Wednesday, May 23, 2018

"Is Google a monopoly? ’60 Minutes’ revisits long-running question"

"At least 60 dead as Pakistan's Karachi sizzles in heatwave '' | News | Al Jazeera

MUST NEGOTIATE HUMAN RIGHTS "Kim-Trump Peace Talks Are a Tragedy for North Korean People " Time

According to Kang Chol-hwan, author of Aquariums of Pyongyang and founder of the North Korea Strategy Center, the Moon administration has slashed funding for his Seoul-based organization and other defector groups. Moon has also stopped the peaceful and creative advocacy of defectors as they attempt to float leaflets with news from the outside world into North Korea via balloons, and he has dismantled speakers on the DMZ that were blasting information to the North Korean army on the other side.
For the DPRK, the..."

"Nine die as Tuticorin Sterlite Copper protest turns violent" - BBC News

Friday, May 18, 2018

"3 shot, 1 killed during graduation ceremony at Georgia high school"

"Dimitrios Pagourtzis ID'd as Santa Fe High School shooting suspect " Business Insider

BEATEN UP BY MEN of what RACE ? "Former Pro Wrestler Beaten In Front Of His Home Over Parking Spot " CBS Los Angeles

THOUGHTS ,PRAYERS "More Than 100 Killed When Plane Crashes After Takeoff From Havana Airport: State-Run Media " | KTLA

''8 to 10 Dead, Possible Explosives Found: The Latest on the Shooting at Santa Fe High School in Texas "

"Santa Fe High School: Up to 10 dead in shooting " BBC News

HEARTBREAKING "Santa Fe, Texas, School Shooting: At Least 8 Dead and Suspect in Custody " The New York Times

THOUGHTS PRAYERS ACTION "LIVE COVERAGE: Confirmed injuries after Santa Fe High School shooting; Suspect in custody "

Brooklyn "Barber Throws Man Through Window Because He Didn't Like His Haircut "

640am "Santa Fe High School on lockdown, active shooter on campus" – CW39 Houston

"Empty stomachs drive Venezuela soldiers to desert in droves'"

Sunday, May 13, 2018

"Winds in the High Desert blow bounce house with child in it onto a highway " Daily Bulletin

Its EXCITING & BORING "Lawsuit Filed to Stop Elon Musk’s Boring Company Tunnel Under LA "– IOTW Report

"Paris: Muslim “Allahu akbar” knifeman was migrant from Chechnya, was on watch list''

THOUGHTS PRAYERS ACTION!!! "Hundreds of thousands of children close to dying of hunger in Congo "

"Heavy rainstorms kill 15 in northwest Pakistan " | News24

"Kenya dam bursts, killing at least 45 " CNN

YES, WHAT ABOUT THE CONCENTRATION CAMPS ''What about Christians in North Korean labor camps?"

"I think what it points to is the people that we don't know, the ones that are not American citizens, the 50,000 or more…who are Christians in labor camps right now in North Korea today. They could fill a stadium in any city across America," said Curry.
Curry is pushing the U.S. to demand transparency from North Korea on the treatment of religious and political prison..."

MURDER-CO ''Mexico says round-the-world cyclists were murdered " - BBC News

"Fire breathing dragon at Disney World parade bursts into flames " The Independent

Saturday, May 12, 2018

ABC,CBS,NBC BARELY MENTION GREAT MOMENT "Donald Trump's 'Most Wanted' ISIS news given cold shoulder by media's 'big three,' watchdog reports " Washington Times

& HOW THEY WILL BRING THEM BACK TO LIFE "A Complete List of Who Died in Avengers: Infinity War " | Time

How did Thanos get the final stone after it was obliterated? He reversed time. Likewise for those killed by Thanos. My guess.

Thoughts, prayers "India man kills self over [ erroneous] $13,000 electricity bill "- BBC News

DOES KIM JONG UN SEE THE LIGHT? OR SELF-SERVING ? "North Korea to hold ‘ceremony’ for dismantling nuclear test site in next two weeks "- ITV News

"Fighting kills 115 in western Yemen, officials say "| CBC News

Thoughts prayers action "Burundi village attack leaves 26 dead ahead of referendum " - BBC News

"Freed Americans Give Mike Pence Note Quoting Psalm 126 After Returning From North Korea "

PAKISTAN CHRISTIAN ACQUITTED OF BLASPHEMY "Blasphemy trial for Ahmed ends suddenly with ruling -" Mission Network News

"... being on trial for six months under false charges of blasphemy, brother Ahmed was acquitted by the court in Lahore, and his case has been dismissed. His reputation is intact. His good name has been upheld. And it's really nothing short of amazing as the typical blasphemy ..."

Pray4 "Broken Iran nuclear deal likely to affect Iranian Christians " Mission Network News

"We have seen repeatedly in the past that whenever international sanctions are put on Iran, the Iranian government usually turns up the heat on its minority — on the Baha'is, on the Christians, on the Jewish population — and they use them as a scapegoat to lash out on them. It becomes a specifically difficult time for the Christian population in Iran."..."

Thursday, May 10, 2018

" Full declaration

BREAKING! "Five top ISIS commanders captured in US-Iraq sting" The Straits Times

Two Iraqi intelligence officials said those captured included four Iraqis and one Syrian whose responsibilities included governing ISIS' territory around Deir el-Zour, Syria, directing internal security and running the administrative body that oversees religious rulings...."

Trump on Twitter: "Five Most Wanted leaders of ISIS just captured!"

Two Iraqi intelligence officials said those captured included four Iraqis and one Syrian whose responsibilities included governing ISIS' territory around Deir el-Zour, Syria, directing internal security and running the administrative body that oversees religious rulings...."

NAPPING WHILE BLACK ''Yale officers admonished the white student who called police on a napping black student " CNN

JUNE 12 is the BIG DAY "N Korea-US summit set for Singapore " BBC

HE'S ONLY TRYING TO WASTE TIME TO AVOID SPOTLIGHT ON REAL SCANDAL "Mueller should 'wrap up' his Russia investigation, Mike Pence says " The Independent

This pseudo-investigation (ie fake) is all intended to keep people distracted from the REAL CRIMES ( Comey,Clinton,et all)

WE LOVE THE RED MASAI, LEAVE THEM ALONE !! "Tanzania's Maasai evicted in favor of tourism, group says "- NZ Herald

ISRAEL v IRAN in SYRIA "Israeli strikes used 28 planes, fired 70 missiles " Russia | News24

THOUGHTS PRAYERS ACTION "Kenya dam bursts: At least 27 killed as hundreds forced to flee devastating flooding " The Independent

"WELCOME HOME! @RealDonaldTrump greets hostages as they return to America [photos] "

"Detained Americans released from North Korea arrive at Andrews Air Force Base " CLG News

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

FRIENDS OF KATHY GRIFFIN? "ISIS Threatens to Behead President Trump as New York City Burns " - American Security Today

THOUGHTS, PRAYERS "Car hits gator, caroms into tree, catches fire killing mom, kids "– Las Vegas Review-Journal

'Kim Jong Un of North Korea visits China to meet Xi Jinping ahead of summit with Donald Trump ' - CBS News

BLIND LEADING THE BLIND "New York attorney prosecuting Harvey Weinstein resigns amid sexual assault allegations " The Independent

"Official: 18 killed amid flooding, landslides in Rwanda "| Fox News

KANGAROO COURT, SHAMEFUL "Turkey sends American pastor back to prison" pray4 Andy Brunson

Pastor Andrew Brunson, an American citizen and leader of a small Protestant Christian church in Turkey for years, is facing up to 35 years in prison on "false terrorism and espionage related charges," the commission reported Monday.
"The judge's decision at the conclusion of today's hearing to dismiss all of the witnesses called by Pastor Brunson's defense without listening to a single minute of their testimony is simply unconscionable," said Sandra Jolly, the vice chair of the USCRIF.
She attended the ..."

Is the TIDE TURNING? "Federal judge rightly rebukes Mueller for questionable tactics" | TheHill

LIE UNTIL THE FUROR SUBSIDES, THEN QUIETLY ADMIT TRUTH "Many Died, Superintendent Lied " Frontpage Mag

As Runcie told the American Prospect , in 2013 he sought to close the "racial achievement" gap and noticed a "huge differential in minority students, black male students in particular, in terms of suspensions and arrests."
Like other programs aimed at shutting down the "school-to-prison" pipeline, PROMISE aims to help "students of color," and this opened the door for Nikolas de Jesus Cruz. Under the regime of political correctness, "Latinos" and/or "Hispanics" qualify as people of color, regardless of national origin or skin shade. So Cruz fit the "metrics" of the program and was not arrested, even though he should have been.
Had he been arrested, the February 14 massacre could have been avoided. FBI incompetence helped enable the "tragic accident," as ..."

"Boy Makes 'Miracle' Recovery After Parents Signed Away His Organs: 'No Explanation but God'"

"Apple Warns iPhones Have A Serious Problem"

Monday, May 7, 2018

"Albert 3K: Pujols gets 3,000th hit [a single] , Angels beat Mariners 5-0 "

Pujols became the 32nd member of the 3,000-hit club with a broken-bat single in the fifth inning of the Los Angeles Angels' 5-0 win over the Seattle Mariners on Friday night. He added another hit in the ninth inning to pass Roberto Clemente on the career list, a two-run single that also ensured the Angels would walk away with a victory..."

C'MON INDIA, U KNOW BETTER "India teen girl raped and set on fire in Jarkhand for second time in a week police say " CBS News

THOUGHTS, PRAYERS, ACTION "Nigeria Kaduna: Bandits slaughter 51 villagers "- BBC News

"Melania Trump News Conference Live Stream: How to Watch First Lady's Inaugural Presser "

THOUGHTS, PRAYERS "Suspected water contamination kills 10 Cambodians - and 120 are still ill " News24

26 HOMES DESTROYED "Hawaii volcano eruption news LIVE: Residents told GO NOW as lava and toxic gas spreads " Science | News |

NK CHRISTIANS NOT IMPRESSED,YET "North Korean Christians on summit peace talks: “This is not what we’ve been praying for.” - Mission Network News

"One of the things we have to look at is to say, 'Is North Korea offering anything new?' And the answer is no," says Foley. "North Korea always wants to focus the rest of the world's attention on its own belligerence towards other nations. So what they're saying here is, 'We will be less belligerent towards you in exchange for certain concessions.' But notice what North Korea is not willing to talk about, and that is the war on their own people. This is what North Korean Christians remind us to stay focused on."..."

Wow! "12-year-old boy sings every national anthem from memory — instantly" - San Francisco Chronicle

"Toddler, 3, is snatched and eaten by leopard at safari park in Uganda " Mirror Online

Sunday, May 6, 2018

"Indiana police officer fatally shot; suspect in custody " - Washington Times

Teenage passenger, 17, is arrested 'for opening his car door seconds before a motorcyclist killed' " Daily Mail Online

ALYSSA MILANO HYPOCRITE: "VIDEO: Hollywood actress attends anti-gun protest - with armed guards - "The American MirrorThe American Mirror

SENSITIVITY REQUIRED AT THIS HOPEFUL MOMENT "North Korea says denuclearization pledge not result of U.S.-led sanctions" Reuters

It would not be conducive to resolving the issue of denuclearization if Washington miscalculated North Korea's "peace-loving intention" as a sign of weakness and continued to pursue its pressure and military threats, KCNA said.
U.S. President Donald Trump, who..."

"Seventh miner rescued after earthquake in Poland, 4 still trapped " | Fox News

Saturday, May 5, 2018

"Luyanda Ntshangase: South African footballer dies after lightning strike " BBC News

"Mexico: 9 found dead in back of truck in Guerrero state " Fox News

"7 miners missing in Poland after tremor hits coal mine " Fox News

7 MONTHS, 300 MILLION MILES,1 BILLION $$ "NASA launches historic InSight spacecraft with mission to Mars " Fox News

It's called "science" but it's really a fanciful "martian" search ( ie hope of proving life, or life-sustaining environment , past,present,future)'s just fanciful

TO SAY THE LEAST , ITS A SCAM, A COVER-UP "Americans Are Tiring of Mueller Witch Hunt " Jeff Crouere

BARBARIC CULTURE ''India girl, 16, burnt alive after Jharkhand rape " BBC News

Police said the elders had ordered the accused rapists to do 100 sit-ups and pay a 50,000 rupee (£550; $750) fine as punishment.
They were so enraged they beat the girl's parents then set her on fire...."

THEY DON'T LIKE BIBLE VERSES ABOUT SIN "School board votes to close associated Christian school because of Bible verses" | News | LifeSite

The texts that alarmed the trustees were in the school's student-parent handbook. Some of the Scriptural verses included warnings against lifestyle choices Christians consider sinful, e.g. adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions and heresies.

"President Trump Honors National Day of Prayer With New White House Faith Initiative "

BUT NOT STRZOK ? "BREAKING: Trump-Hating FBI Lawyer Lisa Page and Comey Confidant James Baker Resign"

HARD TO BE SYMPATHETIC "Man executed for killing off-duty prison guard groans ‘It burns, man’"

"Butts was convicted along with 41-year-old Marion Wilson Jr. in the March 1996 slaying of Donovan Corey Parks, an off-duty prison guard. Parks, 24, gave the men a ride outside a Walmart store in Milledgeville. The men then ordered him out of the car and fatally shot him, prosecutors said..."

SCUMBAG DEANDRE LEWIS "‘I lived in terror’: Tentative life sentence handed down in torture, human trafficking case " The Mercury News

"Dangerous gas is adding to concerns on Big Island "

MAYOR KIM ,AFTER HEART ATTACK , STILL ON THE JOB "Bad news greets Big Isle residents desperate for signs of hope"

APOCALYPSE ? "Overnight, earthquakes and lava become the new norm on Hawaii island "

NO TSUNAMI "Hawaii’s largest quake since 1975 knocks out power, causes minor sea-level changes "

"Hawaii's Big Island on high alert after earthquakes, lava fissures "| Reuters

SOME HOMES DESTROYED? "Major quake hits Hawaii, prompts further volcano eruptions "

TECTONIC SUMMARY re BIG HAWAII EARTHQUAKE 5/4/18 "M 6.9 - 16km SW of Leilani Estates, Hawaii "

" May 4, 2018, Mw 6.9 earthquake in Hawai'i occurred as a result of reverse faulting on the south flank of Kilauea volcano, in the east rift zone. Preliminary focal mechanism solutions indicate rupture occurred on shallow dipping thrust fault striking southwest, or on a steeply dipping reverse fault striking southeast. This earthquake is directly associated with volcanic activity at Kilauea volcano, and the evolution of its rift system and volcanic edifice.
Seismic activity has been elevated around Kilauea volcano over the past month, punctuated over ..."

Friday, May 4, 2018

POSSIBLY 12 KILLED "Pirates 'massacre' Guyana fishermen off Suriname coast "- BBC News

"Drunk Florida man crashes car into gas station, flees the scene" | Miami Herald

"Saudi Arabia Inks Deal with Vatican to Build Christian Churches"

"Cellphones may be to blame for surge in deadly brain tumors"

"South Africa gold miners die after earthquake strikes " BBC News

HEARTWRENCHING "North Dakota mom, 3 kids dead in apparent homicides, suicide "| News24

"Woman went to India to treat depression but was drugged, raped and beheaded " Metro News

HOW EMBARRASSING "School 'pooperintendent' accused of defecating on New Jersey high school track "

"Flooding kills 100, displaces 260,000 in Kenya " Breitbart

Thursday, May 3, 2018

ERUPTION !!! "Hawaii's Kilauea volcano erupts, county issues evacuations "

I've BEEN PRAYING4 "Are We Witnessing a Miracle in North Korea?"

"10 Christian Civilians Killed, Thousands Need Medical Attention in Myanmar"

"Studies: Blue Light From Phones, Computers Could Lead To Eye Problems " CBS Pittsburgh

8 CIVILIANS KILLED BY COWARDLY DAESH "Islamic State claims responsibility for gun attack north of Baghdad " Reuters

"Bangui church attack: 15 killed in Central African Republic "- BBC News

"Hear That Dems? North Korea Pulls Plug On Nuke Site, Releases U.S. Prisoners Ahead Of Summit - " Matt Vespa

Kim Dong-cheol, Kim Sang-deok, and Kim Hak-seong — three US citizens detained in North Korea for years — have been released from a suspected labor camp and given health treatment and ideological education in Pyongyang, according to the Financial Times.
"We heard it through our sources in North Korea late last month. We believe that Mr Trump can take them back on the day of the US-North Korea summit or he can send an envoy to take them back to the US before the summit," said Choi Sung-ryong, who campaigns..."

HOW DARE U THINK 4 YOURSELF! " leads Kanye West backlash over..."

wow! "Nearly 80 Percent of South Koreans Trust Kim Jong Un: Poll " Time

"Nigeria attacks: Mosque bomb blasts kill dozens in Mubi "- BBC News

Thoughts ,prayers "15 Christians Slaughtered by Gunfire, Grenades During Church Service in CAR "

Thoughts, prayers "9 Puerto Ricans Killed in Final Flight of 60-Year-Old C-130"

THIS SEEMS SO AMAZING"North Korea to release 3 US citizens before meeting with Trump"

Thoughts, prayers "India dust storms kill at least 91 and injure 160 in north of country |" The Independent