Saturday, March 30, 2019

don't forget, PRAY4 "Cyclone Idai death toll rises, MAF provides initial disaster response "

"The death toll continues to rise in Mozambique following the tropical Cyclone Idai, which made landfall in the evening of March 14 and continued into the morning of March 15. In Mozambique, over 400 people have lost their lives to Cyclone Idai. Between Mozambique, Zimbabwe, and Malawi,.."

Friday, March 29, 2019

thoughts prayers 🙏 condolences RIP, Noah McIntosh "Father Charged With Murder in Torture Killing of 8-Year-Old Corona Boy Whose Body Hasn’t Been Found: DA "

HE OWES AT LEAST THE COST OF A SUPERBOWL AD. This is a bargain for the PRIMA DONNA: "Jussie Smollett update: City of Chicago asks Jussie Smollett to pay for $130,000 cost of investigation "

"Bangladeshi Woman With 2 Wombs Gives Birth to 3 Babies — Including Twins — 26 Days Apart – "

FREAK ACCIDENT, thoughts & prayers, condolences "Santa Barbara Man, an Accomplished Balloonist, Dies After Accident in San Diego County "

"About three hours after the landing Sunday, "as he was packing up the cabin, it tumbled down the mountain with him inside," Roberta Greene, a spokeswoman for Nott's family, wrote in an email. "He sustained multiple head (and other) injuries."

Clifford Williams & Nathan Myer "2 men wrongfully convicted of 1976 murder freed after 43 years behind bars - Clifford Williams, who is now 76, and his nephew Nathan Myer, who is 61, had their convictions vacated. The last time they were free men, they were 33 and 18-years-old, respectively..."

"2 men wrongfully convicted of 1976 murder freed after 43 years behind bars - Clifford Williams, who is now 76, and his nephew Nathan Myer, who is 61, had their convictions vacated. The last time they were free men, they were 33 and 18-years-old, respectively..."


WHAT HAPPENS WHEN U DON'T GIVE THE GLORY TO GOD   " Herod decided on a day to meet with them. On that day he was wearing a beautiful royal robe. He sat on his throne and made a speech to the people. 22 The people shouted, "This is the voice of a god, not a man!"  Herod did not give the glory to God. So an angel of the Lord caused him to get sick. He was eaten by worms inside him, and he died." Acts12

Thursday, March 28, 2019

WOW NO MORE ?! Breaking: "Wow Air Ceases Operations and Cancels Flights — Leaving Passengers Stranded " WOWless

COMPTON GETTING MORE VIOLENT than it ALREADY IS ? "Shooter Kills 29-Year-Old Woman in Compton After Asking Her Where She’s From: LASD – "

"Dangers of breast ironing to delay girls’ development should be taught in schools, Britain’s largest education union says - ...UK’s largest education union said Tuesday.The technique, which is mostly an issue in West African communities, usually involves family members using large heated stones to compress a girl’s breast tissues or binding them to stop them from growing and attracting male attention.Teachers should .."

"Dangers of breast ironing to delay girls' development should be taught in schools, Britain's largest education union says - ...UK's largest education union said Tuesday.
The technique, which is mostly an issue in West African communities, usually involves family members using large heated stones to compress a girl's breast tissues or binding them to stop them from growing and attracting male attention.
Teachers should .."

"Blaming Prescription Pain Pills For The Opioid Epidemic Is Fake News"

"Arby’s Manager Allegedly Killed Customer After He Threatened, Spit on Her at Oklahoma Restaurant "

wow ! "Man Who Built $64-Million Chateau in France Is Ordered by Court to Knock It Down – "

MUST SPEAK GERMAN "NASA will pay people $19,000 to stay in bed for 2 months "

PLANE LANDED ON TOP OF ANOTHER PLANE KILLING 1 ON BOTTOM ?! "Flight Student Killed in Fiery Compton Plane Crash Identified "

SOME BLACK AGAINST WHITE "Here are 9 real hate crimes that you probably didn't hear anything about - "

HANNITY SAYS JUDGE JEANINE IS COMING BACK ! "Sean Hannity updates President Trump on the status of Judge Jeanine Pirro’s job "

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

"Bay Area Man Awarded $80M in Lawsuit Claiming Roundup Weed Killer Causes Cancer "

He died "Person With Sword Shot by Police at Church of Scientology in Inglewood; 2 Officers Struck by Gunfire "

Is THIS AN EARLY APRIL FOOLS JOKE ?! "Fatburger Says It’s Changing Its Name to Skinnyburger "

AS I WAS SAYING "China Revokes Preaching Permit of 57 Three-Self Church Pastors"

WOW ! "Grandmother’s prayer closet survives powerful tornado that flattened home, killed many | "

MORE TROUBLE FOR BOEING "Southwest 737 Max Jet En Route to Victorville Makes Emergency Landing in Orlando |"

good grief ARE U SUPPOSED TO CARRY YOUR "VACCINE PAPERS" AROUND ? "County in New York Bans Unvaccinated Minors From Public Spaces as Measles Spreads | misdemeanor punishable by up to six months in jail... But Day acknowledged that there will be no concerted enforcement effort and that the intent is not to arrest people but to emphasize the seriousness of the situation."

"County in New York Bans Unvaccinated Minors From Public Spaces as Measles Spreads | misdemeanor punishable by up to six months in jail...
But Day acknowledged that there will be no concerted enforcement effort and that the intent is not to arrest people but to emphasize the seriousness of the situation..."

maddening "9th Circuit Rejects Appeal From Kate Steinle's Parents, Can't Sue San Francisco "

Monday, March 25, 2019

thoughts, prayers, condolences: " 2 survivors of the 2018 mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have died by suicide about a week apart,"

" @ KTLA 2 survivors of the 2018 mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have died by suicide about a week apart, the @MiamiHerald reports
View summary  "

Sunday, March 24, 2019

THOUGHTS & PRAYERS: "Thousands attend New Zealand vigil, rally to fight racism, remember Christchurch victims | "

THIS LADY IS BAD NEWS "Heavy protests against Ilhan Omar speech at Los Angeles CAIR event | "

SHAME ON SWEDEN "For many years, Swedish authorities have been deporting Christians to countries where Christians are persecuted and killed"

@ ChristianPost 
For many years, Swedish authorities have been deporting Christians to countries where Christians are persecuted and killed. This is an ongoing crisis: several Christians were deported from Sweden to... 

"...killed inside a Texas church after a granite table"

" The Christian Post
@ ChristianPost Mar 22
A 5-year-old boy was killed inside a Texas church after a granite table he was playing around fell on top of him. "

Saturday, March 23, 2019

chilling: "Priest Stabbed During Televised Mass; Suspect in Custody ...@ KTLA While shocked parishioners and a television audience watched, a man stabbed the elderly rector of St. Joseph's Oratory at Mount Royal, Canada's biggest church, as he led Mass on Friday morning, Montreal police said. "

"Priest Stabbed During Televised Mass; Suspect  in Custody ...@ KTLA While shocked parishioners and a television audience watched, a man stabbed the elderly rector of St. Joseph's Oratory at Mount Royal, Canada's biggest church, as he led Mass on Friday morning, Montreal police said.

"Venezuelan forces kidnap opposition leader Juan Guaido's chief of staff in raid"

"During an early morning raid that escalated an already tense political standoff, armed officers descended on the apartment of Roberto Marrero, a lawyer and top adviser to Guaido.."

"Mike Pence: For the future of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro must go | "

"Where is Elizabeth Holmes now? Dealing with the Theranos criminal fraud case"

WHAT A CON ARTIST "“She Never Looks Back”: Inside Elizabeth Holmes’s Final Months at Theranos | "

i think MOUNT BAKER GETS EVEN MORE (was there last summer) "In Mammoth, the snow is so deep residents must tunnel out. There's a history to that - "

"Islamic Militants Kill 6 Christians In Congo While 470 Families Forced To Flee Violence""

DON'T SLIP ON THE EDGE ! "Flat Earthers headed to Antarctica to find 'edge of the world' - "

RIP Sydney Aiello, 19, ✝️♥️🙏 THOUGHTS, PRAYERS, CONDOLENCES "Recent Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Graduate Struggling With PTSD Takes Her Own Life "


"Howard Dean
Congratulations to President Obama and his team whose foresight, leadership and determination alllowed the US and particularly our Kurdish  allies to defeat ISIS
4,663 3:55 PM - Mar 22, 2019"

Friday, March 22, 2019

🙏♥️✝️🇺🇲 "Two U.S. service members killed in Afghanistan "

PENNY WISE, POUND FOOLISH? "Boeing makes safety change, Indonesian airline cancels order ... Boeing now plans to make compulsory a light to alert pilots when sensor readings of the angle of attack do not match – meaning at least one must be wrong -, according to two officials briefed on the matter..."

 PENNY WISE, POUND FOOLISH?  "Boeing makes safety change, Indonesian airline cancels order ... Boeing now plans to make compulsory a light to alert pilots when sensor readings of the angle of attack do not match – meaning at least one must be wrong -, according to two officials briefed on the matter..."

"‘Passengers have lost confidence’: Indonesian carrier cancels big order for Boeing 737 MAX — "

Peter brings Tabitha back to life

39 Peter got ready and went with them. When he arrived, they took him to the upstairs room. All the widows stood around him. They were crying and showing him the coats and other clothes that Tabitha had made during her time with them. 40 Peter sent all the people out of the room. He knelt down and prayed. Then he turned to Tabitha's body and said, "Tabitha, stand up!" She opened her eyes. When she saw Peter, she sat up. 41 He gave her his hand and helped her stand up. Then he called the believers and the widows into the room. He showed them Tabitha; she was alive!!!!! Acts 9

Thursday, March 21, 2019

BOEING CHARGED for these EXTRA SAFETY FEATURES “They’re critical, and cost almost nothing for the airlines to install,” Bjorn Fehrm, an analyst with the aviation firm Leeham.... “Boeing charges for them because it can. But they’re vital for safety.

BOEING CHARGED for these EXTRA SAFETY FEATURES "They're critical, and cost almost nothing for the airlines to install," Bjorn Fehrm, an analyst with the aviation firm Leeham.... "Boeing charges for them because it can. But they're vital for safety."  

#Repent&BeBaptized !                        #acceptChrist2bSaved2day !

THIS IS CHILLING "Doomed Boeing Jets Lacked 2 Safety Features That Company Sold Only as Extras"  

#Repent&BeBaptized !                        #acceptChrist2bSaved2day !

THIS IS INSANE, SHAME ON BOEING "Crashed jets reportedly lacked key safety features because Boeing charged extra for them"

THIS IS INSANE, SHAME ON BOEING "Crashed jets reportedly lacked key safety features because Boeing charged extra for them"
#Repent&BeBaptized !                        #acceptChrist2bSaved2day !

WHAT THE ????!!!!! "Crashed jets reportedly lacked key safety features because Boeing charged extra for them"

WHAT THE ????!!!!! IF TRUE, this is unconscionable...meaning less profitable airlines get less safety features because they can't afford to pay "extra" for premium safety ? ! if true, this is despicable of BOEING #BOEING737MAX8 

"Crashed jets reportedly lacked key safety features because Boeing charged extra for them "

#Repent&BeBaptized !                        #acceptChrist2bSaved2day !

FAKE SCIENCE LEADS TO THIS . WHAT'S NEXT ? "US judge halts hundreds of drilling projects in groundbreaking climate change ruling "

THEY KNEW THEY WERE GOING DOWN (BOEING CRASH #1) "Confusion, then prayer, in cockpit of doomed Lion Air jet "

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

"New Zealand Mass Shooting Suspect Planned 3rd Attack, Police Chief Says "

nutritious ! "Lucky Charms giving away 15,000 boxes of marshmallow only cereal |... ABC7 Eyewitness News @ABC7 1h MAGICALLY DELICIOUS: @LuckyCharms is giving away 15,000 boxes of MARSHMALLOW ONLY cereal 🎈🍀🌈🌙🌠💗 View summary ·

"Nunes sues Twitter, users for more than $250M ...Nunes accuses Twitter of "facilitating defamation on its platform" by "ignoring lawful complaints about offensive content and by allowing that content to remain accessible to the public" despite alleged violations of its terms of service and rules."

"Nunes sues Twitter, users for more than $250M ...Nunes accuses Twitter of "facilitating defamation on its platform" by "ignoring lawful complaints about offensive content and by allowing that content to remain accessible to the public" despite alleged violations of its terms of service and rules."

also listen to

nebraska "One-third of Offutt underwater; at least 30 buildings damaged in flood "

the Gift of God cannot be bought with money 💰 (but people keep trying)

The Holy Ghost cannot be bought with money 💰
" Who, when they were come down, prayed for them, that they might receive the Holy Ghost:
16 (For as yet he was fallen upon none of them: only they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.)
17 Then laid they their hands on them, and they received the Holy Ghost.
18 And when Simon saw that through laying on of the apostles' hands the Holy Ghost was given, he offered them money,
19 Saying, Give me also this power, that on whomsoever I lay hands, he may receive the Holy Ghost.
20 But Peter said unto him, Thy money perish with thee, because thou hast thought that the gift of God may be purchased with money.
21 Thou hast neither part nor lot in this matter: for thy heart is not right in the sight of God.
22 Repent therefore of this thy wickedness, and pray God, if perhaps the thought of thine heart may be forgiven thee.
23 For I perceive that thou art in the gall of bitterness, and in the bond of iniquity.
24 Then answered Simon, and said, Pray ye to the Lord for me, that none of these things which ye have spoken come upon me.
25 And they, when they had testified and preached the word of ...."

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

THIS EXPLAINS A FEW THINGS "How a 50-year-old design came back to haunt Boeing with its troubled 737 Max jet "

"Boeing has to sit down and ask itself how long they can keep updating this airplane," said Douglas Moss, an instructor at USC's Viterbi Aviation Safety and Security Program, a former United Airlines captain, an attorney and a former Air Force test pilot. "We are getting to the point where legacy features are such a drag on the airplane that we have to go to a clean-sheet airplane."

Monday, March 18, 2019

✝️♥️🙏 "Five-year-old girl missing after being swept away by swollen river in Central California"

@KTLA 9h
Five-year-old girl missing after being swept away by swollen river in Central California
View summary

I VERY WELL DO BELIEVE IT "YouTube demonetized my entire channel – and you won’t believe why "

don't forget that CHINA PERSECUTES the UYGHURS "China says 13,000 ‘terrorists’ arrested in Xinjiang since 2014 "

"The main exiled group, the World Uyghur Congress, swiftly denounced the white paper.
"China is deliberately distorting the truth," spokesman Dilxat Raxit said in an emailed statement.
"Counter-terrorism is a political excuse to suppress the Uighurs. The real aim of the so-called de-radicalisation is to eliminate faith and thoroughly carry out Sinification."

"Largest human shamrock in Elmira, New York breaks world record"

✝️♥️🙏 "Ariel terror victim Rabbi Ahiad Ettinger dies after fighting for his life ...Ariel terror victim Rabbi Ahiad Ettinger, 47, succumbed to his wounds Monday morning after doctors at Beilinson hospital fought to save his life for almost 24 hours."

✝️♥️🙏   "Ariel terror victim Rabbi Ahiad Ettinger dies after fighting for his life ...Ariel terror victim Rabbi Ahiad Ettinger, 47, succumbed to his wounds Monday morning after doctors at Beilinson hospital fought to save his life for almost 24 hours."

HANNITY et al SHOULD LEAVE FOX IF THEY DON'T BRING JEANINE BACK "OUTRAGEOUS: Fox News Pulls Judge Jeanine Pirro for Daring to Question Jew Hating Rep. Ilhan Omar "

HORRIFIC . COPY CAT ? "Dutch shooting: Utrecht police arrest suspect after three killed"

#Repent&BeBaptized !                        #acceptChrist2bSaved2day !

Very un-NERVING that MODERN DAY PLANE SAFETY IS SO DEPENDENT UPON SOFTWARE "Report: Boeing 737 MAX Software Patch Expected Soon "

"Empire State building blackout in tribute to victims of Christchurch shooting "

Sunday, March 17, 2019

photos by vk ) HAPPY ST PATRICK'S DAY ! (ST Patrick is here, & a green horse too !) , phoenix az


#Repent&BeBaptized !                        #acceptChrist2bSaved2day !

SHAME ON FOX ☹️😵 "Fox Replaces Judge Jeanine Pirro ...In her opening monologue, Pirro suggested wearing a hijab meant she followed Sharia law. Axios asked Fox News why the program had been canceled. A spokesperson would only say: "We’re not commenting on internal scheduling matters.”

   SHAME ON FOX ☹️😵  "Fox Replaces Judge Jeanine Pirro ...In her opening monologue, Pirro suggested wearing a hijab meant she followed Sharia law. Axios asked Fox News why the program had been canceled. A spokesperson would only say: "We're not commenting on internal scheduling matters."

🙏♥️✝️ 🇺🇲 "US Navy vet fighting cancer gets 10-year prison sentence in Iran ....Michael White, 46, of Imperial City, Calif., was sentenced to two years in prison for insulting the country’s top leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and 10 years for posting a private photo, Zaid said. ..."

"US Navy vet fighting cancer gets 10-year prison sentence in Iran ....Michael White, 46, of Imperial City, Calif., was sentenced to two years in prison for insulting the country's top leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and 10 years for posting a private photo, Zaid said. ..."

"New Zealand mosque massacre death toll rises to 50: police" - CGTN

Friday, March 15, 2019

WHY NOT MAKE IT A TRILLION "Mom files $500B lawsuit over college admissions scandal "

nice of her "South Carolina Woman Who Won $1.5 Billion Mega Millions Jackpot Will Share Winnings With Charities |"

breaking news, he slightly trimmed the tail, a felony in texas "Fisherman charged with fraud after allegedly cheating at bass tournament "

breaking news, he slightly trimmed the tail, a felony in texas "Fisherman charged with fraud after allegedly cheating at bass tournament "

power of prayer: SAVED BY THE LORD'S PRAYER, LITERALLY "Framed Photo Of Lord’s Prayer Stops Bullet Fired Into Home "

wow ! the eternal life switch ??! "Harvard University uncovers DNA switch that controls genes for whole-body regeneration"

Horrific "New Zealand mosque shootings – "Authorities say 41 people were killed at Masjid Al Noor Mosque, and another seven at Linwood's Masjid Mosque in Christchurch .."

"Authorities say 41 people were killed at Masjid Al Noor Mosque, and another seven at Linwood's Masjid Mosque in Christchurch at around 1.40pm local time. One more died in hospital.
New Zealand Police commissioner Mike Bush said a man in..."

Thursday, March 14, 2019

🙏✝️♥️ "New Zealand Mosque Shootings Kill 40, Called 'Terrorist Attack' "

"Forty people are dead and at least 20 people are seriously injured in "what can only be described as a terrorist attack," New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said Friday after two mosques in Christchurch were attacked..."

THOUGHTS, PRAYERS, ACTION ♥️✝️🙏 breaking: "Christchurch shooting: reports of multiple casualties after shooting at mosque – live updates " plus bomb in car

The GODFATHER GETS WACKED " Gambino crime boss Francesco “Franky Boy” Cali was assassinated in front of his Staten Island home Wednesday night in a stunning gangland hit that recalled some of the most infamous Mafia killings in city history.."

Gambino crime boss Francesco "Franky Boy" Cali was assassinated in front of his Staten Island home Wednesday night in a stunning gangland hit that recalled some of the most infamous Mafia killings in city history.."

"Canadian plane narrowly misses hitting car on busy road"

Very bizarre: "Another Horse Dies at Santa Anita Racetrack, the 22nd Since December ...The 3-year-old filly, named Princess Lili B, was euthanized after breaking both front legs at the end of a half-mile workout, her owner told the Daily Racing Form . Racetrack spokesman Greg Ball confirmed the animal suffered a catastrophic injury..."

"Another Horse Dies at Santa Anita Racetrack, the 22nd Since December ...The 3-year-old filly, named Princess Lili B, was euthanized after breaking both front legs at the end of a half-mile workout, her owner told the Daily Racing Form . Racetrack spokesman Greg Ball confirmed the animal suffered a catastrophic injury..."

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

LOS A-HOLES: No.1 CITY FOR A-HOLE DRIVERS "Los Angeles is No. 1 city for aggressive driving, study says "

Alert! ALL BOEING MAX GROUNDED "FAA Cites ‘New Evidence’ in Grounding 737 Max After Trump Announces Emergency Order ....President Donald Trump says the U.S. is issuing an emergency order grounding all Boeing 737 Max 8 and Max 9 aircraft in the wake of a crash of an Ethiopian Airliner that killed 157 people."

"FAA Cites 'New Evidence' in Grounding 737 Max After Trump Announces Emergency Order  ....President Donald Trump says the U.S. is issuing an emergency order grounding all Boeing 737 Max 8 and Max 9 aircraft in the wake of a crash of an Ethiopian Airliner that killed 157 people."

PREDICTING THE PREDICTIONS " #MarchMadness 2019 dates and schedule " |

BOEING BANNED "Criticism of FAA Mounts as Other Nations Ground Boeing Jets in Response to 2nd Mass Casualty Crash "| KTLA

"The European Union Aviation Safety Agency, which covers 32 countries, announced Tuesday that it would ban the planes from flying in its airspace. Other countries that have either grounded the planes or temporarily banned them include China, the United Kingdom, India, Indonesia, Singapore, Oman, Malaysia and Australia.."

"Government ordered by regional court to investigate 2016 Benue killings - .....CSW_UK @CSW_UK 2h #ICYMI : Around 500 people are thought to have died when #Fulani militiamen, who were allegedly backed by helicopters, devastated the #Agatu community during a series of attacks in 2016. #Nigeria "

"Government ordered by regional court to investigate 2016 Benue killings - .....CSW_UK
@CSW_UK 2h #ICYMI : Around 500 people are thought to have died when #Fulani militiamen, who were allegedly backed by helicopters, devastated the #Agatu community during a series of attacks in 2016. #Nigeria "

BOEING UNDER FIRE: "Boeing 737 Max 8 pilots complained of suspected safety flaw months before Ethiopian Airlines crash....Records show a captain who flies the Max 8 complained in November that it was “unconscionable” that the company and federal authorities allowed pilots to fly the planes without adequate training or fully disclosing information about how its systems differed."

"Boeing 737 Max 8 pilots complained of suspected safety flaw months before Ethiopian Airlines crash....Records show a captain who flies the Max 8 complained in November that it was "unconscionable" that the company and federal authorities allowed pilots to fly the planes without adequate training or fully disclosing information about how its systems differed..."

CRC STRONGHOLD "Ripon Parents Say School’s Cell Tower Is Causing Cancer "

NIGERIA: "100 children, many others feared trapped in collapse of ..." THOUGHTS , PRAYERS, ACTION ♥️✝️🙏

THOUGHTS , PRAYERS , CONDOLENCES🙏❤️✝️ "Several killed as masked men open fire on Brazil school...Seven people were killed — including five children — and at least 17 others were injured when two hooded teenagers burst into a Brazilian elementary school Wednesday and opened fire, according to reports."

THOUGHTS , PRAYERS , CONDOLENCES🙏❤️✝️ "Several killed as masked men open fire on Brazil school...Seven people were killed — including five children — and at least 17 others were injured when two hooded teenagers burst into a Brazilian elementary school Wednesday and opened fire, according to reports."

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Stunning "COLLEGE ADMISSION SCAM: The list of Southern California residents charged ..."

"ABC7 Eyewitness News
@ABC7 11m
COLLEGE ADMISSION SCAM: The list of Southern California residents charged in the alleged bribery scheme includes TV stars, CEOs, a professor and more. See the list here

"Two Children Killed in Landmine Explosion in Syrian Province of Hama "

In TROUBLE AGAIN "MMA fighter Conor McGregor arrested in South Florida for stealing cellphone, police say "

i had a situation like this when I was a substitute but it was MISCONSTRUED: "8-year-old boy wasn't allowed to use restroom by South LA teacher, forced to sit in urine, mother says "

i had a situation like this when I was a substitute but it was MISCONSTRUED...the kid asked me once if he could use the restroom..and I said "Can you wait a moment?" and he said ok...they were just about to start a he was one of those who stood in front of the class doing a presentation..and suddenly he started peeing in his pants..I think it might have been stage fright..but normally if kids really have to go so bad they make it exceedingly clear, or in some cases just walk out. ..i could care less if a kid goes to the restroom except that sometimes the administration gets angry at the teacher or substitute if you let too many go to the restroom and then they find them running around in the hall.....this school was kind of strict that way.. so i tried to be moderate rather than liberal about restroom passes...nonetheless..i got all the blame from the principal ex post facto..that spineless coward.. was covering his bases and blaming it ALL on me.. what a jerk ! and I did not make him sit in wet pants..he went to the resource room and got some new dry pants..and everything was ok..the other kids were not mocking or laughing at him..and so we tried to resume what we were doing and suddenly the principal beckoned to me from the doorway and took me in another room and started berating me.. saying "you can't do that.." ..I said "do what? " he didn't even ask what happened .. ; so when I realized he was trying to blame me, I stood up and said, "I'm leaving" ..(anytime the administration is going to blame a teacher for anything there is supposed to  be union representative present as well..and he had not allowed this to happen) i left the school for the day.. by the way, I found out later that this was a special ed class (moderate special ed) ..and they hadn't informed me.. ; so I don't know all the details about this story in south L.A. but in some cases the adminstration is to blame

 "8-year-old boy wasn't allowed to use restroom by South LA teacher, forced to sit in urine, mother says "

#Repent&BeBaptized !                        #acceptChrist2bSaved2day !

#Repent&BeBaptized !                        #acceptChrist2bSaved2day !

thoughts & prayers: "A baseball coach and his wife trying to repair hurricane damage were electrocuted"

"Fulani militants attacked 3 villages and killed at least 23 in Nigeria's Benue State on March 4:"

"International Christian Concern
@persecutionnews 11h
PRESS RELEASE | Fulani militants attacked 3 villages and killed at least 23 in Nigeria's Benue State on March 4:
View photo "·

we pray4 "386 days later, Leah Sharibu’s family are still waiting for her to come home"

386 days later, Leah Sharibu's family are still waiting for her to come home. Sign our #petition to #FreeLeah . #Nigeria
View photo ·

THOUGHTS & PRAYERS, RIP "Brothers Melvin and Bennett Riffel "

"Bay NBC Bay Area
@nbcbayarea 32m
Brothers Melvin and Bennett Riffel from Redding, California, were among passengers on the flight from Addis Ababa to Nairobi, Kenya, when the plane crashed and killed 157 people.
View summary ·

NOW IRELAND BANS BOEING MAX "IAA bans Boeing 737 MAX planes from Irish airspace "

Wow! "UK bans Boeing 737 MAX 8 planes from British airspace following fatal crash in Ethiopia "

@KTLA 15m
UK bans Boeing 737 MAX 8 planes from British airspace following fatal crash in Ethiopia
View summary ·

Sunday, March 10, 2019

"USC student shot, killed, in off-campus robbery attempt ... the victim was Victor McElhaney, a student in the university's Thornton School of Music & the son of Oakland City Council member Lynette Gibson McElhaney."

THOUGHTS PRAYERS CONDOLENCES 🙏✝️♥️   "USC student shot, killed, in off-campus robbery attempt ... the victim was Victor McElhaney, a student in the university's Thornton School of Music & the son of Oakland City Council member Lynette Gibson McElhaney."

It MIGHT BE WISE TO AVOID THESE PLANES "Boeing 737 MAX safety record questioned after two tragedies " Breitbart

"World’s oldest person confirmed as 116-year-old Kane Tanaka from Japan " | Guinness World

"SpaceX Crew Dragon capsule ends test flight with ocean splashdown "

@KTLA 12h
SpaceX Crew Dragon capsule ends test flight with ocean splashdown
View summary

THOUGHTS, PRAYERS, CONDOLENCES 🙏✝️♥️🛫🛩️ "Colombian plane crash kills 14 after pilot makes distress call midway through flight |"

NICK SANDMAN IS GOING TO BE a MILLIONAIRE PRETTY SOON "Covington Catholic teen to sue CNN for $250million over their coverage of Lincoln Memorial clash "

NICK SANDMAN IS GOING TO BE INDEPENDENTLY WEALTHY PRETTY SOON    "Covington Catholic teen to sue CNN for $250million over their coverage of Lincoln Memorial clash "

"Experts predict 10,000 new millionaires in San Francisco when Uber and Lyft go public "

'Even if just half the IPOs happen, there's going to be ten thousand millionaires overnight,' Sotheby's real estate agent, Herman Chan, told the Times. 'People are like, "I'm not going to sell till next year, because there are going to be bajillionaires everywhere left and right".'
The publication stated that

Breaking " An Ethiopian Airlines flight crashed shortly after takeoff from Ethiopia’s capital on Sunday morning, killing all 157 on board, authorities....Kenyans, Canadians, Chinese, Americans, Ethiopians, Italians, French, British, Egyptians, Indians, Slovakians and others were among the dead, ..."

" An Ethiopian Airlines flight crashed shortly after takeoff from Ethiopia's capital on Sunday morning, killing all 157 on board, authorities....Kenyans, Canadians, Chinese, Americans, Ethiopians, Italians, French, British, Egyptians, Indians, Slovakians and others were among the dead, ..."

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Hack Alert ⚠️🚨 "Google warns everyone to update their Chrome browser right now.... make sure you’re on version 72.0.3626.121. If not, update right away. "

Wise decision

@KTLA 15h
The 84 people who were arrested in protests against the Sacramento DA's decision to not charge officers who fatally shot #StephonClark will not face charges
View summary ·

He MADE OVER $43 MILLION IN BASEBALL & HE'S DEALING DRUGS?! "Former Dodgers Pitcher Esteban Loaiza Sentenced to 3 Years After Being Found With 44 Pounds of Cocaine "KTLA

TOTAL SCAM "Homeless man, 36, pleads guilty in alleged $400,000 GoFundMe scam ...authorities say the trio invented a 2017 story - which later went viral - claiming that Bobbitt offered McClure $20 as gas money, after her car broke down on a Philadelphia highway...''

"Homeless man, 36, pleads guilty in alleged $400,000 GoFundMe scam ...authorities say the trio invented a 2017 story - which later went viral - claiming that Bobbitt offered McClure $20 as gas money, after her car broke down on a Philadelphia highway...''

HASN'T EVERY PERSON IMAGINED DOING THIS ? "Man Storms Taco Bell, Makes Own Mexican Pizza "

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

THOUGHTS ,PRAYERS, CONDOLENCES ✝️♥️🙏 🌪️🌪️🌀🍃💨 (closer to 22) "At least 14 dead, many injured, in apparent large tornado in Alabama, officials say; fatalities could rise " Fox News

THOUGHTS ,PRAYERS, CONDOLENCES ✝️♥️🙏 🌪️🌪️🌀🍃💨   "At least 14 dead, many injured, in apparent large tornado in Alabama, officials say; fatalities could rise " Fox News

"KTLA Anchor Chris Burrous Died from Overdose on Crystal Meth"

"Colorado avalanche caught on video crashing down Ten Mile Canyon mountainside.."

billion dollar lottery winner , wow !

@KTLA 12h
After nearly 5 months, single winner steps forward to claim $1.5 billion Mega Millions jackpot in South Carolina

THOUGHTS & PRAYERS "Missing 11-Year-Old Alabama Girl Found Dead, Sheriff Says'' | KTLA

WOW "Maya ritual cave ‘untouched’ for 1,000 years stuns archaeologists"

ALL GOD'S PEOPLE SAID WOW ! "Firefighters praise God after not 1 Bible is burned in fire that destroyed church "

THE LIBS TOTALLY TRIED TO RUIN THIS POOR FELLOW "Colorado drops case against Christian baker Jack Phillips for refusing to make transgender cake "

"North Korea is pursuing the "rapid rebuilding" of the long-range rocket sit"

" @ nbcbayarea 
North Korea is pursuing the "rapid rebuilding" of the long-range rocket site at Sohae Launch Facility, according to new commercial imagery and an analysis from the researchers at Beyond Parallel.
View photo "

Monday, March 4, 2019

Sunday, March 3, 2019

In NEW YORK UR A HERO IF U KILL A RAT. IN GERMANY UR A HERO IF U SAVE ONE. go figure "German rescuers hailed as heroes after freeing fat rat from manhole"

 In NEW YORK UR A HERO IF U KILL A RAT. IN GERMANY UR A HERO IF U SAVE ONE  "German rescuers hailed as heroes after freeing fat rat from manhole"

"The Koreas: dream of the March 1 Movement lives on "- Mission Network News

GOOD JOB BY DINESH AT STANFORD DESPITE A FEW WACKO LIBS trying to ruin it "Following months of controversy, Dinesh D’Souza speaks to packed auditorium -" The Stanford Daily

POLICE DO WELFARE CHECK IN MIKE LINDELL (sort of) "Minnesota police called for welfare check on man that turns out to be cutout of MyPillow CEO" | Fox News

  POLICE DO WELFARE CHECK IN MIKE LINDELL 'MY PILLOW' CUTOUT  ""Those cardboard cutouts sure can look real from a distance and the caller certainly was not wanting to get too close thinking who is this deranged person standing outside in the cold hugging a pillow; always better to call the police," police said.''

"He's Creating a New Fuel Out of Thin Air — for 85 Cents per Gallon | Rising Stars" | OZY

HAPPY MARDI GRAS ! 🎉🎊🎉🎊✝️♥️🙏🎵🎶🎹🎼 "What’s Crazier Than Mardi Gras? Securing a Spot to Watch the New Orleans Parade - " WSJ

not really SAVED BY FIRE ! (fire taco sauce) "Jeremy Taylor ate Taco Bell fire sauce packets to survive after being stranded by Oregon snow -" Washington Times

Friday, March 1, 2019

PLUMP DICTATOR NOT USED TO BEING TOLD 'NO' "Trump-Kim summit breaks down after North Korea demands end to sanctions - was all about the sanctions," Mr Trump told reporters. "They wanted the sanctions lifted in their entirety and we couldn't do that."

PLUMP DICTATOR NOT USED TO BEING TOLD 'NO'     "Trump-Kim summit breaks down after North Korea demands end to sanctions - was all about the sanctions," Mr Trump told reporters. "They wanted the sanctions lifted in their entirety and we couldn't do that."

"Venezuelan protestors attacked as supplies decline -"

"Ed Nixon, last surviving brother of President Richard Nixon, dies at age 88 "– Daily News

"Fire guts ancient part of Bangladesh’s capital, killing 81 " Daily News

we pray4 "India prepares for war: 14,000 bunkers are built along Pakistan border as the nations prepare their military and Islamabad warns its rival .."

sesquizygotic twins !👦👧♀️♂️ "These Australian twins are among the rarest ever documented"

TRUDEAU FINISHED ? " justin-trudeau-dodges-calls-to-resign-amid-former-attorney-generals-allegations-in-bribery-scandal "

FRAMED OR REAL DEAL ? "'You knew you were taking a bribe': The specifics of Netanyahu's alleged crimes " | The Times of Israel

"Dick Churchill, Last Survivor of ‘The Great Escape,’ Dies at 99"