''Even still, they're not the only species culled — and most aren't invasive. Among native species slaughtered, there were over 26,000 Canada geese killed, just under 25,000 beavers, almost 64,000 coyotes, 10,775 black-tailed prairie dogs, over 75,000 northern pikeminnows 10,162 common ravens, 9,583 double-crested cormorants and a partridge in a pear tree. I might have made one of those up..."
This is my new site for "praying the news" after my previous site was sabotaged. Write this down or screenshot it to remember in case this new site ever goes down, I will try to re-establish it at PrayThePolitics.blogspot.com/ (kept private until necessary) or InfoPrayer.blogspot.com (now open)
FOX News