Wednesday, June 26, 2019

"Indian Mob Beats Muslim Man to Death for Stealing "

BUT THEIR VERY AWARE THAT WE COULD WIPE THEM OFF THE FACE OF THE MAP with the FLIP of a FEW SWITCHES "Iran unbowed by US 'insults', says supreme leader Khamenei "

JPL & CAL TECH SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER "JPL files stolen by hackers using credit card-size computer, NASA says ...Hackers exploited a credit card-size computer improperly connected to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory’s network to access files undetected for 10 months, according to a report from NASA’s Office of the Inspector General released this week."

JPL & CAL TECH SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER   "JPL files stolen by hackers using credit card-size computer, NASA says ...Hackers exploited a credit card-size computer improperly connected to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory's network to access files undetected for 10 months, according to a report from NASA's Office of the Inspector General released this week."

The ONLY RESTAURANT THAT IS CLOSED ON SUNDAY SABBATH IN OBEDIENCE TO GODS COMMAND TO REST ON THE 7th DAY "Chick-fil-A named America’s favorite restaurant chain for fourth year running"

BIG BANKS & DEM LIBS IN THEIR DEEP POCKETS ARE FREAKIN OUT ABOUT THIS "Facebook Libra: Maxine Waters sets hearing on cryptocurrency"

"737 Max Pilot Sues Boeing For Career Damage, ‘Severe Emotional And Mental Stress’ "

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

This WILL BE THE BIGGEST CIRCUS EVER ! Open session. "Report: Mueller to testify July 17 before House panels "

#WePray4🙏 ❤ ✝ ⛪ " 15 Syrian Christian Children Kidnapped the city of Qamishli." #PrayTheNews🙏

❤ ✝ ⛪ 🙏we pray4"Cambodia building collapse: 2 people found alive in rubble; at least 28 dead "

❤ ✝ ⛪ 🙏we pray4 "More than 150 children die in India from 'brain fever' linked to lychees " #prayTheNews🙏

THIS WILL FAIL "Slurpees incoming! 7-Eleven begins delivery in public spaces "

Libra ! "Guardians of money bristle at Zuckerberg's new financial order -"

"While Libra is designed to be less volatile than cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and is backed by a basket of securities and traditional currencies, some question how a technology company will interact with the monetary system. "I'm not entirely convinced that a tech company, at the end of the day, can be held..."

(Or converts to Christianity) It WILL BE A GREAT DAY WHEN KIM HIMSELF DIES THE SAME WAY HE KILLS "North Korea's killing fields where people are shot for stealing a cow or watching TV ...Four in five people who have fled Kim Jong-un ’s secretive country interviewed for a new human rights report said they had witnessed a public execution in their lifetime."

It WILL BE A GREAT DAY WHEN KIM HIMSELF DIES THE SAME WAY HE KILLS   "North Korea's killing fields where people are shot for stealing a cow or watching TV ...Four in five people who have fled Kim Jong-un 's secretive country interviewed for a new human rights report said they had witnessed a public execution in their lifetime."

"Immigration and Customs Enforcement has deported more immigrants this fiscal year than any full fiscal year of Trump’s presidency, but has yet to come close to Obama’s early.."

"Immigration and Customs Enforcement has deported more immigrants this fiscal year than any full fiscal year of Trump's presidency, but has yet to come close to Obama's early deportation record, according to new internal Department of Homeland Security figures published Friday by Axios ..."

BREAKING "BUSTED: Kamala Photographed With Jussie Two Weeks BEFORE The Hate Hoax ...Harris was having difficulty getting support for her anti-lynching bill with Cory Booker, which died in Congress before Smollett’s hoax but passed the Senate in February shortly after Smollett staged his hoax..."

 BREAKING  "BUSTED: Kamala Photographed With Jussie Two Weeks BEFORE The Hate Hoax ...Harris was having difficulty getting support for her anti-lynching bill with Cory Booker, which
died in Congress before Smollett's hoax but passed the Senate in February shortly after Smollett staged his hoax..."

HOW WILL DEM LIBS TWIST THIS?! "ICE has deported more immigrants this fiscal year..., BUT HAS YET TO COME CLOSE TO #OBAMA's...RECORD.."...

HOW WILL DEM LIBS TWIST THIS TO MAKE TRUMP THE BAD GUY ?  "Immigration & Customs Enforcement has deported more immigrants this fiscal year than any full fiscal year of #Trump's presidency, BUT HAS YET TO COME CLOSE TO #OBAMA's...RECORD.."...#ICEraid

Saturday, June 22, 2019

THOUGHTS ,PRAYERS, CONDOLENCES ❤ ✝ ⛪ 🙏 "Seven motorcyclists are left dead and three injured in a 'devastating crash' after a Dodge pickup truck plows into their procession along a rural stretch of highway in New Hampshire"

"Medic says HE killed young ISIS fighter in Iraq and not the Navy SEAL on trial ..Corey Scott testified that he is the one who killed the young ISIS militant that Edward Gallagher is accused of murdering "

ALL SURVIVED "Ten people SHOT at Pennsylvania nightclub, police looking for multiple shooters "

HOLY SMOKES. 💰 " US Navy #drone shot down by #Iranian missile cost $130M "

"FAA emergency order BANS all U.S. airlines from flying in parts of Iran-controlled airspace "

Hawaii plane crash: "...Nine people died when a small, twin-engine aircraft used by skydivers crashed Friday evening near Dillingham Airfield in Mokuleia on the Hawaiian island of Oahu, officials said".

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

"Egypt's ousted president Morsi dies in court during trial -"

"Iran Fired Missile at US Drone Prior to Tanker Attacks: Defense Official ....An Iranian small attack craft fired a surface to-air missile (SAM) at a U.S. MQ-9 Reaper drone this week, a senior defense official said on background Friday."

"7.2 quake off New Zealand triggers brief tsunami scare "

ADVICE TO CLERKS. SOMETIMES U SHOULD LOOK THE OTHER WAY (if dad is stealing underwear, can't u have some compassion? Will dollar corp go broke ?) "Moment four-year-old and dad are caught on video shoplifting before violent arrest by Phoenix cops | Daily Mail Online

ADVICE TO CLERKS. SOMETIMES U SHOULD LOOK THE OTHER WAY (if dad is stealing underwear, can't u have some compassion? Will dollar corp go broke ?)   "Moment four-year-old and dad are caught on video shoplifting before violent arrest by Phoenix cops | Daily Mail Online

FBOOK & ZUCK WANT TO OWN THE WORLD. NOW COMPETING w BITCOIN TOO "Facebook unveils ‘its most invasive and dangerous form of surveillance yet’ with launch of Libra cryptocurrency "

The FIT HITS THE SHAN "MH17 investigators charge three Russians and a Ukrainian with MURDER "


"NY Times snubs #1 best-seller Levin in feature reviews of conservative authors ...Perhaps that’s why, when devoting space to the review of new “conservative” books, the Times Book Review completely ignored the book at the top of its own chart."

"NY Times snubs #1 best-seller Levin in feature reviews of conservative authors ...Perhaps that's why, when devoting space to the review of new "conservative" books, the Times Book Review completely ignored the book at the top of its own chart."

Sunday, June 16, 2019

POLL FOR POTUS re WashPost v NY Times

#DEFENDtheUNBORN ! 👶👣👼🌹🥀🎵🎶✝️⛪🙏♥️😎🇺🇸 (@PRAISETRIUNEGOD) tweeted at 7:05 PM on Sun, Jun 16, 2019:

#POTUS WANTS A POLL. SO LETS GET IT GOING. PLEASE VOTE re #TRUMP TWEET: "A #poll should be done on which is the more dishonest and deceitful newspaper, the Failing #NewYorkTimes or the Amazon (lobbyist) #WashingtonPost! They are both a disgrace to our Country, the Enemy...."

"Jury deadlocked over murder charges for Benghazi terrorist over 2012 attack that killed 4 Americans"

BLUES BEAT BRUINS TO WIN 2019 STANLEY CUP ! "St. Louis Blues’ Stanley Cup triumph resonates, commentary "

"NBA Finals 2019: Toronto Raptors win first NBA title with 114-110 victory over Golden State -"

Sunday, June 9, 2019

HIS NAME IS MOHAMMED "Minnesota cop gets 12 years in prison for shooting dead innocent Australian yoga instructor who called 911 about a disturbance outside her home"

SICKENING "Newlywed plunges to her death while video recording husband beating her"

"Another Former Republican State Senator Found Shot Dead at Home ...53-year-old Former Oklahoma GOP state Sen. Jonathan Nichols was found dead inside his home in Norman on Wednesday ..."

"China adds Washington Post, Guardian to 'Great Firewall' blacklist "

Are these STORIES SIMPLY PROPAGANDA BY THE LEADER TO MAKE HIM FEEL BIG? "North Korean leader Kim Jong Un 'executes general by throwing him into a piranha-filled fish tank' "

We pray4 Sania Lateef, ❤ ✝ ⛪ 🙏 "Family Claims Christian Teen Was Kidnapped and Forcefully Converted to Islam in Pakistan "

Monday, June 3, 2019

ALMOST EVERYBODY'S BANNING the RED LIGHT CAMERA SCAM, FINALLY "Red light cameras banned in Texas. " how many millions did THE CAMERA COMPANIES make?

"Virginia Beach gunman gave resignation before shooting...identified as 40-year-old DeWayne Craddock, was an engineer with the city's public utilities department for 15 years..., Virginia Beach City Manager Dave Hansen described the man’s work performance as “satisfactory” with no ongoing issues of discipline..."

"Virginia Beach gunman gave resignation before shooting...identified as 40-year-old DeWayne Craddock, was an engineer with the city's public utilities department for 15 years..., Virginia Beach City Manager Dave Hansen described the man's work performance as "satisfactory" with no ongoing issues of discipline..."

BOEING BLUES. CAN THEY REBOUND? "Boeing finds wing defect, including among some MAX -" (maybe if they stop supporting planned parenthood)

BOEING BLUES. CAN THEY REBOUND?  "Boeing finds wing defect, including among some MAX -" (maybe if they stop  supporting planned parenthood

"This is a device considered critical because if the leading edge slats don't deploy symmetrically, there could be a lift differential that can be dangerous especially on takeoff and landing," one aeronautics expert told AFP on condition of anonymity.

"DeWayne Craddock was violent with co-workers before Virginia Beach shooting: report "