Saturday, May 27, 2023

"Border Patrol encounters 393% increase of Chinese migrants"

"The Great SARS-CoV-2 Charade May 25, 2023 • "

"The Great SARS-CoV-2 Charade
May 25, 2023 • by John Leake
Originally published on the author's Substack, Courageous Discourse

The U.S. government continues to ignore the crucial role of American scientists, institutions, and companies in creating the virus ..''

Mount Vernon, Iowa,: "World War II vet, 101, walks at graduation 80 years after missing ceremony to join Army"

RAMMED White House IN U HAUL "19-yo Sai Varshith Kandula – arrested on charges of threatening to kill the president.."

Owen Shroyer says they're trying to downgrade the charges and that he will probably get LESS OF A SENTENCE then any of the Jan6 victims
"19-yo Sai Varshith Kandula – arrested on charges of threatening to kill the president.."

"Scientists predict months of ash from Popocatépetl but say major eruption is unlikely"

Scientists predict months of ash from Popocatépetl but say major eruption is unlikely
After hundreds of explosions and more than 40 hours of continuous emissions, researchers believe the Mexican volcano will stabilize but with high levels of activity.."

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Still waiting for the smoking gun document "the FBI refuses to turn over the form 1023. "

Well, at least they admit that they have it. Can't deny it's existence now.

Well, at least they
 admit that they have it.
 Can't deny it's existence now.

"FBI AGAIN refuses to share document Republicans say PROVES Biden was involved in criminal bribery scheme with a foreign national - 24 hours after McCarthy said they would .. "

RIP 🙏✝️❤️"Tina Turner Dies: Legendary Rock & Soul Singer Was 83''

I hope Kent County too 🇺🇲👍"Ottawa County becomes 'constitutional county' after 6 hours of divided public input

"Killer whales begin attacking boats, what happens after is completely terrifying

Friday, May 19, 2023

"Nigeria: U.S.$396m Needed to Avert Catastrophic Humanitarian Crisis in North-East - "UN

"The UN decried that: "More than half a million people may face emergency levels of food insecurity, with extremely high rates of acute malnutrition and cases of mortality if there is no rapid and significant scale up of humanitarian assistance."

Burkina Faso "Twenty civilians, including women and children, were killed between Monday and Wednesday in two attacks by"

"Former FBI agent says speaking up puts a 'target' on agents' backs"

praise God ☝️"Two weeks after the disaster.. 4 children found alive in the Amazon

"Marc Thielman - Voter fraud is alive in Oregon, and it benefits one party...the Democrat party!

FBI-whistleblower-CONFIRMS- undercover- agents-on- jan-6

"Arrests of migrants on TERROR WATCHLIST surpasses previous year in 7 months...

  "Arrests of migrants on TERROR WATCHLIST surpasses previous year in 7 months...already hit 98, the total number encountered in FISCAL year 2022 "

Thursday, May 18, 2023

👍FL Rep Anna Paulina Luna files resolution to EXPEL Adam Schiff

👍FL Rep Anna Paulina Luna filed a resolution to EXPEL Adam Schiff:
"He used his position to push a LIE that cost American taxpayers millions💰 & ABUSED the TRUST..He is a DISHONOR to the House of Representatives"

U decide. Watch "LIVE World Premiere: Died Suddenly- by - Stew Peters -on Rumble

‘Indiana Jones’ swings into Cannes Film Festival; Harrison Ford honored before joyous festivalgoers"

"FBI has allegedly IDENTIFIED Zodiac Killer as Air Force veteran Gary Francis Poste - who died in 2018 - "

"FBI has allegedly IDENTIFIED Zodiac Killer as Air Force veteran Gary Francis Poste - who died in 2018 - and has partial DNA sample that could link him to five serial murders, cold case investigator claims.."

"Islamic Extremist Who Killed 8 in NYC Terrorist Attack Gets 10 Life Sentences Plus 260 Years

"for killing eight people with a truck on a bike path in Manhattan on Halloween in 2017, as a judge decried his "callous and cowardly" crimes..."

"Christian dad Mark Houck testifies his FBI arrest was meant to 'instill fear' in pro-lifers

"In fact, the #WashingtonPost got everything [re Russia collusion] WRONG, embarrassingly WRONG.

"In fact, the #WashingtonPost got everything in the above article
[re Russia collusion] WRONG, embarrassingly WRONG. If the Post brass care about their reputation, they need to tell the world who [FURTHER] WRECKED their reputation and why."

"Prince George County Public Schools sue social media giants for contributing to kids' mental health crisis"

"New 'Snapping of the American Mind' illuminates Orwellian takeover of U.S."

SHAME ON FBI LEADERS 👎"FBI employees had security clearances revoked after speaking out against 'politicized rot': House report

"question of Musk calling George Soros Magnito came up. "

"question of Musk calling George Soros Magnito came up. An incongruous Faber asks where that tweet came from, to which Musk replies "that is my opinion." Faber then pressed: "why share it" if it could lead to less revenue/sales, and do your tweets "hurt the company"; Musk responds with a quote from the Princess Bride: "offer me money; offer me power. I don't care."

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

"24 Republican Governors Offer to Help Texas Defend Its Southern Border"

👍"Rep. MTG Introduces Articles of Impeachment Against Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas

"House Speaker Kevin McCarthy Considers Removing Serial Liar Adam Schiff from Congress After Durham Report Released"

Poem by ChatGPT: "Deceptive Dossier"

Poem by ChatGPT: 
"Deceptive Dossier"

In shadows deep, a tale unfurls,
Of whispers, secrets, and twisted pearls.
A dossier born in murky land,
Woven by a master's cunning hand.

Christopher Steele, the weaver's name,
A dance of deception, a quest for fame.
With ink and paper, he spun his thread,
Crafting a narrative of fear and dread.

A web of falsehoods, meticulously spun,
To tarnish reputations, to deceive as one.
Claims of collusion, a grand charade,
A fiction sold, a masquerade.

Foreign agents whispered tales of old,
Of Russian ties and stories bold.
But truth, elusive, was hard to find,
As facts grew murky in the veil of mind.

Yet, the world was captivated, it fell for the show,As headlines screamed, and rumors did grow.Oh, the power of words, how they sway and sway, Guiding beliefs, leading minds astray.

But time, a loyal friend, reveals the truth,
Unveiling the deception, exposing the sleuth.As evidence crumbles, the façade gives way, Leaving empty echoes of a game to play.

The Steele dossier, a phantom's dance,
A relic of deceit, a flawed romance.
For truth, in essence, cannot be confined,
It shines through darkness, the lies unwind.

So let us learn from this cautionary tale,
To question, to doubt, to seek the trail.
For in the realm of whispers and disguise,The truth may linger, waiting to arise. 

-A Poem by ChatGPT -

Poem re Immigration:

In lands afar, where dreams take flight,
A yearning for freedom, shining bright,
They tread upon unknown terrain,
Seeking solace, a life unrestrained.

Yet, their journey wrought with woes,
The plight of illegal immigration grows.
Across the borders, they slip unseen,
Fleeing poverty's grip, a desperate scene.

In shadows cast, they silently roam,
Striving for hope, to find a home.
But tangled in the web of uncertainty,
They face the trials of illegality.

For the land they seek is a double-edged sword,Where dreams can thrive, yet hearts are gored.The challenges they face, they can't evade,The problems born from choices made.

A nation's strength lies in its laws,
But how can justice reconcile its flaws?
Families torn, in the pursuit of dreams,
Held captive by borders, or so it seems.

The heart aches for compassion's embrace,To mend the wounds, find a common space.But the weight of illegal immigration's toll,Tests the unity of a nation's soul.

Economic strains and societal fears,
Fueled by misconceptions, creating tears.The burden heavy on a nation's back,As both sides grapple with what they lack.

A complex issue, the struggle profound,
Illegal immigration, a battleground.
For solutions lie beyond mere walls,
In comprehensive reform, the heart recalls.

A balanced approach, a path to find,
Where justice meets with a compassionate mind. Addressing root causes, lifting the veils,Seeking humanity when policy prevails.

Let's strive for empathy, not division's might,To understand the struggles, the human plight.For within the tapestry of migration's tale,We find our shared humanity, without fail.

(Created on request by ChatGPT)

"Durham report

"Durham found that instead of providing a "defensive briefing" to Trump, as would have been normal, the FBI launched immediately into its pursuit of special court permission to spy on the campaign. To obtain that permission, the FBI made up stories and presented them to the courts as fact."

"Four suspects have been charged in the shooting death of Chicago Police Officer Areanah Preston

"Four suspects who have been charged in the shooting death of Chicago Police Officer Areanah Preston were ordered held without bail on murder and other charges in connection with a crime spree that also involved five other alleged robberies in a two-hour span."

I made $20 bucks on my 1st 2 trips to the grocery store 💥Join me on Ibotta!

No fees. No hidden terms.
No strings attached. 

Hey! Thought you'd like to download IBOTTA to save money! It's a free app that gets you cash back on everyday purchases. Make $5 just for signing up with my referral code 'sygmkse'. 

Go to →


And For those of you who are independently wealthy and don't need any extra money , you can at least use the earnings to GIVE TO OTHERS.🤎✝️

Pretty Damning: 100% think that Biden is GUILTY of TREASON

#DEFENDtheUNBORN ! 👶👣👼🌹🥀🎵🎶✝️⛪🙏♥️😎🇺🇸 (@PRAISETRIUNEGOD) tweeted at 7:06 AM on Wed, May 10, 2023:

Do you think the guy in the 
White House is guilty of treason
Final poll results 👇

Attention CONGRESS: 100% agree that All Rest Areas should have a potable Water bottle refill station

#DEFENDtheUNBORN ! 👶👣👼🌹🥀🎵🎶✝️⛪🙏♥️😎🇺🇸 (@PRAISETRIUNEGOD) tweeted at 6:57 AM on Wed, May 17, 2023:
Attention CONGRESS:

100% agree that
All Rest Areas
should be LEGALLY Required to have a potable
Water bottle
refill station
(not just a drinking fountain, 
altho that's good too).


Attention CONGRESS: All Rest Areas should be LEGALLY Required to have a functional PAY PHONE

prayers4 America 🇺🇸 & photos from ALL over USA (@AmeriPrayer1) tweeted at 7:00 AM on Wed, May 17, 2023:

Attention CONGRESS:

83% agree that
All Rest Areas
should be
LEGALLY Required to have a
functional PAY PHONE
for emergencies
(& for those who
don't have a cell phone


Monday, May 15, 2023

🤎🙏✝️ "New Mexico mass shooting kills multiple civilians in front of church "

That's a SHAME. Killed by Covid "Holy Land theme park demolished after group spent $130 million on project"

New-york-city-begins-turning -public-school-gyms-into- migrant-shelters/

"The child is awę́ę́ t’áá’íídą́ą́’hiną́, alive at conception, and develops perfectly in the care of the mother (Navajo Nation

"the Navajo Nation Supreme Court has ruled that "We take judicial notice that the child, even the unborn child, occupies a space in Navajo culture that can best be described as holy or sacred, although neither of these words convey the child's status accurately. The child is awę́ę́ t'áá'íídą́ą́'hiną́, alive at conception, and develops perfectly in the care of the mother (Navajo Nation Supreme Court, EXC, Inc. v. Kayenta Dist. Court, No. SC-CV-07-10 2010).."

Native Americans R mostly ProLife 👍 "Abortion is NOT a solution for Native women"

"hundreds of Native people from the United States and Canada will be joining hundreds of thousands of marchers in Washington, D.C., for the annual March for Life.

We will be marching because life is sacred from the very moment of conception.."

Sunday, May 14, 2023

I asked Chat GPT to write for me a song about love and this is what I got 🎵🎶

"Write a song for me about love


(Verse 1) In a world of chaos and despair, Love's a beacon, it's beyond compare. It's a melody that makes hearts ignite, A symphony that shines with purest light. 🎶

(Pre-Chorus) Love knows no boundaries, it breaks the chains, Transcending all differences, healing the pains. It's a force that unites us, hand in hand, Guiding us through life, like grains of sand.

(Chorus) Oh, love, you're the melody in my soul, You make me feel complete, you make me whole. Through the highs and lows, we'll always be, Bound together, forever, you and me.🎵

(Verse 2) Love paints colors on the canvas of life, A masterpiece woven in passion and strife. It's a gentle touch, a whispered word, A promise kept, no matter how absurd.

(Bridge) Love's an ocean, deep and wide, A tender embrace in which we reside. It's the warmth of a smile, the sparkle in the eyes, An eternal flame that never dies.🎶

(Chorus) Oh, love, you're the melody in my soul, You make me feel complete, you make me whole. Through the highs and lows, we'll always be, Bound together, forever, you and me.

(Verse 3) Love's a journey, an adventure untold, A tale of two hearts, forever bold. Through stormy nights or sunlit days, Love's the compass that guides our ways.🎵

(Outro) So let's dance to the rhythm of love's sweet refrain, Embracing every moment, unafraid of the pain. For love's the greatest gift we've ever known, Forever in our hearts, forever we've grown.

(Chorus) Oh, love, you're the melody in my soul, You make me feel complete, you make me whole. Through the highs and lows, we'll always be, Bound together, forever, you and me.

my comment: not too bad for a computer -generated song. this may make songwriters a little nervous

Saturday, May 13, 2023

"US Border Communities Declare Disasters as Title 42 Ends"

RFK Jr : “Prior to the introduction of Prozac, those shootings just were almost unknown,

"Prior to the introduction of Prozac, those [mass] shootings just were almost unknown, and now they're an everyday affair.

"But NIH will not study that because it will offend the pharmaceutical industry.

"And it's something that we ought to be studying."

"WAYNE ROOT: Open Border Catastrophe is the Cloward-Piven Plan to Destroy America "

"WAYNE ROOT: Open Border Catastrophe is the Cloward-Piven Plan to Destroy America That I Learned at Columbia University – Alongside My Classmate Barack Obama"

How sad is that ? 😟"Holy Land theme park Orlando demolished after TBN spent $130M on project "

"4-hour Inquiry with Former CIA Dir. Brennan “Further Confirmed that this Thing Was All Political” in Suppressing Hunter’s Laptop

"Rep. Jim Jordan Says 4-hour Inquiry with Former CIA Dir. Brennan "Further Confirmed that this Thing Was All Political" in Suppressing Hunter's Laptop Texas"

KEEP SENDING THEM 👍 "Texas Sends Another Busload of Illegals to Kamala Harris’ DC Residence

"Texas Sends Another Busload of Illegals to Kamala Harris' DC Residence as Title 42 Expires (VIDEO)"

"Linda Yaccarino is Twitter’s New CEO As Elon Musk Addresses “Concerns” About New Hire

. Some say Operation Rescue was the beginning of the pro-Life movement . Read more

"Randall Allan Terry is the Founder of the anti-abortion group Operation Rescue. Mr. Terry led the largest civil disobedience in American history from 1987 to 1994. He has been arrested 49 times, and spent more than one year in various federal, state, and local prisons..."

If they put Trump behind bars he will become a greater HERO and a MARTYR

If they put Trump behind bars he will become a greater HERO and a MARTYR and he will go down in history as the ALL-TIME GREATEST AMERICAN 🇺🇲💪👍

"Julie Kelly Predicts Donald Trump Will Be Imprisoned Pending Trial"

"FAIR now estimates that there were at least 15.5 MILLION ILLEGAL ALIEN RESIDENTS as of the beginning of 2022.

"FAIR now estimates that there were at least 15.5 MILLION ILLEGAL ALIEN RESIDENTS as of the beginning of 2022. This estimate takes into account DRASTIC, ONGOING INCREASES in illegal immigration under the BIDEN administration"

Lakers defeat Warriors, 122-101, in Game 6 to advance to the Western Conference finals.

"Los Angeles took down the defending champion Golden State Warriors, 122-101, in Game 6 to advance to the Western Conference finals. The No. 7-seeded Lakers will go on the road to play the West's top seed, the Denver Nuggets, in Game 1 on Tuesday..."

Friday, May 12, 2023

"Each ILLEGAL alien or COSTS the U.S. $8,776 annually."💰💰

"Each ILLEGAL alien or 
U.S.-born child of
 illegal aliens 
$8,776 annually."

Anti-Semite event held inside capitol 👎🏽by " Rashida Tlaib,👎🏽 D-Mich., a far-left member of the progressive "Squad"

Anti-Semite event held inside capitol 👎🏽by " Rashida Tlaib,👎🏽 D-Mich., a far-left member of the progressive "Squad" in Congress, held an event with a multitude of anti-Israel groups, including some that have defended terrorism..."

two-way star Shohei Ohtani breaks 88-year record held by Babe Ruth.

"The 28-year-old pitches righthanded and hits lefthanded – both at an elite level. On Tuesday when he struck out Astros shortstop Jeremy Peña in the second inning, the two-way star broke an 88-year record held by Babe Ruth. Shohei Ohtani now has accrued the most strikeouts by a pitcher with a minimum of 100 career home runs at the plate..."

"Federal judge BLOCKS Biden admin from releasing migrants without court dates as Title 42 expires"

'The use of parole is being authorized if a sector capacity goes above 125%, if agents apprehend 7,000 a day over 72 hours or if average time in custody goes above 60 hours. Agents have been encountering over 10,000 migrants a day since Monday, and there are no signs of that slowing down with the looming end of Title 42, which is expected to bring an even bigger wave with it."

The Anti-Life death cult is demonized "Florida pro-life pregnancy center targeted

Florida pro-life pregnancy center targeted with decapitated chicken, mutilated lamb in 'ritualistic attack'
Graphic images show mutilated "

64% are concerned about lefty justice SOTOMAYOR BEING COMPROMISED.see poll results 👇

ONLY 12% think conservative justice Clarence Thomas needs to be investigated

While 64% are concerned about lefty justice SOTOMAYOR BEING COMPROMISED.

see poll results 👇

"John Brennan's closed-door hearing 'confirmed' Hunter laptop letter was 'all political': "

"Obama-era CIA Director John Brennan "confirmed" the letter signed by 51 current and former intel officials was not on-the-level.

"[Brennan] sat for a four-hour interview and he further confirmed that this thing was all political," Jordan said on "Jesse Watters Primetime."

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

'Carlson was told by a member of the Fox board that he was taken off the air as part of the Dominion settlement, per Tucker's legal team"

  'Carlson was told by a member of the Fox board that he was taken off the air as part of the Dominion settlement, per Tucker's legal team"

"J6 Jackals Circle Trump The verdicts and rhetoric surrounding J6 trials are leading to one goal: the arrest and prosecution of Donald Trump "

  "J6 Jackals Circle Trump
The verdicts and rhetoric surrounding J6 trials are leading to one goal: the arrest and prosecution of Donald Trump "

"Border Patrol Agents Irate After Biden Regime Tips Off Dangerous Illegals on What Entry Points to Avoid as 700,000 to One Million Illegals Gather to Storm the US Border "

   "Border Patrol Agents Irate After Biden Regime Tips Off Dangerous Illegals on What Entry Points to Avoid as 700,000 to One Million Illegals Gather to Storm the US Border "

“Completely Insane”: Piers Morgan Skewers Biden’s Border Chaos"

"Suspected California Serial Killer Revealed to Be Illegal Immigrant from El Salvador"

"Suspected California Serial Killer Carlos Dominguez Revealed to Be Illegal Immigrant from El Salvador "

Monday, May 8, 2023

RIP ❤️✝️🙏 "Tori Bowie, World Champion Sprinter, Is Dead at 32 "

"Suspected California serial killer identified as Illegal alien who came to US as unaccompanied minor under Obama 21-year-old Carlos Dominguez,...'

"Suspected California serial killer identified as Illegal alien who came to US as unaccompanied minor under Obama
21-year-old Carlos Dominguez,...'

Trustworthy ? "China's Mars rover finds proof of LIQUID WATER on the Red Planet

 ". A paper published April 28 in Science Advances elaborated on the rover's discovery, noting that it found signs of liquid water at sand dunes located at low latitudes.."

ICYMI: a few older pray-the-news links that may not have posted previously

"Hollywood Hypocrites Go Maskless at the Emmys, With Servants Required to Muzzle - "

"Islamic State bombs Taliban convoys in eastern Afghanistan " ∞ longwarjournal

"Emmys Go Maskless, Get Blasted: 'Masking Is Solely Reserved For Us Peasants"

 "Abortionist Admits Killing Unborn Baby in Defiance of Texas Abortion Ban -


Scientific breakthru : simple things like eating healthy, taking a walk outside in the sun (without poisonous sunblock) etc will keep you healthy

What Amount of money would you accept to spend 20 years in prison

"Hollywood and the media stumble and bumble on 'Immaculate Conception'"

Mcd ice cream

LA Times says Lefty Dems are the Yankees ❓❗ I'd say more like the trash can astros. We know Newsom cheated. 

"In red California, anger over recall blowout. 'The Democratic Party is the New York Yankees' "
∞ latimes

"No. 13 UCLA stunned by Jake Haener and Fresno State in 40-37 loss ∞"

"Manny Pacquiao will run for PRESIDENT of the Philippines in 2022 as great boxer accepts nomination ∞ "

Shohei Ohtani HBP gets White Sox manager La Russa, pitcher Wright suspended "

Taliban orders Kabul municipality's female workers to stay home ∞ 

School shooter who targeted 'transphobic' classmates sentenced to life in prison

Im sure that will make the loved ones feel better. Thanks Biden 👎





"Biden's Secretive Walter Reed Visit is Exposed by Marine Dad's Account He Was Not 'Welcomed'"

"Rolling Stone forced to issue an 'update' after viral hospital ivermectin story turns out to be false"

"Biden needed LA cheat sheet "

 " Navy identifies 5 San Diego sailors killed in helicopter crash off coast"

"Elder urges supporters to report 'anything suspicious' in California recall election " 

"Media's ivermectin hit piece totally debunked after hospital says no overdoses from the medicine"

"Media Hoax: No, People Are Not "Overdosing on Ivermectin Backing up Rural Oklahoma Hospitals"

"It Begins: Planes of Americans and Afghan Allies Currently Being Held Hostage by Taliban – "

"Taliban kill pregnant police officer in front of her family: report " 

"' Trumparilla 2021 ' boat rally takes place in Fort Myers , Fla"


"MESS SECRETARY: Psaki's Tweet Demanding Transcripts of Trump's Phone Calls Comes Back to Haunt Her"

Return of abba

Say what

Re no Biden allowed 

" Nearly 10,000 homes in Texas sold to foreign buyers last year "

"Conservatives Should Worry About the Texas Abortion Law Too"

"Fully-Vaxxed Gibraltar Sees 2500 PERCENT SPIKE in COVID-19 Cases Per Day, Initiates New Lockdowns -"

"EMERGENCY BROADCAST: CDC Warns COVID Vaccine Causing 74% of New Cases! - "

"Biden Didn't Visit the 'Tree of Life' Synagogue, Trump Did " ∞

"Even CNN is Ripping Biden for Outright Lie That He Visited Tree of Life Synagogue After Mass Shooting - Becker News ∞ beckernews"

California Gas Prices Hit All-Time High For Labor Day Weekend

 "CDC Recommends 'Horse Dewormer' Ivermectin for Refugees. So Where's the Media Outrage? " – PJ Media ∞ pjmedia

"ISIS terrorist pleads guilty in torture, killing of Kayla Mueller, 3 other Americans"

"Report: Dozens Of Afghan Evacuees Flagged For Potential Terror Ties; Two Shipped Out Of U.S."

We had 'kill shot' and didn't take it? Report makes bombshell allegation 


' 'Prepare to get a little weird': A new scavenger hunt is taking San Francisco by storm"

Above 9/2/21

How many islands are there on Flathead Lake

Biden is SO whacked out he thinks he can say RED IS GREEN & people will believe it. He's wearing the emperors clothes. & so are some of his top brass. It CAN'T last 👎. "A defiant Biden calls Afghanistan exit a success - POLITICO ∞ politico"

"High-Level FDA Officials Quit Over Biden Administration Meddling" – RedState

"Biden Left Behind the Afghan Interpreter Who Helped to Rescue Him in 2008 "

"Taliban Patrols Kandahar With Man Hanging From Black Hawk ∞ "

"Sister Of Fallen Marine Says Biden Had A "Fake, Scripted Apology," "Would Not Look Us In The Eye"

Why don't car tires use tubes like bikes

Cam Newton cut by patriots

"FLASHBACK 2 WEEKS: Biden Says 'We're Going to Stay' Until All Citizens Are Out of Afghanistan"

"Catholic Priest Arrested After Going Inside Planned Parenthood to Save Babies From Abortion" - 

"Pro-Lifers Set Up Shop next to Planned Parenthood to Save Babies From Abortion "- ∞ lifenews

"Pro-Life Students Sue University Trying to Force Them to Get COVID Vaccine -" ∞ lifenews

"Texas House Approves Pro-Life Bill Saving Babies From Abortion -"
∞ lifenews

"Read: Nearly 90 Retired Generals & Admirals Call for Pentagon Chief and Gen. Milley to Resign in Scathing Letter" - Becker News 

"24 Students, 3-Year-Old California Boy Among Americans Stranded In Afghanistan "

"About face! Chase Bank apologizes for Michael Flynn cancellation letter "

Has tom brady been vaxxed ?

"REPORT: Cam Newtons' Refusal To Get Vaccinated Might Have Played A Role In His Release "

Biden Left Behind the Afghan Interpreter Who Helped to Rescue Him in 2008 – RedState

"Abortion Activist Fails to Get Judge to Completely Block New Texas Law Banning Abortions "-

There's NO contrition WITHOUT honor. 
If you're NOT an honorable person, you WON'T be sorry even for bad decisions. It's like being a sociopath.
  "Tucker: Contrition in our leaders is essential for US success, sadly they aren't capable "
∞ bizpacreview

Feds to restart oil leasing after Biden loss in court – HotAir

States Have Passed 60 Pro-Life Laws This Year Saving Babies From Abortion -

"Republican Introduces Bill To Award Congressional Gold Medal To 13 Servicemen Killed In Terror Attack "- The Political Insider

Watch: California Teacher Busted Bribing Students To Attend Antifa Events ∞ zh

Pharma Giant Purdue Dissolved In $4.5 Billion Opioid Settlement ∞ caller

"State Dept finally admits Biden left majority of Afghan allies stranded in Afghanistan"  The Right Scoop ∞ scoop

"Biden Waived Congressional Mandate for Report on Afghanistan Withdrawal Risks" ∞ beacon


Catholic Priest Arrested After Going Inside Planned Parenthood to Save Babies From Abortion - ∞ lifenews

SOUND ON! Clever Traveler Gets Airline to Page Passenger Named 'Recall Newsom' at Cali Airport ∞ hannity