Thursday, November 25, 2021

"The Origins of Our Favorite Nostalgic Thanksgiving Brands "

The late Leo Peters attended Calvin College. His son now owns & operates Butterball Farms which makes 'fancy butter'' including the little patties provided with hotcakes at McDonalds. 

There is a special 'collection' of  Peters papers at the Calvin Library. All the children of Leo & Helen Peters as well as his 2nd wife Nancy attended Calvin University as well. 

Their names are Martha, Linda, Barbara, Diana (Di), Sandra (San), Andrea (Ani), Teresa (Teri), and the only boy, Mark. One daughter, late Brenda, did not attend college (she was born with downs syndrome). 

"The next owner, Leo Peters, sold the name "Butterball" to Swift and Co., which would come under ConAgra ownership in 1990. The company did not become the largest turkey producer in the country (approximately one billion each year) until 2006, when it transferred ownership to Carolina Turkeys. But what really made Butterball synonymous with Thanksgiving was the launch of the Turkey Talk-Line, .."