Tuesday, March 12, 2019

i had a situation like this when I was a substitute but it was MISCONSTRUED: "8-year-old boy wasn't allowed to use restroom by South LA teacher, forced to sit in urine, mother says "

i had a situation like this when I was a substitute but it was MISCONSTRUED...the kid asked me once if he could use the restroom..and I said "Can you wait a moment?" and he said ok...they were just about to start a presentation...so he was one of those who stood in front of the class doing a presentation..and suddenly he started peeing in his pants..I think it might have been stage fright..but normally if kids really have to go so bad they make it exceedingly clear, or in some cases just walk out. ..i could care less if a kid goes to the restroom except that sometimes the administration gets angry at the teacher or substitute if you let too many go to the restroom and then they find them running around in the hall.....this school was kind of strict that way.. so i tried to be moderate rather than liberal about restroom passes...nonetheless..i got all the blame from the principal ex post facto..that spineless coward.. was covering his bases and blaming it ALL on me.. what a jerk ! and I did not make him sit in wet pants..he went to the resource room and got some new dry pants..and everything was ok..the other kids were not mocking or laughing at him..and so we tried to resume what we were doing and suddenly the principal beckoned to me from the doorway and took me in another room and started berating me.. saying "you can't do that.." ..I said "do what? " he didn't even ask what happened .. ; so when I realized he was trying to blame me, I stood up and said, "I'm leaving" ..(anytime the administration is going to blame a teacher for anything there is supposed to  be union representative present as well..and he had not allowed this to happen)..so i left the school for the day.. by the way, I found out later that this was a special ed class (moderate special ed) ..and they hadn't informed me.. ; so I don't know all the details about this story in south L.A. but in some cases the adminstration is to blame

 "8-year-old boy wasn't allowed to use restroom by South LA teacher, forced to sit in urine, mother says " abc7.com

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