Friday, November 30, 2018

The WAY IT SHOULD BE. CHURCH IS GRACE. "Largest Latino evangelical group mobilizing to help migrant caravan, Samuel Rodriguez says " STATE IS LAW


"Laura Loomer, banned Twitter user, handcuffs herself to company headquarters in protest "

"..incident ended after roughly 2.5 hours when New York Police Department officers used bolt cutters to sever Ms. Loomer's handcuffs at her request, The Verge reported. She was not placed under arrest, the report said. ."


"Indian 'corpse smuggler' arrested with 50 human skeletons in his luggage"

SADDENING "California assisted suicide law clears hurdle "

good grief, even a wry SENSE OF HUMOR NOT ALLOWED "Substitute Teacher Tapes Student To A Chair When He Wouldn’t Return To His Seat " THEY CALLED POLICE ?!

Thursday, November 29, 2018

ANGELENOS CAN'T DRIVE in the RAIN ☂️🌧️☔ "365 crashes reported in L.A. County between 5 a.m. and 9 a.m. this morning, per CHP " CAN U IMAGINE IF IT SNOWED? ❄️⛄

"Baby, mother apparently killed by bear while trapping in Yukon "|

MERRY CHRISTMAS "Bank America ATM gave out 100's instead of $20's "

?! "In rebuke to President Donald Trump, Senate advances measure to force U.S. withdraw from Yemen"

"In a remarkable move, the Senate voted Wednesday to advance a proposal that would force the Trump administration to withdraw U.S. military support for the Saudi-led war in Yemen .."

"Jim Mattis: ‘No smoking gun’ linking Saudi crown prince to murder of Jamal Khashoggi "

SHAME ON STANFORD LIBS "Stanford Wants to Charge College Republicans $19K for Security at Dinesh D'Souza Talk"

" 16 US postal workers headed to federal prison for taking bribes to deliver cocaine during routes " TheBlaze

CUTE COUPLE "Stormy Daniels: Avenatti Sued Trump Against My Wishes, Refused To Give Info On How Crowdfunding Money Was Being Spent " Dail...

SICKENING "Samuel Little: US serial killer 'admits 90 murders' " BBC News

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

"An aging America: Old people will outnumber children for the first time in the country's HISTORY

"By 2030 all baby boomers will be older than age 65 and one in every five Americans will be retirement age. The Census Bureau said that deaths will 'rise substantially' between 2020 and 2050, meaning the country's population will naturally grow very slowly..."


"Lu Guang: Award-winning Chinese photographer disappears in Xinjiang ..."

"Lu Guang: Award-winning Chinese photographer disappears in Xinjiang "陸光:屢獲殊榮的中國攝影師在新疆消失

...Lu Guang, who lives in New York, was invited to Xinjiang for a talk in October. His wife Xu Xiaoli says she last heard from him on 3 November."

Is THIS JUST ANOTHER SUBWAY TUNNEL BUT FASTER? "Elon Musk Invites Us To Take A Magic Tunnel Ride On December 11"

"Hundreds of bodies exhumed from mass grave in Syria's #Raqqa " | Fox News

SHAME ON CHINA "Uighur Woman describes torture, beatings in Chinese detention camp"

SHAME ON CHINA    "Uighur Woman describes torture, beatings in Chinese detention camp" 羞辱中國"維吾爾婦女描述酷刑,毆打中國拘留營"

"China defends holding fugitive businessman's US children "

"Seven dead in China as car drives onto sidewalk "

HEARTWRENCHING 🙏♥️✝️ ''Father accidentally kills 5-year-old son ...backing over him with car ''

gasp "First-Time Hang Glider in Switzerland Holds on for Life After Pilot Forgets to Strap Him in" | KTLA

Christopher Ludwig (horrific) "Laguna Niguel Teen Accused of Killing Father on Walking Trail Stomped on His Head Until He Died: DA " KTLA

good grief, major malfunction "Cotton Candy Mistaken for Meth Leads to Georgia Woman Being Wrongly Jailed for 3 Months: Lawsuit "

I THINK THIS IS THE WAVE OF THE FUTURE "Private Fire Crews Hired by CA’s Privileged Draw Complaints From Regular Firefighters" | KTLA

ASSAD AGAIN ? "50 Syrians treated in suspected gas attack; rebels deny involvement " - Los Angeles Times

Monday, November 26, 2018

THOUGHTS, PRAYERS ''Boat Accident in Uganda Claims At Least 35 Lives " | KTLA

"British army chief: Russia 'far bigger threat than IS' -

DYING FROM STONES IS THE MOST ANCIENT FORM OF MURDER. STILL WORKS: "Border agent ambushed and killed by ‘rock throwing’ illegal aliens at Texas-Mexico border " NOT TRIVIAL

This is DESPICABLE " John Allen Chau: 'Incredibly dangerous' to retrieve body from North Sentinel "- BBC News

IF THERE WERE STILL 'UNTOUCHED' INDIANS IN USA WHO GREETED OUTSIDERS w/ ARROWS would we SAY THAT'S THEIR LEGAL RIGHT? & BLAME the outsider? "John Allen Chau: 'Incredibly dangerous' to retrieve body from North Sentinel - BBC News

Kids r happy!! ''Hundreds of Chicago-Area Schools Close Due to Snowstorm " | NBC Chicago

Sunday, November 25, 2018

HORRIFIC FIRE VIDEO, PEOPLE JUMPING OUT WINDOWS "Shocking Video Shows Bystander Catch Baby Dropped from Flaming Building in Texas "

THIS STORY DEFIES ALL MODERN DAY COMMON PROTOCOL "Retrieving Body of Missionary Killed on Remote Indian Island Is a Struggle" -

THIS STORY DEFIES ALL MODERN DAY COMMON PROTOCOL   "Retrieving Body of Missionary Killed on Remote Indian Island Is a Struggle" - 
This infatuation with allowing primitives remain primitive is's almost like people are saying "That's so cute". .. almost as if they think they are animals in a zoo..


20 Then Isaiah is bold enough to say this for God:
"The people who were not looking for me—
they are the ones who found me.
I made myself known to those who did not ask for me." Isaiah 65:1

DEFYING 2nd LAW of THERMODYNAMICS ? "Leaning Tower of Pisa ‘getting straighter by year,’ experts warn" Y WARN ?

DID ALBERT REJECT JUDAISM BUT EMBRACE CHRIST? "Sotheby's to auction Bible signed by Einstein " MIXED MESSAGES

"This book is an inexhaustible source of living wisdom and consolation," Einstein wrote in German in the Bible, which he gave as a gift to Harriet F. Hamilton."

"He alerted people to the Thousand Oaks shooting, then warned of the California fires that came next"

Saturday, November 24, 2018

HEARTWRENCHING "High school sweethearts die in car crash after colliding with teacher " THOUGHTS , PRAYERS

if WE DONT TRY 2HELP, HER BLOOD IS ON OUR HANDS ♥️✝️🙏 "Pakistani Christian mum Asia Bibi who was cleared of blasphemy is being 'hunted door to door' by Islamic extremists demandin..."

♥️✝️🙏 Please Pray for Leah Sharibu Every Day at 530pm

 ♥️✝️🙏 Please Pray for Leah Sharibu Every Day at 530pm "... (UK and Nigeria time) , which is the time of day when Leah was abducted. We're going to use Psalm 27 as our focus. Together around the world many thousands will be praying ..."♥️✝️🙏 PassItOn


But before people can pray to the #Lord for help, they must believe in Him. And before they can believe in the Lord, they must hear about Him. And for anyone to hear about the Lord, someone must tell them. 15 And before anyone can go and tell them, they must be sent.

"IS in Sinai seizes Iranian weapons shipment bound for Hamas -- report" #terrorism

Friday, November 23, 2018

LANCE MASON "Former Ohio Judge Who Beat His Wife Is Arrested in Her Stabbing Death"

"Thousands flee eruption at Guatemala's Volcano of Fire " Los Ang THOUGHTS , PRAYERS

WHAT A CITIZEN ! "Child's note tells driver bus hit his parked car -" BBC News


#JohnChau  #Sentinelese HE HAD THE ULTIMATE EVANGELIC FERVOR & COURAGE !   "American Christian missionary killed by #tribesmen was a 'martyr,' friends say'' - RIP : JOHN CHAU ♥️✝️🙏

Get the official Twitter app at

DO THEY HAVE THE RIGHT TO MURDER JUST b/c they own the island? "The Indian tribe that wants to be left alone "

OBESE WILL LOVE IT "This chest-mounted robot feeding arm could stuff your face when you’re too full to move " The Verge

DESPICABLE "70-yo Woman killed in hit-and-run in Norwalk " Orange County Register

"California eyed as source of romaine lettuce E. coli outbreak " NY Daily News

"The most pervasive myth that almost everyone believes about Jonestown" -

"Louisiana couple finds winning $1.8M lottery ticket while cleaning house for Thanksgiving -" CBS News

INSIDER TRADING? ''George Soros Sold Huge Amounts Of Facebook And Netflix Just Before Tech Stocks Crashed"


 This is what the Scripture says: "God's teaching is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart." It is the teaching of faith that we tell people. 9 If you openly say, "Jesus is Lord" and believe in your heart that God raised him from death, you will be saved. 10 Yes, we believe in Jesus deep in our hearts, and so we are made right with God. And we openly say that we believe in him, and so we are saved.

''California Agency Took Nine Years to Create Fire Map''

"What [the CPUC] hasn't done a good job at is requiring the utilities to follow good safety practices," said Chico attorney Ken Roye, a resident of fire-ravaged Butte County who has litigated eight fire-related cases. "They're all in bed together. The [CPUC] hasn't done anything to alleviate the problem, and it's been going on for over 30 years.""

#THANKFUL, BUT NOT CONTENT UNTIL ZERO "Abortions in the United States Hit New All-Time Low, More Babies Saved From Abortion Than Ever "

Thursday, November 22, 2018


"At least 40 people were killed in an attack on 15 November on the Sacred Heart Cathedral in Central African Republic (CAR), .."

"At least 40 people were killed in an attack on 15 November on the Sacred Heart Cathedral in Aliandao town, Central African Republic (CAR), 200 miles east of the capital

Is AMERICA 🇺🇲 going to MAKE A STAND for the missionary kid, #JohnChau?

Is AMERICA 🇺🇲 going to MAKE A STAND for the missionary kid, #JohnChau, who was killed by savages on #SentinelIsland ? U can't MURDER a peaceful person just b/c their on your island!!! Arrest him if u wish. Don't kill him....John was AMERICAN & has the right & expectation of USA standing up for him...this is actually an act of war against doesn't matter if their ignorant Islanders..they need to be BROUGHT TO JUSTICE ..we ask Trump & co to show some backbone for this kid & his family...he died trying to peacefully share the Good News of our Savior Jesus Christ ♥️✝️🙏✝️♥️🇺🇲

THOUGHTS PRAYERS ACTION 🙏✝️♥️🦃🇺🇲 " Those Who Lost Everything in California Fires Find a Way to Give Thanks " #Thanksgiving

"Political Pistachio: Early Thanksgiving "

"The concept of a Thanksgiving Feast is not uniquely American. The Spanish Colonies also had thanksgiving ceremonies and meals as well. The colonists in the New World, be they English, Dutch, French, Spanish, or of any other European origin, were a deeply religious people, and felt it necessary to give thanks to God for their survival, and prosperity, in their new land. The Pilgrims had plenty to be thankful for, and so theirs is the story that has been most publicized (perhaps with a little help from the 1861 push for a Thanksgiving Holiday). However, Turkey was not the dominant item on the menu, nor was many of our other traditional favorites..."

Proclamation of Thanksgiving 1863 – Abe Lincoln

"...recommend to them that while offering up the ascriptions justly due to Him for such singular deliverances and blessings, they do also, with humble penitence for our national perverseness and disobedience, commend to His tender care all those who have become widows, orphans, mourners or sufferers in the lamentable civil strife in which we are unavoidably engaged, and fervently implore the interposition of the Almighty Hand .."

"Thanksgiving Proclamation 1789 " American Greatness

"Whereas it is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor..."

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

SICKENING "Nashville driver killed after he's struck by concrete tossed off bridge"

DON'T EAT ROMAINE IN USA "Lettuce warning: 9 E. coli cases reported in LA County" |

"Jiang Jinfu: Actor admits domestic violence against girlfriend Zhongpu Youhua "

"American believed killed by isolated tribe on Indian island"

It's FINAL. TOO BAD " Rep. Mia Love loses re-election bid in Utah" I RESPECT HER & HOPED SHE WOULD WIN

LORD HAVE MERCY ✝️🙏,✝️♥️ "More than 80,000 Yemeni children may have died from hunger: humanitarian body " | Reuters

THIS POOR WOMAN HAS BEEN THRU HELL & BACK & AGAIN & STILL BELIEVES ! MODERN DAY MOTHER THERESA ✝️🙏♥️ "Joni Eareckson Tada diagnosed with cancer again: I know God loves me"

THIS POOR WOMAN HAS BEEN THRU HELL & BACK & AGAIN & STILL BELIEVES ! MODERN DAY MOTHER THERESA ✝️🙏♥️    "Joni Eareckson Tada diagnosed with cancer again: I know God loves me"


🙏🙏🙏🙏🎅✝️🦃🌞 😀  GIVE THANKS: Yes, I am sure that nothing can separate us from God's love—not death, life, angels, or ruling spirits...nothing now, nor in the future, no powers, nothing above us or  below us—nothing in the whole created world—can separate us from the love God has shown us in Christ Jesus ♥️ -The Bible-🎁

Tuesday, November 20, 2018


un-bee-lievable! LADY WINS $5 MILLION & SHE ROBS / SCAMS OTHERS "San Diego-Area Woman Who Won $5.2 Million Lottery Prize Pleads Guilty to Scamming Others "

Alert! 🛑✋⚠️🥗 " Don't eat any romaine lettuce, CDC warns Americans"

"4 people found executed in 'evil' act in basement: Police" |

HEARTWRENCHING "Mercy Hospital Shooting: 4 dead, including gunman, Chicago Officer Samuel Jimenez, Dr. Tamara O'Neal "

Four people were killed - including a Chicago police officer, ER doctor, hospital worker -- Monday afternoon in a shooting at Mercy Hospital on the city's Near South Side.. "

HORRIFIC "Juan Lopez Identified As Chicago Hospital Shooting Suspect, 32-Year-Old Man Targeted Ex-Fiance " THOUGHTS, PRAYERS

" #AsiaBibi: Police warn Christians that #terrorists are set to attack; churches in 'critical moment'"

"'Bus driver from Heaven' saves 2 dozen children from deadly California wildfire"

"Thousands of homes incinerated but trees still standing: Paradise fire’s monstrous path -" Los Angeles Times

"Most telling were the trees. Most of the pines that sheltered this community still had their canopies intact. The needles, yellowed from the intense heat, were not burned — evidence that the winds that morning had pushed the fire along so fast it never had a chance to rise into the trees. But as a surface .."

"Dead whale had 115 plastic cups, 2 flip-flops in its stomach "- ABC News

""People Have Panicked" - Crypto Collapse Accelerates, Bitcoin Plunges Towards $4,000 "| Zero Hedge

"Italian town catches 58,000 speeding cars in two weeks " BBC News

Monday, November 19, 2018

TO ADD INSULT 2INJURY "Searchers in #California #wildfire step up efforts before rain "-& maybe mud too #campfire

ANOTHER GOVT SCAM "Who Is Telling The Truth About Prescription Opioid Deaths? DEA? CDC? Neither?" | A

& DEM LIBS R SPEECHLESS (for once) ''Growing number of Mexicans agree with Trump, protest in Tijuana to make caravan go back home" Conservative News Today

The GOD of the BIBLE, NOT KORAN " [Indonesia Teen Adrift at Sea for 49 Days Prayed and Sang Worship Songs: 'God Took Care of Me' " | The Stream

But the Bible he had onboard comforted him. "I had my Bible with me. I become strong again when I read the Bible. I prayed and sang worship songs. When I do this, all my fears are gone. God spoke to me. He said, 'Be patient. I will come and help you.'"

"Insured losses from Camp and Woolsey wildfires estimated at $9-13 billion: RMS " One America News Network

"Bitcoin falls below $5,000 " - BBC News

"Woman killed by hunter after being mistaken for a deer" | News24

"More US children confirmed with paralyzing polio-like illness AFM "- CNN


THEISMANN WAS AT THE GAME WHEN SMITH BROKE LEG  🏉🏟️🙏♥️✝️  " #AlexSmith's Gruesome Injury Gives #JoeTheismann a Bad Flashback " 33 YEAR ANNIVERSARY  #Redskins

Friday, November 16, 2018

Ironic: A TICKING POPULATION TIME BOMB ⏰⏲️⏳🕒 "Nearly half of countries have 'insufficient children' to maintain populations" #prolife

"Dutch doctor who forcibly euthanized dementia patient to be prosecuted"

& An AVENATTI CLIENT "Man who swore at Tucker Carlson’s daughter revealed as board member of ‘feminist’ org '' JUAN GRANADOS

"On Monday, the Daily Caller (which Carlson co-founded) reported that Avenatti released a statement from his client, identifying him as Juan Manuel Granados. The statement denies calling any member of his family any names and claims Carlson and his son were the "aggressors." The statement doesn't explain why they would have recognized or singled out Granados to confront him in the first place.
Granados was also a member of the Board of Directors for the Women's Initiative, a group that describes its mission as "empowering women in times of challenge and change."

Wow! "Boy, 5, gets new Mercedes for doing 4,105 press-ups non-stop " Metro News

Mexico "With 67 women killed here last year, paranoia and anxiety have taken root in Ecatepec "- Los Angeles Times

Thursday, November 15, 2018

"Thais mourn boxer Anucha Thasako, 13, killed in fight -" BBC News

TOO BIG TO FAIL. TAXPAYERS WILL COVER IT. OR JUST PRINT THE 💲💰 "PG&E says if found responsible for Camp Fire, cost would exceed insurance coverage" |

"Creepy Porn Lawyer Michael Avenatti Arrested For Domestic Violence |" Sparta Report

"Florida Man Arrested After Police Say He Made 'Mother of Satan' Bombs " | KFI AM 640

Officers received a tip that 37-year-old Jared E. Coburn was building bombs, and at his home they discovered mason jars filled with triacetone triperoxide, or TATP, an explosive compound using by terror groups like ISIS.

♥️✝️🙏 "Horrific – California ‘Camp Fire’ Death Toll Climbs to 56 – Hundreds of People Remain Missing… ''

PUT YOUR MASK ON "SoCal Fire May Have Ejected "Incredibly Dangerous" Radioactive Particles Into The Atmosphere " Zero Hedge

"According to Robert Dodge - a physician and president of Physicians for Social Responsibility Los Angeles, highly toxic materials embedded in SSFL's soil and vegetation may have been spewed into the air by the Woolsey fire..."

"New York man wins $343.9 million after using same lottery numbers for 25 years" | HE WANTS 2GO2 VEGAS

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

What the ?! "Liberty University Professor Charged With Attempted Murder of Wife "

" 17 Christian Students Forced to Join Wa Army Finally Escaped "

"Harvest Bible Chapel's Chief Information Officer Allegedly Stole $270K "

"Nicaragua arson attack kills six members of the same family " BBC News

Wow "Boeing 737 Crash Caused By New Safety System Pilots Weren't Told Existed "- ExtremeTech

"a week
after the crash, Boeing distributed a warning to airlines worldwide that a new anti-stall system on the 737 MAX 8 and 737 MAX 9 could cause the aircraft's nose to suddenly drop, resulting in a steep dive. This can occur even when the aircraft is under manual control and when pilots don't expect the flight computer to override their actions.

" Church Leader in Nigeria Still Hopeful of Leah Sharibu’s Safe Return " we pray4

STAND STRONG ISABELLA CHOW "Christian UC-Berkeley Student Senator Refuses to Resign Over Belief Gender Is Not a Choice"

Rene Lupian "Man Fatally Shot While Walking Home From Shift at In-N-Out in East L.A. " #condolences♥️✝️🙏

"Disney donates $500,000 to support those impacted by California wildfires" |

"In hundreds of handwritten notes, families look for Paradise residents still missing after fires "

LIVING (only) 4 GOD

But now you are free from sin. You have become slaves of God, and the result is that you live only for God. This will bring you eternal life. 23 When people sin, they earn what sin pays—death. But God gives his people a free gift—eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord

"The man who battled the flames to save his corner of Paradise"

BRAD WELDON SAVED PARADISE HOME w/ GARDEN HOSE(s) & BUCKETS  ""Scoop and run! We fought with garden hoses for six or seven hours before we had to turn the buckets -- maybe eight hours, I don't know," he explained. "Not bad for two boys!""

STRANGER DANGER "Girl's use of family 'code word' to thwart potential kidnapping draws praise from police "- ABC News

The ONLY PROBLEM w/ 'STRANGER DANGER' is kids treating all adults like predators & their parents like gods  "Girl's use of family 'code word' to thwart potential #kidnapping draws praise from police " WORKED RIGHT THIS TIME

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

disturbing video: "Church shooting miracle: Preacher survives gunman's attack during service in Brazil after leaping behind altar with 'Jesus' written on it"

WE CALL ON TRUMP USA TO INTERVENE "Asia Bibi: Clamour grows for Christian woman to be granted asylum as Pakistan awaits review decision '' | The Independent

"Former SS guard testifies he was aware of camp conditions" | Fox News

Is CNN BEING SENSATIONAL? "Hurricane-force gusts will fuel one California fire while another inferno leaves 42 people dead - " CNN

KIndness "Strangers help man rescue grandparents from Woolsey Fire by boat "|

"Borderline bar shooting: 12 crosses placed outside nightclub to honor slain victims "

" Woolsey Fire: Calabasas, Malibu Among Areas Still Under Evacuation Orders in 146-Acre Blaze "| KTLA

POSSIBLE NFL GAME-of-the-CENTURY between RAMS v CHIEFS in front MEXICO CROWD ON BAD FIELD may be moved back to LA

"Beer Battle Brewing as Pabst Takes MillerCoors to Trial " | KTLA

"Texas Gov. Greg Abbott deploys 200 firefighters to battle California wildfires " thank u Texas

"US analysts locate secret North Korean missile sites "

"Suspected Camp Fire Looters Were Dressed Like Forest Service Workers "« CBS San Francisco

Burnt hills ThousandOaks

The FALSELY ACCUSED GETS PUNISHED. THE FALSE ACCUSERS GET AWARDED. SICKENING "John Lott's Website: Outrageous: Judge #Kavanaugh no longer teaching at Harvard Law School"

SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING, EXPECT NOTHING "Woman warned about ‘sparks’ from power lines day before deadly wildfire"

STEALS LIVE LOBSTER 🦂🦂🦂 "Florida Woman, 42, Nabbed After Brazen Crustacean Heist At Red Lobster " The Smoking Gun

"Rabbi Warns New Israel-Palestine Conflict Could be Start of Biblical War"

Sunday, November 11, 2018

"Fifth Body Found in a New York City River Over Four-Day Period " Observer

100 "World leaders mark 100 years since WWI Armistice in Paris " | News24

"California wildfire most destructive in state history " NoCal

" Shao Zhumin, the Bishop of Wenzhou in China, Kidnapped by Police "

SHAME ON UK, WHAT ABOUT USA? " Asia Bibi 'not offered UK asylum amid concerns of unrest and attacks'"

"..The mother-of-five remains hidden in Pakistan after Imran Khan's government agreed to allow a petition against the court decision, as part of a deal to halt the protests

#Fires in California: Latest updates, death toll jumps to 23, containment and evacuation orders from California wildfires bur..."

"The Camp Fire
Location: Butte County
105,000 acres burned
20 percent contained
23 fatalities confirmed, 3 firefighters injured
115 people missing
6,453 residences destroyed, including 260 commercial.."

Saturday, November 10, 2018

"Current Ebola outbreak is worst in Congo’s history: ministry" | One America News Network

"Death toll from #Somalia hotel attack rises to 39 "| #terrorism

"Radical Islam Blamed for Terror Strike in Australia"#terrorism

" of Paradise, 6,700 structures ..destroyed and nine people killed..." #wildfire

"UPDATED: Mass Public Shootings keep occurring in Gun-Free Zones: 97.8% of attacks since 1950 "- Crime Prevention Research Cen x...

"California wildfires: 250,000 flee monster flames ravaging state " BBC News

DUTERTE SILENCING CRITICS "Rappler: Philippines to charge critical news site with tax evasion " BBC News

"Singles Day vs Black Friday: What’s the Difference? " | Time

Friday, November 9, 2018

BELOVED #HOLLYWOOD MOVIE SET REDUCED TO ASHES "' #Westworld' Filming Location at #ParamountRanch Burns Down Due to Wildfire"


The REAL DEAL, DON'T TAKE IT LIGHTLY "Malibu evacuated as California Woolsey wildfire rages across beachside communities"


7 "It is a great blessing
when people are forgiven for the wrongs they have done,
when their sins are erased!
8 It is a great blessing when the Lord accepts people
as if they are without sin!" Psalm 32:1-2

"Fast-moving Hill fire in Newbury Park-Thousand Oaks area scorches up to 10,000 acres, forces evacuations "

GREG LAURIE "'There Really Is a Devil': Pastors Offer Condolences, Prayers in Response to Calif. Mass Shooting"

"Ventura County brush fires: Homes go up in flames in Thousand Oaks, Oak Park area "

"A second fire burning in the Santa Rosa Valley east of Camarillo, west of Simi Valley near Newbury Park and Thousand Oaks, was mere miles from the scene of a deadly mass shooting that claimed 12 lives Wednesday night..."

SO MANY YEARS LATER "Imelda Marcos faces arrest after being found guilty of 7 counts of corruption" I WENT TO HER MUSEUM IN TACLOBAN w/ CRC

NO ALERT "Faulty equipment linked to report of active shooter at Topsail High School"

"Paradise Lost: Wildfire Destroys Most of California Town" the name of the city is actually paradise

"Fire kills at least 7 at dormitory-style housing in South Korea " News24

"Singles Day vs Black Friday: What’s the Difference? " Time

SICKENING "Governor Rick Scott warns of 'rampant fraud' possible in Broward, Palm Beach counties "- Story | FOX 13 Tampa Bay #BloodBoilingAnger

Wildfires alert 717am 11/9/18

#Threat is #IMMINENT for most of #MALIBU, esp #MalibuLakes 🔥🔥 says LA FIRE CAPTAIN .. #WILDfires likely to reach #PCH & the OCEAN (listen to knx1070) ✝️🔥⚠️🙏♥️ #ThoughtsPrayersAction


So people get what God promised by having faith. This happens so that the promise can be a free gift. And if the promise is a free gift, then all of Abraham's people will get that promise. The promise is not just for those who live under the Law of Moses. It is for all who live with faith as Abraham did. He is the father of us all. 17

Thursday, November 8, 2018

THOUGHTS, PRAYERS "Developing News: #Pepperdine Student Missing in Shooting Aftermath "

Un-bee-liev-able "Mob Gathers Outside Tucker Carlson's Home: 'We Know Where You Sleep at Night!'"

Regardless of partisanship, we pray4 Hon Ms. Ginsburg "Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 85, has broken her ribs in a fall"

"Thousand Oaks: At least 12 killed at California bar shooting "- BBC News

"Thousand Oaks shooting: Sheriff Sergeant Ron Helus was 'hard working, dedicated' and 'died a hero'" |

#thoughtsANDprayers re victims 👨‍👨‍👦‍👦😭🙍 & loved ones of the #BorderLineShooting

🙏🙏🙏🙏♥️♥️✝️✝️⛪⛪ #thoughtsANDprayers re victims 👨‍👨‍👦‍👦😭🙍   & loved ones of the #BorderLineShooting  in #ThousandOaks near Los Angeles, near #CalLutheran , #Pepperdine et al...11 dead + shooter, including one #police 👮 officer..Lord hear our #Prayers 🙏🙏🙏🙏♥️♥️✝️✝️⛪⛪

Breaking around midnight: "Active shooter and multiple victims reported at Thousand Oaks bar " Los Angeles Times

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

TRUMP FINALLY SAYS 'UR FIRED' " Jeff Sessions resigns, forced out by Trump; Matthew G. Whitaker interim Attorney General - live updates "

CBS News: Jeff Sessions resigns, forced out by Trump; Matthew G. Whitaker interim Attorney General - live updates.

CALIFORNIA MASOCHISTS "The Sacramento Bee: California’s gas tax increase is here to stay" LIKE PAYING MORE. Mentally ill?

The Sacramento Bee: California's gas tax increase is here to stay.

breaking: ASIA BIBI IS FINALLY FREE, MAYBE ALREADY OUT OF THE COUNTRY ! 😀 "Pakistan blasphemy case: Asia Bibi freed from jail " - BBC News

"17-Y-O Shot While Praying to God for Strength in Texas Home, Praises God for Survival"

METH HEAD ? "Officials: Florida man bitten after jumping into alligator...'"

"Will there be recounts in Florida? Live coverage on what’s happening after the election "| Miami Herald

Tuesday, November 6, 2018


22 God makes us right through our faith in Jesus Christ. He does this for all who believe in Christ. Everyone is the same.
 All have sinned and are not good enough to share God's divine greatness.  We are made right with God by His grace. This is a free gift. We are made right with God by being made free from sin through Jesus Christ.

Wow! 👼👶👣✝️ "New Zealand fisherman pulls 18-month-old baby from sea alive in 'freakish miracle'"

"His face looked like porcelain with his short hair wetted down," Mr Hutt told the Whakatāne Beacon . "But then he let out a little squeak and I thought, 'oh God, this is a baby and it's alive'. He was floating at a steady pace with a rip in the water. If I hadn't been there, or if I had just been a minute later I wouldn't have seen him."

DEAD MAN WALKING "'Dead' man shocks family, returns home two months after his funeral " | News24

Monday, November 5, 2018

NOT TOO SMART "Police: Texas teen robs McDonald’s, twin brothers arrested |"

"Managers of the McDonald's at The Rim location recognized David Gomez-Beltran in security footage as the employee they sent home for being late the very same day, according to the sheriff's office..."

HEARTWRENCHING, asked to clean room: "11-year-old shoots grandmother before killing self" Arizona. #thoughtsANDprayers


"Two planes collide mid-air over Ottawa west end: police " CTV News

"Texas helicopter crash: Newlywed couple killed less than two hours after getting married "

BOEING PLANE ( big employer in So Cal ) "Lion Air crash: Plane's airspeed indicator malfunctioned on 4 flights"

"Separatists kidnap 78 pupils in Cameroon's restive northwest " - THOUGHTS PRAYERS ACTION

", Cameroon (AP) — Armed separatists have kidnapped at least 78 students and their principal from a Presbyterian school in Nkwen village in Cameroon's restive northwest region, a governor said Monday..."

"Asia Bibi Family Pleads With Trump, Western Nations for Asylum; Lives in Danger as Islamists Rage "

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Way2GO Sam ! " Sam Synstelien leaped onto the massive #humpback #whale ..Fisherman's Rescue of Entangled Whale Caught on Camera " #SamTheMan

THAT'S AN UNDERSTATEMENT "Raw shrimp from Hurricane Florence gives NC man infection " HE WAS ON LIFE SUPPORT

THOUGHTS PRAYERS ACTION "Asia Bibi: Husband pleads for family asylum in UK after blasphemy conviction overturned "

LORD on this day of praying for the persecuted 🙏♥️✝️♥️✝️🌍🌍🙏

LORD on this day of praying for the persecuted 🙏♥️✝️♥️✝️🌍🌍🙏 WE PRAY FOR ALL THE PERSECUTED PERSONS AND GROUPS AROUND THE WORLD... especially Nigeria Pakistan Afghanistan Iraq Iran many countries even the United States and our unborn babies ..Lord we pray for your light to shine through let there be light.. Let There Be Love ..hear our prayer

#terrorism ".. Mayor #BrentTaylor died Saturday in an apparent "insider attack" in #Kabul, the capital of #Afghanistan..."

Saturday, November 3, 2018

DAVID BYLE "Christian Evangelist Arrested in Turkey After Brunson's Release, Told to Leave Country "

"Diver dies in search for Indonesia jet crash dead " | News24

THIS IS NOT GOOD "Asia Bibi's Release Delayed; Supreme Court to Review Acquittal Decision as Muslims Protest"

✝️🙏🌍♥️🙏  PRAYER UPDATE: I PREVIOUSLY REPORTED TO ALL OF YOU PRAYER WARRORS THAT Asia Bibi was exonerated & to be released, but now this: 

"The release of imprisoned Christian mother Asia Bibi has been delayed as the Pakistan Supreme Court will have to review its decision to acquit the farm laborer of blasphemy charges after signing an agreement with a radical Muslim group..."

SO LET US RESUME OUR PRAYERS FOR MS BIBI ACCORDING TO GOD'S WILL... WE pray most of all that she will keep the faith, no matter what happens, to remain in Christ... hear our prayer ✝️♥️🙏🌍🙏🙏✝️

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Oops, too bad. Goodbye " #ISIS bomb expert blows himself up while making explosives " is he with 100 virgins in paradise now?

"Mystery surrounds deaths of Saudi sisters found in New York " BBC News

"Police: 2 people dead in shooting at Kroger store in Kentucky; suspect in custody"

C'mon Muslims, stop that "Christian woman's release in Pakistan sparks protests, threats "

"Christian woman's release in Pakistan sparks protests, threats ...
She was condemned for allegedly making derogatory remarks about Islam after neighbors objected to her drinking water from their glass because she was not Muslim. Bibi has always denied committing blasphemy..."

TWICE AS TALL AS LADY LIBERTY "World's tallest statue unveiled in India " $400 MILLION ( worth it?

WHEN I SAID 'GOOGLE ME' I DIDN'T MEAN LITERALLY "Google Faces Internal Backlash Over Handling of Sexual Harassment - "

Y WOULD A BRAND NEW BOEING GO DOWN ( sabotage, defect , pilot error?) "Even as Lion Air jet's black box is found, some answers may be back in the United States " - ABC News

"Arizona workers find woman who survived in desert for 6 days "

WHEN LIFE IMITATES ART "French police arrest over 100 after Halloween '#purge' night riots " #HOLLYWOOD ACCOUNTABLE TO GOD