Saturday, December 16, 2017

PRAY the NEWS update 5, 12/16/17 LARGE PRINT


"Islamic State's self-styled capital is in ruins and its population scattered. Who will rebuild Raqqah?

"95-Year-Old Marine Fights Burglar, Daughter Chases Him Through Town"...Fred's motivated 51-year-old daughter Mary then took off after Wells, chasing the burglar for six blocks before catching and holding him for police. "I was mad because of what he did to my dad," Mary said. "We jumped over two fences ..."

"'Free-for-all' at U.S. border reveals disturbing trend "Agents are also seeing some Brazilians crossing into California from Mexico. Brazilians have a history of coming through Texas. The agent thinks he knows why more are choosing California now. "Word is getting out that these checkpoints are understaffed and that California is a sanctuary state," he said.