Tuesday, January 31, 2023

"Michigan Man Convicted on Charges of Providing Material Support To ISIS"

"Olympic bobsledder, 48, dies after suffering a 'catastrophic' brain bleed "

Seriously? "The California Department of Motor Vehicles is turning car titles into NFTs "

*" intentional mutation of viruses to sell more ‘vaccines,’

 "Project Veritas' 'bombshell' video that exposed a director of research and development discussing the intentional mutation of viruses to sell more 'vaccines,' the corporate media did more than black out the story. Big Tech actually censored it, as Google and Youtube did with Project Veritas' video...'

"Cindy Williams, 'Laverne & Shirley' actress, dead at 75 "

"Williams also starred in director George Lucas' 1973 film "American Graffiti" and director Francis Ford Coppola's "The Conversation" from 1974...."


Monday, January 30, 2023

Pakistan "Suicide bombing kills at least 34, wounds 150 as people were praying"

Estrella Martรญn Rasco ✝️❤️๐Ÿ™ "14-year-old athlete dies suddenly at home day after training with teammates

" a 32% spike in strokes among 18- to 34-year-old women ..

"Between 2003 and 2012, there was a 32% spike in strokes among 18- to 34-year-old women and a 15% increase for men in the same age range, .."


"Fiscal Year 2022 there have been 50 arrests of migrants on the Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB) at the southern border "

  & How many get aways?
"Fiscal Year 2022 there have been 50 arrests of migrants on the Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB) at the southern border ..."


dJoker wins Australia ๐ŸŽพ๐Ÿ‘ "mountains of evidence have emerged supporting the idea that Djokovic should’ve been allowed to play —"

"Philadelphia Eagles defeat San Francisco 49ers to advance to Super Bowl LVII "

Superbowl bound: "Chiefs top Bengals 23-20 on last-second kick for AFC title "

Saturday, January 28, 2023

five Memphis police officers involved in the incident were identified:

" five Memphis police officers involved in the incident were identified: Desmond Mills, Justin Smith, Emmitt Martin, Tadarrius Bean and Demetrius Haley. They were subsequently fired and face charges, including second-degree murder...."


Gruesome Newsome wants CA doctors to be mere robots๐Ÿ˜ก: "CA judge issues preliminary injunction against

Gruesome Newsome wants CA doctors to be mere robots๐Ÿ˜ก: 
"CA judge issued a preliminary injunction against a state law that empowers the Medical Board of CA to discipline physicians who support opinions re COVID-19 that are not in line with the "consensus,"

Friday, January 27, 2023

"Mexican authorities discover truck carrying over 50 unaccompanied migrant kids''

Guam "Marine Corps opens 1st new base in decades to counter potential Chinese invasion of Taiwan "

"Seattle sues Hyundai and Kia over soaring car thefts"

"Videos that went viral on social media showed how to steal car models simply by removing a plastic piece under the steering wheel and using a USB cord and turning it like a key..."


they finally did the right thing "Charges Dropped Against Mother of Ashli Babbitt "

"Daughter of Sopranos actor dies aged 25 three months after giving birth"

"Michigan man dead after pointing laser and opening fire at police helicopter ''

"The Bodycam Footage Of Paul Pelosi Attack Has Been Released "

"Bilal al-Sudani: US forces kill Islamic State Somalia leader in cave complex "

"Rep. Matt Gaetz introduces 'PENCIL' resolution barring Adam Schiff from accessing classified information"

"Lindsay Clancy, a nurse from Duxbury, is facing charges in the strangling of her children

"Massachusetts mom allegedly killed two of her kids, injured baby before jumping out window
Lindsay Clancy, a nurse from Duxbury, is facing charges in the strangling of her children"


Tuesday, January 24, 2023

"Dr. Robert Malone: I can't support Trump if he defends COVID shots "

The new Wash DC parking enforcement SCAM.

 11:25 AM on Mon, Jan 23, 2023:

The new Wash DC parking enforcement SCAM. Even tho they know with their device if u paid or not, if u DON'T put receipt on dash U get a $50 ticket. Nor do they say anywhere to place the paper receipt on the dash. 

(most modern cities that use electronic devices do not require nor need the paper proof on the dash)

"Failure to display a meter receipt has eclipsed  expired meter violations & is the leading reason for getting a ticket"

Sunday, January 22, 2023

"49ers face Eagles for place in Super Bowl after smothering punchless Cowboys"

"How Arizona, California and other states are trying to generate a whole new water supply "

"And what we can do with these groundwater recharge projects is take advantage of that space, which is vastly greater than the sum of all of the surface storage reservoirs that exist now or could be built," he said.  .."


The real travesty is this never-ending rabid lefty J6 INQUISITION ๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ˜ก

The real travesty is this never-ending rabid lefty INQUISITION ๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ˜ก

"3 active Marines spent about 52 minutes inside the Capitol. At one point they put a red "Make American Great Again" hat on a statue .... Hellonen was carrying a "Don't Tread on Me" flag,"

"California Mass Shooter ID’ed as 72-Year-Old Huu Can Tran "

Condolences ❤️✝️๐Ÿ™"35-Year-Old Middle School Coach and Teacher Drops Dead in Front of His Class After Suffering from Heart Attack "

It's about time "US: FBI searches President Joe Biden's Wilmington home, finds more documents marked classified "

"Polar bear emerged unseen from snowstorm to kill mom, son... the first fatal polar bear attack in 30 years in Alaska, "

Condolences ❤️ ๐Ÿ™ ✝️ ๐Ÿ™ 10 killed mass shooting Monterey Park Los Angeles

Saturday, January 21, 2023

"Biden White House and DOJ Made Secret Agreement to Hide Classified Doc Scandal"

"Putin Readies Nightmare Attack; Here’s What We Know…"

"All in the family: Joe Biden is named in 2017 email discussing multi-million dollar gas deal with CHINA, .."

"The Only Living Boy in Palo Alto an otherworldly visit at home with Sam Bankman

" hit-and-run teen driver who plowed into mom and baby in stolen car is murdered "

"Los Angeles hit-and-run driver who plowed into mom and baby in stolen car is murdered after light sentence
The 17-year-old wrong-way ..."


All lights on ๐Ÿ’ก๐Ÿ•–24/7 "The lights have been on at a Massachusetts school for over a year because no one can turn them off "

Monday, January 16, 2023

mass-mrna-vaccination-of-animals-is -here-WITH-LITTLE-OVERSIGHT ๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sponge it "The Key to California’s Survival Is Hidden Underground " | WIRED

"The Key to California's Survival Is Hidden Underground | WIRED" https://www.wired.com/story/the-key-to-californias-survival-is-hidden-underground/amp 

"Why Was Hunter Paying Joe Biden $50k Per Month To Rent House Where Classified Documents Found?"

RIP Charles “Chad” Cate ✝️❤️๐Ÿ™ "Washington Fire Captain Dies Suddenly at 46, Found Dead in Bed: ‘Completely Unexpected’

"Catholic Bishops Blast 210 ‘Evil’ Democrats Who Voted against Born Alive Act: ‘Shame on You’''

Sickening "Planned Parenthood Leaders Admit Under Oath to Harvesting Body Parts From Babies Born Alive"

7th whale ๐Ÿ‹ found dead "Calls mount to stop offshore wind project as more whales wash up dead: '

"I can't authoritatively say that all off the whales that are washing up are because of offshore wind farms. But what I can tell you is that the seven whales that washed up off New Jersey in the past month have all washed up during intense geotechnical surveying of wind farm leases off of New Jersey," Lapp said Friday on "Tucker Carlson Tonight."

"At least 68 dead in Nepal plane crash, many burned beyond recognition; search for the missing underway"

Sunday, January 15, 2023

"Georgia Football Player and Team Staffer Killed in Car Crash Hours After Championship Celebration"

"Offensive lineman Devin Willock, 20, and staffer Chandler LeCroy, 24, were both killed in the crash, .."


"Why are FDA officials dragging their feet on making Pstudy data on subclinical myocarditis available to the public .."

"Why are FDA officials dragging their feet on making Pfizer's prospective study data on subclinical myocarditis available to the public when evidence has been published in the medical literature that Pfizer's pre-EUA clinical trials revealed 'a 36 percent higher risk of serious adverse events in vaccinated participants in comparison to placebo recipients,'..."


L.A." Great Unwind: Busiest US Container Ports Went From Swamped To Eerily Quiet"

"Paramedics charged with first-degree murder after stunning action taken with patient"

If you have "vaccine regret" this site says they have something to remove it (this is NOT an endorsement

If you have vaccine regret this site says they have something to remove it

 (this is NOT an endorsement NOR recommendation by me just passing it on for anybody who may be interested to do their own research)


Data that goes with previous link

"FDA: Pfizer’s Covid Shots Linked to Blood Clotting "

"FDA researchers found that the vaccines are linked to pulmonary embolisms in older people.

A pulmonary embolism is blood clotting in the lungs...


"At least 7 dead after destructive tornadoes hit Alabama "

Unbelievable "Lawrence rallies Jaguars from 27 down to beat Chargers 31-30 "

"The No. 1 overall pick in the 2021 draft followed four interceptions with four touchdown passes — one of the most improbable turnarounds in NFL postseason history —"

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Died of cancer ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’❤️✝️ 'Robbie Knievel, American daredevil and son of Evel Knievel, dead at 60"

Prayers4 Zack Shahin ๐Ÿ™

 "family said he was detained for 13 months before formal charges were filed against him. Besides a short-lived release on bail, Zack spent the next nine years in jail before he was finally convinced in 2017. He was sentenced to 49 years, which didn't include time served.

His family insists he is innocent. The big four global accountancy firms audited Deyaar for the years Zack was CEO and found no financial losses or evidence of the financial crimes he was accused of, according to the Shahins. .."


"Penn Biden Center where classified papers were found is a ‘dark-money nightmare’"

"The University of Pennsylvania received more than $30 million from Chinese donors shortly after the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement, which functioned as an office for Joe Biden before he was elected president, was announced in 2017, according to public records..."


"British Cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra Tells BBC 30,000 Excess Deaths This Year Most Likely Linked to mRNA Vaccines "

"20-Year-Old College Tennis Player Jack Madison Passes Away in His Sleep"

"US Navy veteran Taylor Dudley released after almost a year in Russian detention"

"Call For Immediate Suspension Of Covid Vaxxes Due To Serious Adverse Events"

"During a COVID-19 EU hearing last October, Pfizer's President of International Developed Markets, Janine Small, admitted that the vaccine had never been tested on its ability to prevent transmission, contrary to what was previously advertised.''

"Inherited Risk of Sudden Death Triggered by COVID-19 Vaccination"

๐Ÿ‘"Elon Musk Wants George Soros Investigated For Controlling Information"

"Walrus Comeback Is More Good News Climate Crazies Won’t Admit"

"When I first visited Svalbard in the Norwegian Arctic in 1978, there were fewer than 100 walruses there, mainly males. A survey in 2018 found more than 5,500, including increasing numbers of females with calves.."


๐Ÿ‘"You're fired! 3 EXTREME Dems, Schiff, Ilhan Omar and Eric Swalwell, are removed

"Three extremist Democrats, Reps. Adam Schiff, Ilhan Omar and Eric Swalwell, are being removed from their congressional committee assignments by Speaker Kevin McCarthy,..."


Wednesday, January 11, 2023

"Naomi Osaka announces her PREGNANCY on social media, adding that she's excited 'for my kid to watch one of my matches'"

"Over 5,400 US Flights Delayed In Massive Chaos After System Failure"

"The FAA Outage Resembles A Predicted CCP Cyber Attack And Buttigieg Is Unprepared, Posobiec Reports"

ALL-FLIGHTS-ACROSS-US-GROUNDED due-to-faa-computer-system glitch

seems like NBC is running cover "Corrupted file to blame for FAA aviation stoppage "

"Corrupted file to blame for FAA aviation stoppage that delayed thousands of flights. The system was restored after it halted all departures across the country..."

"An FAA computer glitch grounded flights across the US "

"FAA system outage causes thousands of flight delays, cancellations, as investigators hunt for cause"

"Not just criminal, but immoral': IMPEACH BIDEN momentum builds "

''Pry it from my cold dead hands': Dems torched for gas-stove ban "

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

๐Ÿ‘"Stanford removes ‘harmful language guide’ from website following backlash "

Condolences ❤️๐Ÿ™✝️ "Diamond of pro-Trump Diamond & Silk duo Dies at 51"

Condolences ❤️๐Ÿ™✝️
Great conservative duo ๐Ÿ‘.

"Diamond of pro-Trump Diamond and Silk duo dies at 51"

SHAME on slimy  lefty snakes, they're mocking her death because they say she wasn't Vaxxed



Blowout ๐Ÿ‘Ž "Georgia demolishes TCU 65-7, sets new CFP record to win back-to-back national championships"

Monday, January 9, 2023

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Yemen "Thousands Killed, Dozens Of Power Stations & Hospitals Bombed In 2022's 'FORGOTTEN WAR"

"Saudi Arabia-led international coalition also destroyed over 14,300 homes, 12 hospitals, 64 schools, and 22 power stations in Yemen last year, according to the organization, furthering the suffering of millions of Yemenis. .."

January-6-a day- that will-live- in ALCHEMY

Survived ๐Ÿ‘ "Old Dominion basketball player Imo Essien collapsed during the middle of a game this past weekend.

"Old Dominion basketball player Imo Essien "had to be tended to by training staff from both ODU and Georgia Southern", according to WAVY, after collapsing during the middle of a game this past weekend..."

Slime bag Capitol cops ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ‘Ž "Capitol police have arrested Micki Witthoeft, the mother of Ashli Babbitt, for allegedly "jaywalking" .."

"Capitol police have arrested Micki Witthoeft, the mother of Ashli Babbitt, for allegedly "jaywalking" while protesting during the anniversary of her daughter's death. .."


"Border Patrol Union and GOP Mock Joe Biden Over Finally Getting Around to Border Visit "

"More Proof That Nancy Pelosi Was More Responsible for J6 Riot Than Trump"

"Another football tragedy occurs in Nevada when girl, 16, collapses and dies during high school flag football "

''Here Are The Concessions McCarthy Had To Make For Speakership"

1 One congressperson can move to remove the Speaker 
2 committee re weaponization of FBI 
3 Term limits up for vote
4 Bills to Congress single subject, not omnibus 
5 TX Border Plan presented to Congress
6 COVID mandates ENDED 
7 END increases in debt ceiling 


"US troops conducted 313 missions and killed 686 ISIS fighters in 2022 "

"40 dead, many injured in Senegal bus crash, president says | "

USA-today- warns-kids-at -risk-of-heart- attacks-like- damar-hamlin/

WTH: jan-6-committee -releases-social -security-numbers trump- officials-allies-report

"Bryan Kohberger case: Knife sheath points to possible target, experts say"

❤️✝️๐Ÿ™"A 6-year-old boy shot 30-year-old Abigail Zwerner, a first-grade teacher at Richneck Elementary School."

"The 6-year-old boy shot 30-year-old Abigail Zwerner, a first-grade teacher at Richneck Elementary School. She was rushed to Riverside Regional Medical Center with life-threatening injuries following the incident..."


"North Carolina murder-suicide leaves five dead, including three minors: 'Screaming for help "

Saturday, January 7, 2023

you can see Megan Paradise urging Trump supporters for hours to get to the US Capitol.

"In a video produced by Free State Will at Free State Kansas you can see Megan Paradise urging Trump supporters for hours to get to the US Capitol. You can also see at least two men call her out as a Fed.."


Kevin McCarthy is the new speaker of the house after 15th vote (for better or worse ?)

"America Would Be A Better Place If We Taught The Truth About Slavery" By Kathleen Brush

"When White and Black Americans can grasp that the existence of African slaves in the United States and in 23 countries in Latin America, 31 countries and territories in the Caribbean, 54 countries in Africa, 14 countries in the Middle East, and several in South and Eastern Asia would not have existed without Africans unperturbed by capturing, transporting, and selling slaves, then Americans can place their history of slavery into the context of slavery as common, legal, and impossible without enterprising African chiefs. That doesn't mean slavery was moral; it just means it was the human norm. 

Instead of constantly reliving the sins of their ancestors, Americans could take pride in counting among the first nations to end slavery and the first to provide equal opportunity for all, and in playing a significant role in abolishing slavery in Africa and the Middle East..."

"California’s “Misinformation” Bill Has Chilling Effect on Doctors "




"Buffalo Bills Damar Hamlin Made Chilling Prophetic Statement Weeks Before Collapse "

with-50-years-1-7-million-hits -in-the-nfl- why-have-we-never-seen- an-arrhythmia-cardiac-arrest-before/

Putin calls cease fire for Orthodox Xmas Latest-news-on-russia-and-the-war-in-ukraine

Friday, January 6, 2023

dr-peter-mccullough- on-young-adults-suddenly-dying/

Myocarditis-was-4-cases-per-million -After-vaccinations-it-is-25000- per-million-

average-family-spending-400-more- per month-on-the-same-goods -and-services-as-last-year/

"BREAKING: 12th Vote for Speaker – McCarthy Picks Up 14 Reps BUT LOSES VOTE —

"BREAKING: 12th Vote for Speaker – McCarthy Picks Up 14 Reps BUT LOSES VOTE — Brecheen, Clyde, Bishop, Donalds, Cloud, Luna, Miller, Norman, Perry, Roy, Self, Spartz, Gosar, Ogles — VOTE FOR McCarthy — VIDEOS – Jim Hoft


RIP ❤️✝️๐Ÿ™Americas-oldest-living-person -Bessie-Hendricks-dies-age

Thursday, January 5, 2023

''Report: At Least 769 Recently Vaxxed Athletes Collapsed Last Year During Competition ''

"Doctor Tells EVERYTHING the Media Doesn’t Want You To Know About The “Died Suddenly” Phenomenon "

"California doctor who drove Tesla off cliff to be charged with attempted murder"

"NFL won't resume Bills-Bengals game after Damar Hamlin suffers cardiac arrest on field"

" A Utah man fatally shot his five children, his mother-in-law and his wife & himself

 "A Utah man fatally shot his five children, his mother-in-law and his wife and then killed himself two weeks after the woman had filed for divorce,..''


Prayers4 ๐Ÿ™ Shahzad Masih ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™ Shame on Pakistan ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ‘Ž

Prayers4 ๐Ÿ™
Shahzad Masih ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™

Shame On Pakistan ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ‘Ž

"Pakistan Sentences a Young Christian Man to DEATH by HANGING for Alleged Blasphemy as a Minor "


This ESPN announcer didn't just "send thoughts & prayers", he actually prayed ON AIR ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ™ for #DamarHamlin

"God, we come to you in these moments that we don't understand, that are hard, uh, because we believe that You're God and coming to You and praying to You, um, has impact," he said.


He's going to make it ๐Ÿ‘ Praise God ✝️๐Ÿ™' #DamarHamlin asked doctors, “Did We Win?”

He's going to make it ๐Ÿ‘ 
Praise God ✝️๐Ÿ™

' #DamarHamlin asked doctors, "Did We Win?"
They told him,
 "Yes, YOU WON
 the game of life." ''

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

" 14 Dead, Including 10 Prison Guards, After Armed Attack on Mexican Prison Near US Border ''

"1-In-6 Illinoisans Rely On Food-Stamps For Christmas Dinner ''




''Withey went to at least 10 houses, begging for help and offering to pay them $500 in return for shelter, but the residents refused to let him in."

"Crush at Asake Concert in London Leaves Several Fans in Critical Condition"

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Dumb cop. Condolences ๐Ÿ™♥️✝️๐Ÿ’"Two Louisiana cheerleaders, 17 and 16, are killed after cop runs red light and slams into them

Chasing a thief 

"Two Louisiana cheerleaders, 17 and 16, are killed after cop runs red light and slams into their car during New Year's Eve high-speed chase: Officer is arrested and charged with two counts of negligent homicide.."


" In the United States, there were roughly 700,000 EXCESS DEATHS in 2021 & an additional 360,000 in 2022....

" In the United States, there were roughly 700,000 EXCESS DEATHS in 2021 & an additional 360,000 excess deaths by week 40 of 2022. Across 28 countries in Europe, there were roughly 382,000 EXCESS DEATHS in 2021 & 309,000 EXCESS DEATHS by week 46 of 2022"

RIP Pele ✝️♥️๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’"Thousands of fans queue for hours to pay their last respects to king of football"

We were there ๐ŸŒนROSE-PARADE-AVOIDS-RAIN- Welcomes-New-Year

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Belgium "Report: More than 27,000 killed by euthanasia in just ONE nation "

Really ? ๐Ÿง๐Ÿ˜‚ "No-more-gas-or- diesel-cars in-the-netherlands -in-two-more-years/

"nobody asked Epps why he’d meet a stranger for dinner ...?

"nobody on the committee – not a soul – wanted to ask Epps why he'd meet a stranger for dinner or what they talked about or why Paul Carver was in DC – you know, basic interrogatives? Is it this Paul Carver?"


"The reason there wasn't a proper security presence on January 6 goes right to the Speaker's staff and the Speaker's office,"

"The reason there wasn't a proper security presence on that day goes right to the Speaker's staff and the SPEAKER'S OFFICE," added Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), the soon-to-be-chairman of the House Judiciary Committee..''


"Idaho student’s dad reportedly sees link between slain daughter, Bryan Kohberger"

"Bryan Kohberger attended WSU class during Idaho slayings discussion: ‘Quiet and deadpan’ "