"For those who are enmeshed in it, the government-scientific complex is natural, beneficent, and indispensable. It predisposes them to believe that anyone who is outside the complex is not credible, and anyone who challenges it is a crank, a charlatan, or a conspiracy theorist. It fosters the mentality that any other arrangement is inconceivable. Defending that complex is thus a sine qua non of their very being, even when that complex is exposed as incompetent, corrupt, and even unscientific. The system is science."
This is my new site for "praying the news" after my previous site was sabotaged. Write this down or screenshot it to remember in case this new site ever goes down, I will try to re-establish it at PrayThePolitics.blogspot.com/ (kept private until necessary) or InfoPrayer.blogspot.com (now open)
FOX News