Monday, February 29, 2016

Fwd: 34 MILES OF ICE: "I-75 backup in Kentucky: Hundreds stranded overnight" -


"God exalted Jesus to the highest place & gave Him the name that is above every other name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should BOW, in heaven & on earth & under the earth, & every tongue CONFESS  that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." Philippians 2:9-11

CHINA BULLYING PHILIPPINES? "Philippines asks China to respect sea dispute arbitration" | Reuters

INSIGHTFUL: "ISIL and the misuse of the imagination" - Al Jazeera English

"The pursuit of meaning is a basic human need, not an
indulgence, and, if not directed positively, it can be
rechannelled destructively towards terribly cruel acts by
some manipulating us into deceptions.

CAN 'BUCKS COMPETE in ITALY? "With Humility, Starbucks Will Enter Italian Market"-

HE KNEW THE CHALLENGER WOULD EXPLODE: "30 Years After Explosion, Challenger Engineer Still Blames Himself"

"The night before the launch, Ebeling and four other
engineers at NASA contractor Morton Thiokol had
tried to stop the launch. Their managers and NASA
overruled them.
That night, he told his wife, Darlene, "It's going to
blow up."

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Wow,PRAY4,, 36 KILLED: "Russian Coal Mine Accident in Vorkuta Kills 36, Including 5 Rescuers" - NBC News

" — A total of 36 people were killed at a coal
mine in Russia's far north where a methane gas leak
triggered three explosions that resulted in a raging fire
and the collapse of the mine, officials said Sunday.

(Or who ordered it?) WHO KILLED BORIS? "Thousands of Russians Mark Anniversary of Opposition Leader’s Murder"

"More than 20,000 Russians marched through central
Moscow Saturday to honor the memory of opposition
politician Boris Nemtsov, who was killed in the
shadow of the Kremlin one year ago..."

(Sickening,saddening) PRAY4 SOULS: "Indian man stabs 14 family members to death, hangs self " CBS News

"NEW DELHI - A man in western India fatally stabbed
14 members of his family, including seven children,
early Sunday before hanging himself, police said.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

$600 PEARL: "Woman bites rare pearl while dining at Italian restaurant "- NZ Herald

"She took it to a gemologist, who determined it was a
Quahog purple pearl worth about $600."

FORECLOSURE HYPOCRISY:"Three Colorado deputies shot, one killed in eviction fight" -

NOT TO DEFEND THE USE OF FORCE BUT there does seem to be a disconnect when we spend billions to bail out wall street,but we can't save people's homes in their old age.
"Cpl. Nate Carrigan, a 13-year veteran of the sheriff's
office, was shot dead and two others were wounded by
the gunfire -- one seriously. Wirth was himself killed
when deputies returned fire. It wasn't immediately
known how many deputies were involved in the

(To prevent accident)WALES: "Police run over, kill dog on purpose "| Fox News


21 or 23? "Nepal plane crash: All 21 people on board feared dead "-


"Wreckage of plane carrying 23 people found in Nepal" | World news | The Guardian

TRUMP 68,CRUZ 11,RUBIO 9: "Trump wins Nevada caucuses "| TheHill

"Going into Tuesday's caucuses, Trump led with 68
delegates to Cruz's 11 and Rubio's 9. A total of 1,237
delegates are needed to win the nomination.
The Cruz-Rubio rivalry has deepened over the past
days with Cruz continuing to cast Rubio as too
liberal and Rubio accusing Cruz's campaign of dirty

BEWARE OF TALC: "Jury Awards $72M to Talcum Powder User" | Newser Mobile

"The evidence included internal memos that lawyers
argued showed that Johnson & Johnson was aware of the
link between talc and ovarian cancer for more than 30
years but covered it up. Fox's son, Marvin Salter, became
the plaintiff after her death. He tells the St. Louis Post-

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

VERY CREEPY, NO AUTOPSY: "Scalia: Silence of the lambs "| Jon Rappoport's Blog

They did NOTHING to confirm "natural causes".
Poisoning could have left Scalia looking the same way.
A few simple tests could have confirmed or denied "natural causes". If the president died in his sleep,would there be an autopsy? Without thinking or looking! A supreme court justice is just a little bit less significant than the president in terms of impact on national issues.In fact a justice may be more significant. But no autopsy.No suspicion. No investigation. Its creepy.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

"FBI Can Use Dead Suspects' Fingerprints To Open iPhones -- It Might Be Cops' Best Bet" - Forbes

"And despite suggestions Apple can't facilitate
this on iPhones, security experts say it can, even
on the latest hardware. "Apple can provide a
signed custom firmware image that can allow
the FBI to bruteforce the PIN without having to
worry about the phone wiping after 10 failed
attempts," Wardle noted, pointing towards
an excellent blog at Trail of Bits...."

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Friday, February 12, 2016

GREEDY APPLE: "Seattle law firm files first lawsuit against Apple over iPhone 'error 53' "

""No materials we've seen from Apple ever show a
disclosure that your phone would self-destruct if you
download new software onto a phone," Cochran said.
"If Apple wants to kill your phone under any set of
circumstances and for any reason, it has to make it
crystal clear to its customers before the damage is

Thursday, February 11, 2016

USA TO IRELAND,3 YEARS LATER: "How A Man's Message In A Bottle Met A Kindred Spirit Miles Away" : NPR

"On July 25, 2014, I threw bottle number 79, and
that's the one that made it to Cullenstown, Ireland,"
he says.
"It was Jan. 2. The kids went beach combing," says
Colm O'Grady, automotive technician.
His son and nephew recently found one of Baker's
bottles and ended up on the cover of the local
"The message inside was written by Ken and
Suzanne Baker, from Scituate, Mass., whic

Sunday, February 7, 2016

WOW! : "Zika: Who launched the fake-epidemic story in Brazil?"

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Zika: Who launched the fake-epidemic story in Brazil?
From: Jon Rappoport <>
CC: null


Zika: Who launched the fake-epidemic story in Brazil?

Explosive: The invention of an epidemic

by Jon Rappoport
February 7, 2016

(To read about Jon's mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here [].)

(Note: all source links for this article can be found at the blog post, here [].)

This is an article that explains a great deal---but, with apologies, it involves
a line of reasoning, in order to reach a conclusion. That means some readers (not
my regular readers) may find it odd. Some readers with short attention spans may
suddenly want to switch to a wrestling show or a shopping network. To them I say:
give this a try; it does have a payoff; it has its own kind of shock and surprise;
explosions do go off in the mind; it is like a ten-car pile-up on the interstate
in the fog, late at night; and there is a very nasty plot.
Out of nowhere, a month ago, we were told there was an outbreak of microcephaly
in Brazil: over 4,000 cases of babies born with small heads and brain impairment.
The Brazilian researchers then went in and took a closer look at that figure. They
walked it back and said there were, at best, only 404 confirmed cases of microcephaly.
Going from 4,000 cases to 404 cases was a revelation. It means there is no reason
to claim, so far, that there is an epidemic of microcephaly.
Then, another stunner. Of the 404 cases, only 17 "had a relationship with the Zika
virus." Therefore, obviously, there was no Zika-causing-microcephaly story, either.
Even in those 17 cases, the mere presence of the Zika virus was no evidence the
virus was causing microcephaly in 17 babies. A virus has to be more than "present."
It has to be there in huge numbers in an individual human. And the Brazilian researchers
haven't provided any evidence that Zika was present in huge numbers in any of the
17 babies.
There is more. The whole effort of the researchers was to show, if possible, that
Zika was present in all the 404 microcephaly cases. You see, they were doing preliminary
work. They were looking for the cause of microcephaly. And when you're on that
kind of hunt, you're trying to find some factor that is present in most or all
cases. Otherwise, it's not the cause.
The Zika hunting expedition failed miserably. The researchers actually showed that
Zika wasn't the cause.
Let me put it to you this way. 400 tourists staying a hotel fall ill with the same
symptoms. Researchers try to find the cause. They propose, as a preliminary idea,
that the tourists all ate apple sauce. So they interview the sick tourists, they
examine the contents of their stomachs, they talk to kitchen workers---and they
discover only 17 of the 400 tourists ate apple sauce. Conclusion? Apple sauce
is not the cause of the illness. There is no reason to claim it's the cause in
the 17 people who ate it, either. Apple sauce, as an explanation, is a complete
All right. So we have no evidence that there is a widespread epidemic of microcephaly.
And for those cases that do exist, we have no evidence, so far, that Zika virus
is the cause.
Given all this, a few new questions naturally arise. How did the notion that Zika
virus might be the cause suddenly appear in the first place? And who started the
story that there was an epidemic of microcephaly?
Let me take up that second question. Apparently, several doctors at two or three
hospitals in Brazil noticed more babies with microcephaly than usual. Their report
went to someone at the Brazilian health authority. And then a call went out all
over the country asking for reports of cases of microcephaly. Those reports came
in. They weren't necessarily accurate. When the numbers were added up, they came
to more than 4000.
Then, researchers began to sift through 3,670 of those reports to see what was actually
happening---and so far, they see only 404 cases of microcephaly.
Now let's look at the first question: who proposed the apple sauce? Who proposed
the idea that Zika, a virus known about since 1947, a virus which had never been
known to cause more than mild transient illness, a virus surely present in humans
all over the planet, was now suddenly wreaking great devastation in babies---deformity,
brain damage? Who made that very strange leap?
Here is a clue.
This is a quote from a World Health Organization press release, dated January 28,
2016: "WHO to convene an International Health Regulations Emergency Committee on
Zika virus and observed increase in neurological disorders and neonatal malformations":
"In May 2015, Brazil reported its first case of Zika virus disease. Since then,
the disease has spread within Brazil and to 24 other countries in the region."
This is clearly a deception. The first Zika case in Brazil, for a virus that's
been known about since 1947? In India, Zika has been known about ("Zika Fever")
for a long, long time. Discovering "the first" Zika case in Brazil has some special
meaning? As I stated above, it's well known that the virus causes only mild illness
and goes away in a short time. So why would anyone care about a Zika case in Brazil?
As for the WHO assertion that Zika has subsequently spread (like an epidemic) throughout
Brazil and 24 other countries, this is absurd. It would be like saying, "We discovered
a person driving a Volkswagen in Brazil. Since then, the occurrence of people driving
Volkswagens had spread across Brazil and 24 other countries." No, the drivers and
the Volkswagens were already there.
Why would researchers at WHO make this fundamental error? Why would they make this
preposterous claim?
Part of the reason leads back to a preoccupation with (actually, an obsession with)
hunting for viruses. Hunting for them, finding them, and then, based on no solid
evidence, claiming they cause various disease-conditions.
I'll continue with a further quote from the January 28 WHO media release:
"Arrival of the virus in some countries of the Americas, notably Brazil, has been
associated with a steep increase in the birth of babies with abnormally small heads...
A causal relationship between Zika virus infection and birth defects and neurological
syndromes has not been established, but is strongly suspected."
Notice the use of the phrase, "associated with." This is not true, as we've seen,
because the Brazilian researchers have found the Zika virus (or indirect evidence
of it) in only 17 of the 404 confirmed cases of microcephaly. There is no association.
There is disassociation. Remember, in order to begin to say a particular virus
is causing a disease, you must find it in almost all, or all, cases of that condition.
What WHO is pointing to, re Zika, doesn't even begin to approach this standard.
And as you can see from the above quote, WHO admits they have established no causal
connection between Zika and microcephaly.
Yet WHO has been spearheading the drive to blame Zika and, yes, invent the idea
that there is a "spreading epidemic" of Zika. Much of what you're reading and seeing
in the mainstream press about this "epidemic" comes directly out of WHO press releases
and director Margaret Chan's remarks.
WHO is determined to fabricate a viral epidemic and its causal connection to microcephaly.
Here is the final quote I want to highlight from the January 28 WHO media release:
"WHO's Regional Office for the Americas (PAHO) has been working closely with affected
countries since May 2015. PAHO has mobilized staff and members of the Global Outbreak
and Response Network (GOARN) to assist ministries of health in strengthening their
abilities to detect the arrival and circulation of Zika virus through laboratory
testing and rapid reporting. The aim has been to ensure accurate clinical diagnosis
and treatment for patients, to track the spread of the virus and the mosquito that
carries it, and to promote prevention, especially through mosquito control."
Notice the date mentioned in the quote---May 2015. That's when "the first case
of Zika" was discovered in Brazil. WHO sent people to the scene immediately. They
sent their virus hunters from GOARN, which is the WHO equivalent of the CDC's Epidemic
Intelligence Service (EIS). The virus hunters. Show them a situation; they will
find a virus and make an warranted claim about it and push the story forward.
That's what they've done, against all the counter-evidence. They've invented a
epidemic that doesn't exist, blaming it on a virus that has never caused serious
illness, and they've connected that virus, with no evidence, to microcephaly.
It would be like saying, "There was a 20-car crash on the interstate last night,
and three miles away, on a lonely road, a boy was walking with his dog. The boy
is the prime suspect. He is 'associated' with the car crash. And then, on top
of that absurdity, we discover that, on the interstate, we can only find two cars
that have collided, not 20."
But the biggest public-health agency in the world is sticking to its story about
the 20-car crash and its "association" with the boy walking his dog.
This does not indicate a mere error. This indicates a fixation. "We must find
a virus and claim it is the cause." It also indicates an intention to fabricate.
All right. We've now reached the end of the first part of my argument. Let's proceed
and go to motive.
For that exposition, I rely on the very well-known consequences of WHO making its
entirely unwarranted and bogus case: an epidemic can be announced. They (WHO) can
claim there is an epidemic caused by a spreading virus.
Follow me here. This is crucial. Merely saying there are some microcephaly cases
in Brazil, and they can come from many different causes---since any insult to the
developing fetal brain can bring about microcephaly---a toxic drug, a toxic pesticide,
the pregnant woman falls down a flight of stairs---merely saying there are some
microcephaly cases in Brazil creates no appearance of a contagious epidemic spreading
around the world.
For WHO, that's a non-starter. It goes nowhere. But linking microcephaly to a
virus and then "discovering" the virus has "broken out" of its "previous containment
in Brazil" and is "traveling around the world" and is "causing microcephaly"----now
WHO is in business.
Constructing these several garish lies and hooking them together achieves multiple
objectives. The people at WHO may be crazy, but they aren't stupid. They understand
how much hay they can make through their invention.
With the fairy tale about a galloping virus and its potential to create, in any
pregnant woman, brain damage to her developing baby, they have a scary epidemic
to run and manage and control. They have work, in the same way a movie director
has work with a good script that can sell vs. one that won't. Their allies can
rush to develop a (completely unnecessary) vaccine. When the vaccine is ready
(ready to make large profits), WHO can run that operation, too, by issuing all sorts
of alerts about the need to get vaccinated. WHO can also issue "health directives"
about "prevention" to every national government on Earth, thus cementing its superior
role as a leading planetary command-post.

In past articles, I've examined destructive agendas coalescing around multiple factors:
toxic vaccines; the promotion and induction of illness; "the virus" as a cover story
invoked to protect, for example, mega-corporations that poison populations with
pesticides; the in-utero-to-cradle-to-grave system of toxic medical care, and so
on. In this article, I just want to show how the invention of an epidemic occurs,
how it's done. How it's put together.
This is one aspect of the medical Matrix right in front of your eyes: the twisting
and curling and distorting and forcing of disparate data into one coordinated scenario
that, on analysis, completely falls apart.
Let me give it to you in one boiled-down imaginary quote:
"Okay, boys, this is what we have. Some cases of microcephaly in Brazil. Not many
confirmed cases. So, first thing, we have to blow that number up. Get rolling
on that. Next, we have this harmless dud of a virus, Zika, which we can find in
all sorts of people anywhere in the world. It means nothing, of course, but we're
going to make it mean something. We're going to claim it causes microcephaly.
Wow. Even I'm blown away by the sheer audacity of that. Once we make this spurious
connection, we can say women all over the planet are at risk. We can say the virus
is spreading and we can confirm that through testing--- because, as we know, it's
already there. It's been there forever. Anywhere. Everywhere. And we say, you
see, this virus that causes a horrible birth defect is spreading and popping up
in a dozen, 20, 40, 70 countries. Now we're in business. We potentially have the
fight-or-flight mechanism of the whole planet under our control. That's our goal.
Let's get to work and see how far we can take this Good Battles Evil fairy tale.
Remember, we're the Good. People need to be controlled. Otherwise, who knows
what they might do? We do the controlling."

You can find this article and more at [].

Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX,
and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in
the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private
clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated
for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing
articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin
Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has
delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative
power to audiences around the world.

Use this link to order []
Jon's Matrix Collections.

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Saturday, February 6, 2016

TWICE AS TALL AS WORLDS TALLEST: "World's tallest skyscraper will be a MILE HIGH and twice as tall as the Burj"

If approved the huge tower would be the tallest
building in the world, dwarfing the current
record-holder, the Burj Khalifa in Dubai which is
half as tall at 2,717ft (828m)...."

AT LEAST 11 DEAD: "Taiwan earthquake death toll rises as rescuers race to find survivors -" CBS News

Most people were caught asleep when the
magnitude-6.4 earthquake occurred at about 4 a.m., 22
miles southeast of Yujing. It struck only 6 miles
underground, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

MUST READ: "Zika: biggest news service in America absolutely clueless "| Jon Rappoport's Blog

Referring back to my original point about the Brazilian
researchers finding only 270 confirmed cases of
microcephaly, and then only six of those with the Zika
virus, the World Health Organization has taken that
information and spun it—and media outlets have
followed suit. The 270 Brazilian cases of microcephaly
are now coupled with the phrase: "…with evidence of
an infection."
Let me translate that clever piece of manipulation. The
implication is: all 270 cases also have the Zika virus.
That's what "infected" means.
Not just six cases with the virus. No. All 270 cases.
A lie...."

BIZARRE MISFORTUNE:"Colorado Woman in Labor Breaks Her Back, Loses Her Husband" | Newser Mobile


WHY NOT GO-FUND ME ?"Michigan Governor Wants $30 Million To Help Pay Bills For Lead-Tainted Water"

THE WAY "THE PEOPLE" ARE SOUNDING OFF SO OUTRAGED (rightly so that the poor people of Flint are being harmed by tainted water; but maybe wrongly so by aiming accusations at certain people) I WOULD THINK "THE PEOPLE" would be ready & willing to help out financially as well: