Saturday, February 29, 2020

"Coronavirus in Italy: Over 1,100 Now Infected, 29 Dead "

"Report: North Korea Canceled Kim Jong-il's Birthday Party over Coronavirus"

"I have the coronavirus. So far, it isn't that bad. - "

"How long can coronavirus survive on surfaces?..."On copper and steel it's pretty typical, it's pretty much about two hours," CDC Director Dr. ..

  "How long can coronavirus survive on surfaces?..."On copper and steel it's pretty typical, it's pretty much about two hours," CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield told U.S. lawmakers on Thursday, referring to how long the new coronavirus may be active on those types of materials. "But I will say on other surfaces - cardboard or plastic - it's longer, and so we are looking at this." 

"WHO raises coronavirus threat assessment to its highest level"

ACROSS A NICARAGUA VOLCANO "'I could fall to my death:' tightrope walker Wallenda ..."

Friday, February 28, 2020

"So what does self-isolation actually mean? Former CDC official explains | "

"Man who thought he had squirrels in his attic finds a 28-year-old homeless man living there | "

Horrific. "Teenager's remains found in lion enclosure at Pakistani Lahore zoo "

"Seattle area school closes over virus concern, health experts criticize overreaction - "

"Covid-19 Infects Iranian Vice President, Kills Iran Ambassador To Vatican | "

ThoughtsAndPrayers ❤ 🙏 ✝ "At least 33 Turkish soldiers have been killed in an airstrike carried out by Syrian government forces, officials in Turkey say

"At least 33 Turkish soldiers have been killed in an airstrike carried out by Syrian government forces, officials in Turkey say "

Thursday, February 27, 2020

"An Update on My Health and Treatment -" The Rush Limbaugh Show

"Coca-Cola says coronavirus could affect Diet Coke supply "

"Army of 100,000 Chinese Ducks on Standby to Combat Locust Swarms...The ducks are “biological weapons” and

  "Army of 100,000 Chinese Ducks on Standby to Combat Locust Swarms...The ducks are "biological weapons" and can be more effective than pesticide, said Lu, who is in charge of the project in tandem with a university in Pakistan." 

"Running out of time: East Africa faces new locust threat...A single square kilometre swarm can eat as much food in a day as 35,000 people."

"Egypt's ex-president Hosni Mubarak dies at the age of 91 (family) | "

"UK Schools Close as Two More Coronavirus Cases Confirmed...To date, at least eight schools have closed in order to protect ...

  "UK Schools Close as Two More Coronavirus Cases Confirmed...To date, at least eight schools have closed in order to protect students from contracting the coronavirus, with others sending students home if they came in contact with anyone who had recently travelled to northern Italy, the epicentre of the European outbreak" 

MILWAUKEE . #ThoughtsAndPrayers4 "'A tragic day for our city': 5 people killed in Molson Coors shooting" ❤ 🙏 ✝

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

"Cameroon: Dozens of Victims Escaping Fresh Violence in Cameroon - "

"Friends of Philip Haney: 'No way he would have taken his own life'... “If I am found dead, it wasn’t suicide,” he told multiple people, confirmed ..."

  "Friends of Philip Haney: 'No way he would have taken his own life'....Friends of Haney's who did not want to be identified claim Haney said he feared being "suicided" and would never take his own life. "If I am found dead, it wasn't suicide," he told multiple people, confirmed by two anonymous sources. Representative Steve King (R-IA) also claims Haney had an archive of information he considered to be an "insurance policy" in case he was over found dead of an apparent suicide. The Congressman said Haney did not kill himself." 

Re Philip Haney "Coroner: We have NOT ruled DHS whistleblower's death a suicide - Unfortunately, there was misinformation immediately being ..."

  "Coroner: We have NOT ruled DHS whistleblower's death a suicide - Unfortunately, there was misinformation immediately being put out that we have determined Mr. Haney's death to be a suicide. That is NOT the case," said a statement from Marvin A. Ryan, the coroner for the Amador County Sheriff's Office." 

"Trump receives warm welcome in India, announces $3 billion defense deal | "

SIGN HER UP ⛳ "Straight Awesome — 86 year-old woman sinks 94 foot putt to win new car… – "

"Jussie Smollett Pleads Not Guilty to Restored Charges | "

"Among those in court to observe Monday's proceedings were the brothers who say they were hired by Smollett to participate in the staged attack, Abimbola "Abel" Osundairo and Olabinjo "Ola" Osundairo. If Smollett's case makes it to trial, they would be the state's star witnesses." 

"— Flat earth daredevil ‘Mad’ Mike Hughes killed in homemade rocket crash, body crashes to the ground without parachute… – "


Monday, February 24, 2020

"Grandfather who dropped toddler to her death from Royal Caribbean ship window asks for bench trial ...Despite the windows having handles ..

  "Grandfather who dropped toddler to her death from Royal Caribbean ship window asks for bench trial ...Despite the windows having handles and a blue-green tint, the suit says it was harder for Anello to distinguish between a glass pane and thin air because he is color blind. " 

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Friday, February 21, 2020

"Burkina Faso: three attacks in four weeks -" ❤ 🙏 ✝

"China’s National Health Commission said 2,345 people have died in the country from the new coronavirus, which has infected 76,288 people."

If HE DIDN'T DO IT, HE HAS A RIGHT TO BE OUTRAGED 4 BEING ARRESTED. "Google employee arrested, then released after wife found dead in Hawaii - "

"Iraq, Kuwait on alert as coronavirus deaths rise in Iran - "

"WHO says window of opportunity to stem virus 'narrowing' ...- “Our window of opportunity is narrowing, and that’s why we called (on) the ..

  "WHO says window of opportunity to stem virus 'narrowing' ...- "Our window of opportunity is narrowing, and that's why we called (on) the international community to act quickly, including the financing," Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told a news conference in Geneva, adding: "That's not what we see." 

"China Deploys 40 Mobile Incinerators To Wuhan: Report ..According to the reports, the mobile incinerators are able to destroy up to five tons of waste per day - burning a load in as little as two seconds. The units are reportedly the size of a 20-foot standard shipping container"

  "China Deploys 40 Mobile Incinerators To Wuhan: Report ..According to the reports, the mobile incinerators are able to destroy up to five tons of waste per day - burning a load in as little as two seconds. The units are reportedly the size of a 20-foot standard shipping container" 

"Japan’s health ministry confirmed the deaths of two elderly passengers, both in their 80s, who were on board the Diamond Princess cruise ship."

"More than 500 new coronavirus cases are detected in PRISONS across China .. Iran confirmed 13 new cases of the killer virus and two new deaths, bringing its total fatalities to four – the highest amount outside of mainland China"

  "More than 500 new coronavirus cases are detected in PRISONS across China .. Iran confirmed 13 new cases of the killer virus and two new deaths, bringing its total fatalities to four – the highest amount outside of mainland China" 

Thursday, February 20, 2020

"Google manager arrested after wife's body found on Hawaii beach..'So, I said, ‘You stay here, you have your phone with you and I’ll go grab your inhaler & come back,’ ..He added that he ...' came back, and she was missing.”"

  "Google manager arrested after wife's body found on Hawaii beach..'So, I said, 'You stay here, you have your phone with you and I'll go grab your inhaler  & come back,' ..He added that he ...' came back, and she was missing.""

Terrible way to die ❤ 🙏 ✝ "New York Woman Killed When Mercedes Benz Goes Off Water Ferry In Florida – "

WHAT'S THIS WORLD COMING TO ? "Wisconsin man charged with shooting kids who tossed snowballs at car ..| Several children were playing in the snow on Jan. 4 when they began lobbing snowballs at passing cars, prosecutors said. The driver of one vehicle that was struck got out and began firing a handgun as the kids ran away."

WHAT'S THIS WORLD COMING TO ? "Wisconsin man charged with shooting kids who tossed snowballs at car ..| Several children were playing in the snow on Jan. 4 when they began lobbing snowballs at passing cars, prosecutors said. The driver of one vehicle that was struck got out and began firing a handgun as the kids ran away." 

DO NOT PANIC. "Coronavirus live updates: US hospitals prepare for possible pandemic, FBI stocks up on hand sanitizer and masks...Total confirmed cases: More than 75,700, Total deaths: At least 2,130"

DO NOT PANIC. "Coronavirus live updates: US hospitals prepare for possible pandemic, FBI stocks up on hand sanitizer and masks...Total confirmed cases: More than 75,700, Total deaths: At least 2,130" 

Of BIBLICAL PROPORTIONS ? "10 Plagues That Are Hitting Our Planet Simultaneously – "

2 KIDS BURN PORTERVILLE LIBRARY KILLING 2 FIREMEN 🚒 "Two firefighters are killed in California library blaze ..."

2 KIDS BURN PORTERVILLE LIBRARY KILLING 2 FIREMEN 🚒   "Two firefighters are killed in California library blaze as police arrest two 13-year-old boys 'seen running from the burning building' "

#condolences ❤ 🙏 ✝'


"Another THIRTEEN cases of the killer coronavirus are diagnosed onboard the Diamond Princess "

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

"Man drove half a mile with 'mangled corpse' of hit and run victim and then stopped for a beer | "

Crazy in Wisconsin "Dramatic moment man crashes rocket sled at 241mph in record attempt over a frozen lake | "

"2 teens arrested for starting deadly fire that killed Porterville firefighter, 2nd firefighter still unaccounted for"

"2 teens arrested for starting deadly fire that killed Porterville firefighter, 2nd firefighter still unaccounted for"  

"Mexican researcher accused of being Russian agent in Miami | "

"South Korean church services seen as center of spike in coronavirus cases ..- at least 10 people who attended religious services with Patient 31 have tested positive for the virus."

  "South Korean church services seen as center of spike in coronavirus cases ..- at least 10 people who attended religious services with Patient 31 have tested positive for the virus." 

"Coronavirus death toll tops 2,000: Latest COVID-19 "

"China's latest official figures released on Tuesday put the overall death toll at 1,868 and 72,436 infections. "

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

TRUMP PLAYING MONOPOLY AGAIN...ISSUES SEVERAL 'GET OUT OF JAIL FREE' CARDS "Trump pardons: Blagojevich, Kerik, Milkin among those who got clemency..." AMONG OTHERS

TRUMP PLAYING MONOPOLY AGAIN...ISSUES SEVERAL 'GET OUT OF JAIL FREE' CARDS   "Trump pardons: Blagojevich, Kerik, Milkin among those who got clemency..." AMONG OTHERS 

"Trump commutes sentence of former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich, pardons others"

"Coronavirus: China puts 58million people in lockdown indefinitely as towns and villages ‘sealed shut’ to stop epidemic – "...

"African American man kidnaps a white woman and forces her to watch nine-hour slavery documentary " "roots"

"San Diego Lab Says It Has Designed a Vaccine for Coronavirus .. Inovio Pharmaceuticals said that it has produced a pre-clinical vaccine to fight the deadly COVID-19 coronavirus at its lab in San Diego."

  "San Diego Lab Says It Has Designed a Vaccine for Coronavirus .. Inovio Pharmaceuticals said that it has produced a pre-clinical vaccine to fight the deadly COVID-19 coronavirus at its lab in San Diego." 

Beware of Xia Baolong,! " China Appoints New Hong Kong Chief Known for Christian Persecution | "

Monday, February 17, 2020

Update: serious but NOT life-threatening "Ryan Newman crash: Daytona 500 ends with bad wreck "

Wow "Distraught host Drew Carey takes time off following the murder of his fiancée Amie Hardwick after the Playboy model-turned Hollywood sex therapist was thrown off a balcony by her crazed ex-boyfriend "

Wow "Distraught host Drew Carey takes time off following the murder of his fiancée Amie Hardwick after the Playboy model-turned Hollywood sex therapist was thrown off a balcony by her crazed ex-boyfriend " 

I've hiked there. Silicon valley "Hero saves six-year-old girl being attacked by mountain lion by punching 160-pound cat in the ribs ..| The little girl was attacked in the Rancho San Antonio County Park and Open Space Preserve in Santa Clara County, California on Sunday morning "

I've hiked there "Hero saves six-year-old girl being attacked by mountain lion by punching 160-pound cat in the ribs ..| The little girl was attacked in the Rancho San Antonio County Park and Open Space Preserve in Santa Clara County, California on Sunday morning " 

NOBODY'S SAFE : "Head of Wuhan hospital dies of coronavirus, says Chinese media...Liu Zhiming, the director of Wuchang Hospital, died of the novel coronavirus today, according to Chinese media.."

"BREAKING: Head of Wuhan hospital dies of coronavirus, says Chinese media Liu Zhiming, the director of Wuchang Hospital in Wuhan, is the first hospital leader to have 'sacrificed' in the fight against coronavirus, reported Chinese media outlet Red Star News." 

"How Patients Die After Contracting COVID-19, The New Coronavirus Disease : But the new coronavirus attacks the lungs, and in about 20% of patients, ...

  "How Patients Die After Contracting COVID-19, The New Coronavirus Disease : But the new coronavirus attacks the lungs, and in about 20% of patients, infections can get more serious. As the virus enters lung cells, it starts to replicate, destroying the cells, explains Dr. Yoko Furuya , an infectious disease specialist at Columbia" 

"Blood from cured coronavirus patients could help treat infection ...People who have recently recovered from COVID-19 still have antibodies to the ...

"Blood from cured coronavirus patients could help treat infection ...People who have recently recovered from COVID-19 still have antibodies to the coronavirus circulating in their blood. Injecting those antibodies into sick patients could theoretically help patients better fight the infection." 

Coronavirus:" 70,548 cases have been confirmed along with 1,770 deaths, only three of which have occurred outside of mainland China"

"Coronavirus spreads to people worldwide: Interactive map | 
The first coronavirus case surfaced in December in the city of Wuhan, in China's Hubei province. Currently, 70,548 cases have been confirmed along with 1,770 deaths, only three of which have occurred outside of mainland China" 

"Islamic terrorists kill at least 24 during church service in Burkina Faso | group of "armed terrorists" killed at least 24, including the pastor, in a ...

   "Islamic terrorists kill at least 24 during church service in Burkina Faso | group of "armed terrorists" killed at least 24, including the pastor, in a gun attack on a Protestant church in Burkina Faso's Yagha province during Sunday morning service. 18 others were also wounded and a number of people were kidnapped


THIS GUY WAS A MAJOR RUTHLESS CRIMINAL MASTERMIND , FINALLY CAUGHT    "Paul Le Roux, the Coder Who Became a Criminal Mastermind " | WIRED 

Sunday, February 16, 2020

"To Tame Coronavirus, Mao-Style Social Control Blankets China – The nation is battling the coronavirus outbreak with a grass-roots mobilization reminiscent of Mao-style mass ..."

 "To Tame Coronavirus, Mao-Style Social Control Blankets China – The nation is battling the coronavirus outbreak with a grass-roots mobilization reminiscent of Mao-style mass crusades not seen in China in decades, essentially entrusting front line epidemic prevention to a supercharged version of a neighborhood watch..." 

CALIFORNIANS MAY WANT TO FOCUS MORE ON FLU PREVENTION THAN CORONAVIRUS "The most recent reporting week ending Feb. 8 was a particularly deadly week for the flu outbreak in California with 62 people dying from influenza."

  CALIFORNIANS MAY WANT TO FOCUS MORE ON FLU PREVENTION THAN CORONAVIRUS "The most recent reporting week ending Feb. 8 was a particularly deadly week for the flu outbreak in California with 62 people dying from influenza." 

"At least four rockets hit US military coalition base in Baghdad with no casualties reported | "


Really ? "Coronavirus drug could start production this month"

"Hand dryers won't kill the coronavirus and nor will UV lamps: World Health Organization debunk 10 of the biggest myths surrounding the outbreak "

  "Hand dryers won't kill the coronavirus and nor will UV lamps: World Health Organization debunk 10 of the biggest myths surrounding the outbreak " 

"American passenger REFUSES to be evacuated from coronavirus cruise ship where 285 have fallen sick | American passenger and his wife REFUSE to be evacuated from coronavirus cruise ship in Japan because they would rather be quarantined on the luxury liner than a California Air Force base, as another 70 people test positive on board "

"American passenger REFUSES to be evacuated from coronavirus cruise ship where 285 have fallen sick | American passenger and his wife REFUSE to be evacuated from coronavirus cruise ship in Japan because they would rather be quarantined on the luxury liner than a California Air Force base, as another 70 people test positive on board


IT MUST BE MORE DIFFICULT TO DECONSTRUCT "New York judge orders 20 floors from a 55-story luxury Manhattan skyscraper to be REMOVED "

"Stunt woman, 59, who doubled for Jessica Alba, and her husband are shot dead by her ex-husband | A former stunt woman who appeared in 'Back to the Future II' and doubled for stars such as Jessica Alba and Brooke Shields has died in a shootout in Ohio.."

  "Stunt woman, 59, who doubled for Jessica Alba, and her husband are shot dead by her ex-husband | A former stunt woman who appeared in 'Back to the Future II' and doubled for stars such as Jessica Alba and Brooke Shields has died in a shootout in Ohio.." 

Saturday, February 15, 2020

DEATH TOLL UPDATE 2/15/20 "Coronavirus Death Toll Reaches 1500, Quarantined Cruise Ship Passengers To Return To U.S. – "

"France reports Europe’s first coronavirus death | "

"China coronavirus outbreak: All the latest updates | New fatalities push nationwide death toll close to 1,400 and further 5,090 new cases take total infections near 65,000."

"China coronavirus outbreak: All the latest updates | New fatalities in Hubei push nationwide death toll to 1,483 and further 4,823 cases take total infections near 65,000."

"East Africa locust infestation: U.N. warns of looming catastrophe ..| United Nations has expressed deep concern over the swarms of locusts that have invaded East Africa, saying there is a risk of a catastrophe."

 "East Africa locust infestation: U.N. warns of looming catastrophe ..| United Nations has expressed deep concern over the swarms of locusts that have invaded East Africa, saying there is a risk of a catastrophe." 

SHAME ON JUDGE AMY JACKSON 👎😠"Corrupt Stone Judge Amy Berman Jackson Wanted To Jail Conservative Journalist For Exposing Juror Bias...

"Corrupt Stone Judge Amy Berman Jackson Wanted To Jail Conservative Journalist For Exposing Juror Bias...Judge Jackson didn't care that potential jurors had political backgrounds or had given inappropriate and extremely biased answers in their jury questionnaires..." 

"Roger Stone makes second request for new trial amid sentencing controversy | "

"Disease modelers gaze into computers to see future of Covid-19 - A ... at least 550,000 cases..."

"Disease modelers gaze into computers to see future of Covid-19 - A
... at least 550,000 cases. Maybe 4.4 million. Or something in between.
Like weather forecasters, researchers who use mathematical equations to project how bad a disease outbreak might become are used to uncertainties and incomplete data, and Covid-19 .." 

Thursday, February 13, 2020

"China on Friday reported 116 more deaths in Hubei, the province at the centre of the escalating coronavirus outbreak, bringing to at least 1,483 the total number of deaths across the country."

"China on Friday reported 116 more deaths in Hubei, the province at the centre of the escalating coronavirus outbreak, bringing to at least 1,483 the total number of deaths across the country." 

Pray4 🙏 "Zimbabwe: Binga Disaster - 11 Villagers Still Perched in Trees, 21 Families Marooned .. At least 11 villagers have spent the past threes days perched in trees while 21 families are marooned with no food or water desperately waiting for help after heavy rains fell in Binga District, Matabeleland North, a Cabinet Minister has confirmed."

   "Zimbabwe: Binga Disaster - 11 Villagers Still Perched in Trees, 21 Families Marooned .. At least 11 villagers have spent the past threes days perched in trees while 21 families are marooned with no food or water desperately waiting for help after heavy rains fell in Binga District, Matabeleland North, a Cabinet Minister has confirmed." 

Sad. Sickening . 😞😢 "Body of six-year-old Faye Swetlik is found in South Carolina as homicide cops confirm the body of a man has also been found " Sad. Sickening . 😞😢 "Body of six-year-old Faye Swetlik is found in South Carolina as homicide cops confirm the body of a man has also been found "

"DR Congo violence: Suspected rebel attack in northeast | killed at least 12 people...Rebel group Allied Democratic Fighters is suspected of carrying out the raids using machetes and guns."

"DR Congo violence: Suspected rebel attack in northeast | killed at least 12 people...Rebel group Allied Democratic Fighters is suspected of carrying out the raids using machetes and guns." 

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

USA CO.'s SHOULD BE RESPONSIBLE FOR UNSAFE CHEAP LABOR CONDITION S "Workers clawed at ladder to door that was only escape from deadly India factory fire - it supplies jeans, denim and other garments to more than 20 global brands including popular U.S. companies like Target, Ann Taylor, Mango and Wrangler, and its sister company supplies Walmart and H&M."

USA CO.'s SHOULD BE RESPONSIBLE FOR UNSAFE CHEAP LABOR CONDITION S  "Workers clawed at ladder to door that was only escape from deadly India factory fire - it supplies jeans, denim and other garments to more than 20 global brands including popular U.S. companies like Target, Ann Taylor, Mango and Wrangler, and its sister company supplies Walmart and H&M." 

"A Vaccine For The Wuhan Coronavirus? Don’t Hold Your Breath – "

"The Majority Of Coronavirus Victims Are Men, And The Virus Is Hitting Adults Far Harder Than It Is Hitting Children "

"Coronavirus: Death of Dr. Li Wenliang Rocks China....Li, reprimanded with seven other doctors for warning of the outbreak in .."

 "Coronavirus: Death of Dr. Li Wenliang Rocks China....Li, reprimanded with seven other doctors for warning of the outbreak in December, was accused of "spreading false rumors" and "disrupting social order" and, for his brave efforts, was briefly detained, interrogated, and forced to sign an "admonishment notice." Li undoubtedly contracted the virus treating patients at Wuhan Central Hospital." 

❤ 🙏 ✝ "Hundreds Join Search for Missing 6-Year-Old Girl Last Seen Playing in Front Yard " South Carolina

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

"Turned away on virus fear, cruise ship risks running low on food...The cruise ship operated by Carnival Corp.’s Holland America Line could be forced to wait until it’s in distress –

   "Turned away on virus fear, cruise ship risks running low on food...The cruise ship operated by Carnival Corp.'s Holland America Line could be forced to wait until it's in distress – running out of water, food or fuel – before international law-of-the-sea conventions kick in and legally obligate the closest country to admit the vessel or provide help, according to maritime experts." 

❤ 🙏 ✝ "Dissident: China Welding People Shut in Their Homes to Fight Coronavirus....Chen Guangcheng backed up his story of Communist Party officials welding doors shut with videos posted online from Wuhan."

 ❤ 🙏 ✝ "Dissident: China Welding People Shut in Their Homes to Fight Coronavirus....Chen Guangcheng backed up his story of Communist Party officials welding doors shut with videos posted online from Wuhan." 

❤ 🙏 ✝"6 dead, 12 injured in Kabul suicide bombing - The suspected suicide bomber detonated the device while the employees and cadets were entering the Marshal Fahim Military Academy building. .."

❤ 🙏 ✝"6 dead, 12 injured in Kabul suicide bombing - The suspected suicide bomber detonated the device while the employees and cadets were entering the Marshal Fahim Military Academy building. .." 

"Sudan will surrender Bashir to ICC for war crimes - Transitional Council | "

SO SAD . HORRIFIC "Nigeria: At least 30 killed, women, children abducted in Borno State " burned to death in cars

"Coronavirus FINALLY has a name: World health chiefs label the deadly SARS-like disease 'COVID-19' - six weeks after the outbreak that has killed more than 1,000 people began "

  "Coronavirus FINALLY has a name: World health chiefs label the deadly SARS-like disease 'COVID-19' - six weeks after the outbreak that has killed more than 1,000 people began " 

Sunday, February 9, 2020

ANOTHER HATER FROM THE LEFT "Florida man intentionally plows van into GOP voter-registration tent, nearly hitting 6 volunteers ..Thankfully, Republican volunteers narrowly avoided being struck by the accelerating van. The driver sped away after making an obscene gesture toward the crowd."

HATER FROM THE LEFT  "Florida man intentionally plows van into GOP voter-registration tent, nearly hitting 6 volunteers ..Thankfully, Republican volunteers narrowly avoided being struck by the accelerating van. The driver sped away after making an obscene gesture toward the crowd." 

1st FIRES, NOW FLOODING ✝ ❤ 🙏 "Sydney weather: Widespread evacuations, 137,000 without power as major storm causes chaos...142 Thousands of Sydney residents were ordered to evacuate on Sunday night in the face of rising flood waters, with the State Emergency Service warning anyone who stayed behind risked being trapped..."

1st FIRES, NOW FLOODING  ✝ ❤ 🙏 "Sydney weather: Widespread evacuations, 137,000 without power as major storm causes chaos...142
Thousands of Sydney residents were ordered to evacuate on Sunday night in the face of rising flood waters, with the State Emergency Service warning anyone who stayed behind risked being trapped..." 

COP NAMED GONZALEZ KILLED UNARMED KID IN WISCONSIN. DAD WANTS JUSTICE. I TRUST THE DAD. "EXCLUSIVE: Decorated Lt. Col Exposes Cops Who Murdered His Son by Releasing Audio Evidence...In brief, Michael Bell Jr. was killed by Kenosha PD Officer Alberto Gonzalez in the driveway of his home, in front of his mother, sister, and several other witnesses.."

COP NAMED GONZALEZ KILLED UNARMED  KID IN WISCONSIN. DAD WANTS JUSTICE   "EXCLUSIVE: Decorated Lt. Col Exposes Cops Who Murdered His Son by Releasing Audio Evidence...In brief, Michael Bell Jr. was killed by Kenosha PD Officer Alberto Gonzalez in the driveway of his home, in front of his mother, sister, and several other witnesses.." 

Good grief 😱"Oops: Student loan company sends father 55,000 copies of same letter - Even with his truck, Cain had to make two trips to get all 79 bins of letters from the post office to a stack in his garage. "The 55,000 letters that were delivered to the customer in Twinsburg, Ohio, is not something we see often," U.S. Postal Service spokeswoman Naddia Dhalai said, according to CNN."

Good grief 😱"Oops: Student loan company sends father 55,000 copies of same letter - Even with his truck, Cain had to make two trips to get all 79 bins of letters from the post office to a stack in his garage.
"The 55,000 letters that were delivered to the customer in Twinsburg, Ohio, is not something we see often," U.S. Postal Service spokeswoman Naddia Dhalai said, according to CNN." 

"Suspect in the killing of 26 people in Thailand shot dead .. Jakraphanth Thomma, 32, was killed after being cornered all night in a shopping center in Nakhon Ratchasima, police said at a news conference."

   "Suspect in the killing of 26 people in Thailand shot dead .. Jakraphanth Thomma, 32, was killed after being cornered all night in a shopping center in Nakhon Ratchasima, police said at a news conference." 

"Coronavirus: UK Evacuates 200 from Wuhan, 2 Cases Confirmed in Spain "

"Nine members of Hong Kong family feared infected after 'hotpot' - "

"Soldier kills 26 in bloodiest mass shooting in Thailand - "

"Ethiopian student in Wuhan shares 'coronavirus lockdown' experience "

"Bill Gates' daughter to marry Egyptian horse rider | "

SHAME ON WELLS FARGO & 5th-THIRD "Marco Rubio denounces Wells Fargo for ending school voucher funding over Christian schools’ views ...because some of the schools students are choosing to attend oppose homosexuality and transgender ideology."

  "Republican Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida has denounced Wells Fargo for withdrawing donations from a state voucher program because some of the schools students are choosing to attend oppose homosexuality and transgender ideology..." 

Saturday, February 8, 2020

NOTHING SATISFACTORILY EXPLAINS the SUDDEN HI-SPEED DESCENT 🚁"Kobe Bryant helicopter was 100 feet from clear skies before crash, investigators say "

KOBE BRYANT HELICOPTER VICTIM PUBLIC MEMORIAL SERVICE AT ANGEL STADIUM Feb 10 ❤ ✝ 🙏 "Memorial service for Altobelli family to be held Monday at Angel Stadium - "

KOBE BRYANT HELICOPTER VICTIM PUBLIC MEMORIAL SERVICE AT ANGEL STADIUM Feb 10 ❤ ✝ 🙏   "Memorial service for Altobelli family to be held Monday at Angel Stadium - " 

RESIGNED OR FIRED ? "School principal calls Kobe Bryant's death 'karma,' resigns from job "

❤ 🙏 ✝ "New York man attacked by MS-13, who was set to testify against them, found dead - The bludgeoned body of 36-year-old Wilmer Maldonado Rodriguez was found Sunday outside an abandoned home in New Cassel.."

❤ 🙏 ✝  "New York man attacked by MS-13, who was set to testify against them, found dead - The bludgeoned body of 36-year-old Wilmer Maldonado Rodriguez was found Sunday outside an abandoned home in New Cassel.." 

Thursday, February 6, 2020

I WAS WONDERING WHEN LIBS MIGHT TRY TO PLAY THE RACE CARD AGAINST RUSH (they prob have NO clue his producer is black) (didnt expect it when he's at his weakest.. But thats lib style.. Like a pack of wolves ) "Limbaugh's black producer: Racism charge against Rush is 'slanderous' - "

 I WAS WONDERING WHEN LIBS MIGHT TRY TO PLAY THE RACE CARD AGAINST RUSH (they prob have NO clue his producer is black) (didnt expect it when he's at his weakest.. But thats lib style.. Like a pack of wolves )  "Limbaugh's black producer: Racism charge against Rush is 'slanderous' - "

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Really ? "Bernie Madoff says he’s terminally ill, wants early release - "

#ThoughtsAndPrayers ❤ 🙏 ✝ "Avalanches in Turkey kill 38, including 33 rescue workers "

"Mayor: 'Joy ride' driver arrested on Super Bowl parade route "

"360 Billion Locusts And Growing - A Plague Of 'Biblical Proportions' Is Destroying Crops Across The Middle East And Africa "

" #Coronavirus Live Updates: Hong Kong Imposes Quarantines as China Death Toll Rises ...Passengers from the evacuation flights were expected to be accommodated at Travis Air Force Base in Fairfield, Calif., and at Marine Corps Air Station Miramar in San Diego."

  " #Coronavirus Live Updates: Hong Kong Imposes Quarantines as China Death Toll Rises ...Passengers from the evacuation flights were expected to be accommodated at Travis Air Force Base in Fairfield, Calif., and at Marine Corps Air Station Miramar in San Diego." 

Monday, February 3, 2020

CRAZY CANUCK, eh ? How many Labatts 🍺 did he have ? ''Man water-skis through the snowy streets of Canada wearing nothing but a pair of Speedos | "

❤ ✝ 🙏''Two Women Killed, Toddler Injured in Shooting at Texas A&M-Commerce "

LOWER RISK AT WINDOW SEAT "Here’s how coronavirus spreads on a plane—and the safest place to sit "

"Church stampede leaves 20 dead after pastor pours ‘holy oil’ on ground...Pastor Boniface Mwamposa, who heads the Arise and Shine Ministry and calls himself “The Apostle”, reportedly poured “holy oil” on the ground, prompting the crowd to surge forward in the hopes of touching it. The rush to be anointed by the oil led to people crushing one another, resulting in the deaths of 20 people and 16 people injured,.."

  "Church stampede leaves 20 dead after pastor pours 'holy oil' on ground...Pastor Boniface Mwamposa, who heads the Arise and Shine Ministry and calls himself "The Apostle", reportedly poured "holy oil" on the ground, prompting the crowd to surge forward in the hopes of touching it. The rush to be anointed by the oil led to people crushing one another, resulting in the deaths of 20 people and 16 people injured,.."

OMINOUS SIGN ? "WATCH: Horde of locusts blocks out the skies in Saudi Arabia, Yemen...Residents in Saudi Arabia and Yemen have been faced with the bewildering sight of a truly gargantuan swarm of roughly 360 billion locusts, which can block out the sun at times. But an even bigger swarm is coming soon."

OMINOUS SIGN ?  "WATCH: Horde of locusts blocks out the skies in Saudi Arabia, Yemen...Residents in Saudi Arabia and Yemen have been faced with the bewildering sight of a truly gargantuan swarm of roughly 360 billion locusts, which can block out the sun at times. But an even bigger swarm is coming soon." 

"Here’s the 1,000-Bed Coronavirus Hospital China Built in 10 Days - "

"Six shot on a Greyhound bus travelling from LA to San Francisco at 1am "

Sunday, February 2, 2020

"Terrorist shot dead after stabbing two people in south London attack is named as Sudesh Amman, 19, who was freed just days ago after serving jail term for distributing extremist material"

"Terrorist shot dead after stabbing two people in south London attack is named as Sudesh Amman, 19, who was freed just days ago after serving jail term for distributing extremist material" 

CHINA GOVT MINUS GOD EQUALS INSANITY "China bans funerals for Wuhan coronavirus victims as death toll rises ..China has banned funerals, burials and other related activities involving the corpses of deceased victims of the novel coronavirus that originated in Wuhan, China, according to new trial regulations issued Saturday to slow the spread "

CHINA GOVT MINUS GOD EQUALS INSANITY "China bans funerals for Wuhan coronavirus victims as death toll rises ..China has banned funerals, burials and other related activities involving the corpses of deceased victims of the novel coronavirus that originated in Wuhan, China, according to new trial regulations issued Saturday to slow the spread " 

(Bizarre!) TALENTED 30-yo OPERA SINGER CRASHES PRES TRUMP'S FLORIDA ESTATE ...leads chase, picks up mom at airport, gets tackled at hotel. "Shots fired at Mar-a-Lago during police chase -" South Florida Sun-Sentinel

(Bizarre!) TALENTED 30-yo OPERA SINGER CRASHES PRES TRUMP'S FLORIDA ESTATE ...leads chase, picks up mom at airport, gets tackled at hotel. "Shots fired at Mar-a-Lago during police chase -" South Florida Sun-Sentinel