Friday, January 20, 2017

"Survivors Found Trapped In Rubble Of Hotel Hit by Avalanche" : The Two-Way : NPR

Thoughts prayers "Tehran fire: Twenty firemen killed as high-rise collapses " BBC News

"Children among 25 feared dead in Italian hotel avalanche " News24

"Man killed by crocodile in Australia's Northern Territory" - BBC News

" If u declare with your mouth,
“Jesus is Lord,” &
 believe in your  
that God
 raised Him
 from the dead, 
u will be saved." 
                                            Romans 10.9

GREETINGS ! I INVITE U2 accept JESUS CHRIST AS YOUR LORD & SAVIOR TODAY, RIGHT NOW, OR ANYTIME, & BE SAVED ! Don't wait until it is TOO LATE. Don't Hesitate. The consequences are TOO GREAT.! Humble yourself. You CANNOT do it alone. None of us can. Guaranteed 100% FAILURE RATE for those who try to GO IT ALONE. Kneel down now and say to Jesus, "Sorry & Thank you, I surrender to YOU, LORD, & Commit my LIFE 2 U, now & forever" 

ACCIDENT OR HIT JOB? "Brazilian Corruption Investigator Killed In Plane Crash : " The Two-Way : NPR

"Justice Teori Zavascki had been strongly driving the #Carwash investigation in the Supreme Court. It is hard to believe this was a mere accident," tweeted the director of Brazil's National Association of Prosecutors, Alan Mansur...."

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

[I used to drive thru Mexico periodically] Thoughts and prayers : "Teen shoots four, kills self at private school in northern Mexico" | Reuters

"The 15-year-old student pulled out a handgun inside a classroom at the bilingual Colegio Americano del Noreste and began shooting, the officials said, critically wounding three of his victims before turning the pistol on himself...."

"Bought Milk? You May Be Eligible for $70 in These 15 States" | TIME

SICKENING "Teens throw brick through cab, fracture woman's skull "- NZ Herald

"Journalist shot dead in Honduras " News24

DO THEY GLOW in the DARK? "Czech boars still radioactive 31 years after Chernobyl " | Boston Herald

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

BEWARE "The Definitive Field Guide to Anti-Trump Black Bloc Terrorists"

HEARTWRENCHING "India teenagers die taking selfies with train " BBC News

"While taking photos, they (the teenagers) saw a train heading towards them and moved aside. But another train came from the opposite side, and they were stuck between the two. The victims were hit by one of the trains," The Indian Express quoted a police..."

WASH POST HEADLINES re TRUMP look like WHITE HATE [ie they simply hate Trump b/c he's white ]


Washington Post
Despite Trump's flashy credentials, the...
More than 40 Democratic lawmakers will skip...
Where was Donald Trump when John Lewis was...
'Never Trump' national-security experts fear...
Trump's NATO, E.U. comments fuel fears of a...
Trump: German automakers will pay tariff on cars...
Trump national security spokeswoman declines post...
Trump has absolutely no idea what black America...
Trump gets no respect. That's because he...
Trump's presidency is doomed

Monday, January 16, 2017

The REAL MLK: "Was MLK's Dream Sincere, or a Con?"

.". The real King stands in stark contrast to our current pop image of him. An avowed democratic socialist who called for the redistribution of wealth in several speeches and sermons, Martin Luther King was loathed in many quarters. He was stalked..."

" There is considerable evidence that he was not a Democrat. Martin Luther King Sr. was a Republican, that would almost certainly make his son a Republican. Only after his son was arrested did King Sr. plead to President Kennedy for his safe release. It is..."

MLK a REPUBLICAN? "Martin Luther King "- Conservapedia

" There is considerable evidence that he was not a Democrat. Martin Luther King Sr. was a Republican, that would almost certainly make his son a Republican. Only after his son was arrested did King Sr. plead to President Kennedy for his safe release. It is..."

MEXICO IS THE WILD WEST"At least four dead, 12 hurt in gunfight at Mexico music festival: organizers " Reuters

"Turkish cargo jet crashes into Kyrgyzstan village, killing 37"


Wednesday, January 11, 2017

THEY HAVE UNMARKED HOLES [wells ] HERE & THERE? "Serbian 'miracle man' survives -20C ordeal in well " BBC News

The American mind can't comprehend such a thing. We have so much legal warnings for every potential pitfall & obstacle, but this is the status quo in many parts of the world. An open hole, keep your eyes open.

"Mr Milic was discovered by neighbour Goran Markovic, who says Mr Milic's poor sight probably explains how he did not see the five-metre-deep (16-foot) well and fell into it...."

"Deaf sailor who rescued yachtsman beats Olympic heroes to award "- The Scotsman

Sunday, January 8, 2017

CHRIS ASHCRAFT SURVIVES "Video captures shooting of U.S. consular official in Mexico " The Washington

The wounded consular official in Guadalajara is Christopher Ashcraft , who is in his first posting with the State..."

WE WILL ALL HAPPILY CELEBRATE HIS DEATH 💀 DAY [or conversion to Christ] "North Korea's leader Kim Jong-un marks birthday without fanfare "- ABC News

Pray for the leader of North Korea to become a Christian .pray that he will be converted to Christ ,that he will repent of his sins & confess and kneel down ,bow down, to Jesus our savior ...that he light will shine through to North Korea. hear our prayer O Lord, Father Son and Holy Spirit

Alert: ANTI-WHITE HATERS R STARTING TO ACT OUT THEIR EMOTIONS "‘I hate white people!’ Black man pushes white in front of train"

"Venezuela: Basketball star Manaure 'confirms' son kidnapped "- BBC News

"S Korea monk self immolates in WW2 Japan sex slavery protest -" BBC News

Thursday, January 5, 2017

"American nuclear bomber loses engine in flight " The Independent

wow, FROM the BC ERA [before Christ] "Ancient Chinese sword unearthed after 2,300 years by archaeologists is still shiny " The Independent

"The artefact is believed to be from China's Warring States period, from around 475 to 221 BC, when the Zhou Dynasty region was divided between eight states which..."

Cool 😎 in UK "Man follows hunch, says he's uncovered lost city"

With help from some 1,000 volunteers, Wilson says he has so far discovered eight buildings, and he intends to spend 2017 working on the remains of what he believes is a manor house surrounded by a moat...."

It's CERTIFIED REALLY REALLY BAD, but Y the OBSESSION w/ CLASSIFYING IT GENOCIDE? "What’s happening in Aleppo is ‘genocide,’ activist claims"

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

"The surprisingly cutthroat race to build the world’s fastest elevator -" The Washington Post

Un-bee-liev-able, PODESTA'S PASSWORD WAS 'PASSWORD' ?! "WikiLeaks' Assange: 'A 14-year-old kid could have hacked Podesta' emails " Fox News

That's the 1st password every amateur hacker tries.

"Podesta gave out that his password was the word 'password'. His own staff said this email that you've received, this is totally legitimate. So, this is something ... a 14-year-old kid could have hacked Podesta that way."
Assange also claimed that...."

WHY? "Man Drowns in Frozen Pond After Betting Coworkers He Could Walk Across It " »

At 330am? Was he alone? Or were they watching him?

"Knife-wielding attacker stabs 11 kids at Chinese kindergarten " Fox News

U GOTTA LET GO OF THE POLE "Man survives six hours treading water after marlin drags him off boat"

Sunday, January 1, 2017

thoughts and prayers, LONE 🔫 GUNMAN? "Istanbul new year Reina nightclub attack 'leaves 39 dead' " BBC News

Despite there being no official statement about who might be behind this brutal attack, the finger of blame is being pointed at the so-called Islamic State.
In the last two years of attacks in Turkey, Kurdish militants have..."