Tuesday, August 30, 2016

KILLED 4 DOZING? OR PROPAGANDA? "Kim Jong-un executes two North Korea officials 'using anti-aircraft gun' " Asia | News | The Independent

Ri Yong Jin, a senior official in the education ministry -- possibly minister -- was arrested for dozing off during a meeting with Kim and charged with corruption before being killed, the paper said. Former Agriculture Minister Hwang Min was purged over a proposed project seen as a direct challenge..."

Sounds cool "World Bog Snorkeling Championships - Muddy snorkeling championship "- Pictures - CBS News



kindness "Tourists Step Up To Help Residents Rocked By Central Italy Quake" : NPR

There were plenty of tourists in Italy when the quake shook. Some dropped their itineraries to come help. One of the only navigable roads into Amatrice is clogged with bulldozers and Italian emergency crews. A small group is making its way up the side of the road, young people wearing hard hats and..."


Thursday, August 25, 2016

"How Mylan, the maker of EpiPen, became a virtual monopoly "- The Washington Post

A two-pack of the injectors, which release epinephrine to stop an allergic reaction, has risen from less than $100 in 2007 to $608 today. Mylan said the company never intended for patients to pay the full price, expecting insurers would carry the load...."


CHEAPSKATE 'BUCKS "Judge OKs Class-Action Suit Over Starbucks Lattes " Newser Mobile



Wow! "Italy earthquake: Death toll reaches [at least] 247 amid rescue efforts " BBC News

"Dozens are believed trapped in ruined Amatrice, Accumoli and Pescara del Tronto, in mountainous central Italy.
Rescuers have advised journalists and bystanders to leave Amatrice urgently, as "the town is crumbling",..."



Wednesday, August 24, 2016

CHINA CHEATING "Saving the Seas From China's Bloated Fishing Industry"



"‘Where ya from?’ now an act of microaggression"



"Bombings in Thai Resort Town Kill 1, Injure 30"



MAYBE WORTH $1OO MILLION U.S. "The $137m pearl a fisherman kept for 10 years" - NZ Herald

HAPPY MEMORIES "Howard Johnson's restaurant to close, leaving only 1 more" :: WRAL.com

"Before falling on hard times, Howard Johnson took restaurant franchises to a new level. The orange-roofed eateries once numbered more than 800, with the New England-based restaurant chain predating the ubiquitous Howard Johnson hotels.
Howard Deering Johns..."



PACMAN FORGETS THE NEW TESTAMENT? "Manny Pacquiao Cites Bible Verses as Support for Reinstating Death Penalty "- Christian News Headlines

Oh, he does mention romans13. 4, but that's it? I get his point nonetheless. Philippines is apparently fighting serious drug issues

"I speak before you because of the signs of urgency on the issue of drug problem which has become alarming as it gets worse each day," Pacquiao told fellow senators.
"So, on the issue of the death penalty, I could not help but consult the Bible," he continued. The first verse he shared is Genesis 9:6, which states: "Whoever sheds human blood, by human shall their blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made mankind."..."



RIO MAYBE MORE WRONG THAN SWIMMERS "Ryan Lochte, U.S. swimmers never questioned about alleged Rio vandalism"

Rio state judge João Batista Damasceno compared the incident to a landlord collecting rent from a tenant — with a gun in his hand. Even if the money is owed, force cannot be used, he said.
"This security guard or any other person can run after the person" who is fleeing the scene, Damasceno said. "They get you, hold on to you and call the police, which will eventually accompany that person to the station."
An open question is whether..."

Saturday, August 20, 2016

DID HE GET WHACKED BY CLINTON GOONS? "Arkancide: lawyer of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange dead "

By all indications, Jones had everything to live for. He was only 48 years old, a successful, well-regarded attorney who lived in a £1.5 million home in Hendon, north London, with his beautiful and accomplished wife, 40-year-old Dr. Misa Zgonec-Rozej, director of an international law consultancy, and their two young..."


NEWS BREAK ! "Sea shells were used as necklaces and bracelets up to 42k years ago" | Daily Mail Online



MEXICAN GANGSTERS R DESPICABLE "Mexico police executed 22 people [gangsters] in raid last year"



TROUBLE IN PARADISE [only Montana so far] "Much of popular Yellowstone River closes after thousands of fish die " The Orange County Register

"The closure could last for months if river conditions don't improve and fish keep dying, according to officials from Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks. It extends to hundreds of miles of waterways that feed into the Yellowstone, including the Boulder, Shields and Stillwater rivers...."



"Louisiana flood: Worst US disaster since Hurricane Sandy, Red Cross says " CNN.com



Wednesday, August 17, 2016

EVIL KITE FLYERS "Two children die after kite string cuts throats in India"

Glass-coated strings are used to bring down competitors' kites.
The use of sharpened strings is already banned across several Indian states
. But kite flying enthusiasts still use it, despite scores of people having been either killed or injured over years.
The police in New Delhi are invest... "



URBAN MYTH "Scientists make final call on ‘chemtrails’"



Tuesday, August 16, 2016

"Fort Myers man drowns after saving wife from rip current | " WINK NEWS



"Japan bear attack: Gunma Safari Park employee killed in own car " ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)



EAT MORE DOG SAYS NK NUT JOB "Kim Jong-un labels dog meat a 'superfood' "- NZ Herald

"North Korea is encouraging its starving population to eat more dog meat by suggesting it contains more vitamins than chicken, beef, pork and duck.
The country, which is ruled by tyrant Kim Jong-un, is still promoting the dish as a traditional "stamina food".
DPRK Today, a North Korean YouTube..."



LUCKY LUCKY , OR WAS IT INTENTIONAL? "Chinese woman 'survives 38 hours in sea' after falling from cruise " - BBC News



Milwaukee "- Violence in US after suspect shot dead by police"



Saturday, August 6, 2016

Friday, August 5, 2016

Hmm "The Mystery Of Why Sunflowers Turn To Follow The Sun — Solved ": The Two-Way : NPR



Very cool! "Swedish church to use drones to drop Bibles in ISIS-controlled Iraq " Christian Action Network

The Livets Ord (Word of Life) church in Uppsala in the north of Sweden has said it will use drones flying at high altitude to release thousands of small, electronic Bibles into Iraq.
"The Bibles are the size of...""


"[Evangelical] Escape Artist Anthony Martin to Attempt Daring Low Altitude Jump [handcuffed] " Christian Newswire

- Nationally recognized escape artist and Christian Evangelist Anthony Martin has announced plans to attempt a daring low altitude handcuff jump, August 12, 2016 at 2:00 P.M. in Ottawa, Illinois. The escape artist will be handcuffed by an Illinois State Police Officer (retired) before donning a parachute and leaping from ..."



"Federal Court: Evidence Indicates IRS Still Targeting Conservatives "» Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

"Not only has the IRS not truly forsworn targeting, the court said: it's even continuing to hassle some of the same conservative plaintiffs!" Olson added...."

" If u declare with your mouth,
“Jesus is Lord,” &
 believe in your  
that God
 raised Him
 from the dead, 
u will be saved." 
                                            Romans 10.9

GREETINGS ! I INVITE U2 accept JESUS CHRIST AS YOUR LORD & SAVIOR TODAY, RIGHT NOW, OR ANYTIME, & BE SAVED ! Don't wait until it is TOO LATE. Don't Hesitate. The consequences are TOO GREAT.! Humble yourself. You CANNOT do it alone. None of us can. Guaranteed 100% FAILURE RATE for those who try to GO IT ALONE. Kneel down now and say to Jesus, "Sorry & Thank you, I surrender to YOU, LORD, & Commit my LIFE 2 U, now & forever" 

"Some common questions about killer bees menacing Arizona " Local News Stories | havasunews.com

