of cannons, timbers and an anchor from La
Juliana, one of three Armada ships wrecked off the
coastline in 1588, have been recovered by divers for
Ireland's heritage ministry..."

Saturday, June 13, 2015

MILLIONAIRE LIVES OUT OF SUITCASE (but still has his fortune):"A Curious Midlife Crisis for a Tech Entrepreneur"

This is a nice story,almost Biblical,but he has not taken the final step of giving everything away,and following Jesus.MILLIONAIRE LIVES OUT OF SUITCASE (but still has his fortune):
"A Curious Midlife Crisis for a Tech Entrepreneur"

Friday, June 12, 2015

Re TPP,WHY CAN'T WE READ IT? "Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement" | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Why You Should Care
TPP raises significant concerns about citizens' freedom
of expression, due process, innovation, the future of the
Internet's global infrastructure, and the right of
sovereign nations to develop policies and laws that best
meet their domestic priorities. In sum, the TPP puts at
risk some of the most fundamental rights that enable
access to knowledge for the world's citizens.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

KatherineChappell (GODZILLA,NOAH,DIVERGENT): "Game Of Thrones editor killed in lion attack"

"Katherine Chappell, a visual effects editor who worked on Game Of Thrones and Captain America: The Winter Soldier, among other projects, has died. She was 29..."

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

"Fully-dressed 17th century noblewoman unearthed in France"

"...The remains are most likely those of Louise de Quengo,
a widow of Breton nobility who died in 1656 when she
was in her 60s..."

SHE TAKES THE KIDS TO A SEX SHOP?! "Sex-Ed Teacher's Field Trip Angers Parents "| Newser Mobile

"(NEWSER) – A sex-education teacher
has drawn the ire of parents after
taking middle- and high-school
students on a field trip to an adult
novelty store in Minneapolis. Gaia
Democratic School director Starri
Hedges took about a dozen students
to the Smitten Kitten last week...."

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

LOOKS FUN ! "The Last Generation of Zipliners: This Small Chinese Village May Have to Give Up Centuries-Old Tradition" - ABC News

"The Last Generation of Zipliners: This Small Chinese Village May Have to Give Up Centuries-Old Tradition"

"And we know that in all things God works
for the good of those who love Him,..."

Romans 8.28